What's in a (screen/hobby) name?

Randall Creed's Avatar
My aspd name was taken when I tried to register here, just made a new one up without thinking it through. Hate this name. Originally Posted by Helicool
The admins of the site can change it. Shit, I added 'Creed' to mine well after initially just being Rambro.
My aspd name was taken when I tried to register here, just made a new one up without thinking it through. Hate this name. Originally Posted by Helicool
Hey bro, your handle is hella cool to me! Lmfao!!!
my name was picked from a childhood nickname.i used to be the only white kid in my neighborhood so I got the name casper. when I turned 18 lady got tacked on.
MrSizzle's Avatar
It's my old Do handle from way, way back in the day.