Still not safe, Still not effective....

texassapper's Avatar
LOL... I'm in an adjacent MFG field... know from PCR manufacturers for a fact the tests are virtually worthless... but I didn't think they were this bad... I wonder why all the false positives?
MSM Silent As Court Holds PCR Covid Tests 97% Inaccurate - Unfit for Purpose

The main stream media (MSM) in Europe and the US is deathly silent as a court determines the PCR test legally useless to test for Covid.

The Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what does the MSM do? They ignore it

Four German holidaymakers who were illegally quarantined in Portugal after one was judged to be positive for Covid-19 have won their case, in a verdict that condemns the widely-used PCR test as being up to 97-percent unreliable.

Earlier this month, Portuguese judges upheld a decision from a lower court that found the forced quarantine of four holidaymakers to be unlawful. The case centered on the reliability (or lack thereof) of Covid-19 PCR tests.

The verdict, delivered on November 11, followed an appeal against a writ of habeas corpus filed by four Germans against the Azores Regional Health Authority. This body had been appealing a ruling from a lower court which had found in favor of the tourists, who claimed that they were illegally confined to a hotel without their consent. The tourists were ordered to stay in the hotel over the summer after one of them tested positive for coronavirus in a PCR test - the other three were labelled close contacts and therefore made to quarantine as well.

Unreliable, with a strong chance of false positives

The deliberation of the Lisbon Appeal Court is comprehensive and fascinating. It ruled that the Azores Regional Health Authority had violated both Portuguese and international law by confining the Germans to the hotel. The judges also said that only a doctor can “diagnose” someone with a disease, and were critical of the fact that they were apparently never assessed by one.

They were also scathing about the reliability of the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test, the most commonly used check for Covid.

The conclusion of their 34-page ruling included the following: “In view of current scientific evidence, this test shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that such positivity corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.”
texassapper's Avatar
Who exactly is the people paying all of the millions of bio chemistry experts and doctors around the globe? Originally Posted by txdot-guy
The government and the pharmaceutical companies. Pharma makes sense..they're just greedy... but why do the governments pay push the jab? And you realize they every hospital had a financial incentive to put prople w/ covid on ventilators and then start Remsdivir to essentially kill them?

You're a fool if you think the government wouldn't kill millions wholesale...
txdot-guy's Avatar
The government and the pharmaceutical companies. Pharma makes sense..they're just greedy... but why do the governments pay push the jab? And you realize they every hospital had a financial incentive to put prople w/ covid on ventilators and then start Remsdivir to essentially kill them?

You're a fool if you think the government wouldn't kill millions wholesale... Originally Posted by texassapper
I refuse to believe that the countries of every major nation in the world was going out of their way to kill their own citizens. Your argument is ignorance epitomized.
texassapper's Avatar
I refuse to believe Originally Posted by txdot-guy
There it is in a nutshell. You just simply won't wake up. You will though... you will either do it because you loose your naivety, or you will be forced to it when it becomes obvious even to those with their heads in the sand.

that the countries of every major nation in the world was going out of their way to kill their own citizens. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
My God man, have you never picked up a history book? The last 200 years is chock full of nations making war on their own people. The US was born of this totalitarian oppression. Germany, Russia, Jordan, Syria, Italy, Turkey, Rwanda, China, North Korea, Cuba, Argentina and Spain are just a short list of the nations that have murdered large swathes of their own citizens. You think there is something special in teh Souls of Us politicians that they wouldn't have you turned into paste if they thought it in their best interests? Pull your head out of your fourth point of contact, son.

Your argument is ignorance epitomized. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
It's not me that's historically illiterate.
  • Tiny
  • 05-29-2024, 09:15 PM
What some fail to appreciate is that shit happens. Sometimes people do their best and it either isn't good enough or it backfires. That was the case with Fauci early on when he told people not to wear masks. Or when politicians got medieval with the lockdowns in places like China and California. Maybe it was the case in Shi Zhengli's lab in Wuhan too. You think you're going to save lives through gain of function research and instead millions die and peoples' lives are upended. I say that although it's never been established whether the COVID-19 arose naturally or in a lab.
txdot-guy's Avatar
There it is in a nutshell. You just simply won't wake up. You will though... you will either do it because you loose your naivety, or you will be forced to it when it becomes obvious even to those with their heads in the sand.

My God man, have you never picked up a history book? The last 200 years is chock full of nations making war on their own people. The US was born of this totalitarian oppression. Germany, Russia, Jordan, Syria, Italy, Turkey, Rwanda, China, North Korea, Cuba, Argentina and Spain are just a short list of the nations that have murdered large swathes of their own citizens. You think there is something special in teh Souls of Us politicians that they wouldn't have you turned into paste if they thought it in their best interests? Pull your head out of your fourth point of contact, son.

It's not me that's historically illiterate. Originally Posted by texassapper
I believe I am a well educated and historically literate individual. I also believe that you are reaching conclusions that are not founded in reality.

You are correct that plenty of countries have participated in the jailing, murder and repression of their own people. But it’s usually in the form of direct action not a widespread conspiracy to use a worldwide pandemic to fool people into taking a vaccine in sheep’s clothing.

It’s much more likely that the people who developed the vaccine were doing so in good faith and that the government is trying to help keep their constituents be safe. Why, because it’s good for the nation and good for the economy.

Any other conclusion is specious at best.
  • Tiny
  • 05-29-2024, 09:39 PM
I believe am a well educated and historically literate individual. I also believe that you are reaching conclusions that are not founded in reality.

You are correct that plenty of countries have participated in the jailing, murder and repression of their own people. But it’s usually in the form of direct action not a widespread conspiracy to use a worldwide pandemic to fool people into taking a vaccine in sheep’s clothing. It’s much more likely that the people who developed the vaccine were doing so in good faith and that the government is trying to help their constituents be safe. Why, because it’s good for the nation and good for the economy. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
It's apples and oranges. Yeah, there were fuckups in the War on Covid. Yeah, maybe we suffer from overbearing government. But that's in no way comparable to what Hitler, Stalin, al Assad, the Hutu's, the Kim's or Castro did. I don't think we had it so bad in Texas. Except for April and May of 2020, it was business as usual, at least where I live.
Michael8219's Avatar
Even in Texas: Well for a family member, one employer forced the jab on her and she was late 20s at the time.

My employer said they would comply with Bidens OSHA rule to get tested weekly or be jabbed but they would not force you to get jabbed. They knew that they would lose key oil and gas field hands that have 30+ years experience.

But Texas was not as bad. Abbott grabbed more power than normally allowed by the limits of the governor but Patrick and Republican legislators supported not going overboard. Local school boards especially larger ones, administrators, and teachers failed. Even in Texas some kids got vaccinated without parental consent or at least coerced with “you don’t want to kill other students by NOT being vaccinated, do you?”

Was it a conspiracy? Not likely. But it was a confluence of idiocy, power grab and control, overreach, fear, and government lunacy.

We seem to be ruled by cell phone video, social media, fear, corruption, immoral people, and idiots. Who wants to run for office with the level of dirt digging and mud slinging that takes place? Private sector pays much more and subjects one to a lesser scrutiny and more based on merit at least in skilled positions.

Regarding cell phone video, I’m reminded of a Monday night football segment where they would replay a close or controversial call from one of Sundays games: “You make the call!” However in today’s world you don’t get the video before and after the segment shown.

John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free. Mr. Adams, we’re in trouble!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The government and the pharmaceutical companies. Pharma makes sense..they're just greedy... but why do the governments pay push the jab? And you realize they every hospital had a financial incentive to put prople w/ covid on ventilators and then start Remsdivir to essentially kill them?

You're a fool if you think the government wouldn't kill millions wholesale... Originally Posted by texassapper
Those statements just are not true. There were no incentives in place in hospitals in any way.

I find it strange that when I point out your inaccurate statements, whether in this thread or a political thread, you fail to respond.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
LOL... I'm in an adjacent MFG field... know from PCR manufacturers for a fact the tests are virtually worthless... but I didn't think they were this bad... I wonder why all the false positives?
MSM Silent As Court Holds PCR Covid Tests 97% Inaccurate - Unfit for Purpose

The main stream media (MSM) in Europe and the US is deathly silent as a court determines the PCR test legally useless to test for Covid.

The Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what does the MSM do? They ignore it

Four German holidaymakers who were illegally quarantined in Portugal after one was judged to be positive for Covid-19 have won their case, in a verdict that condemns the widely-used PCR test as being up to 97-percent unreliable.

Earlier this month, Portuguese judges upheld a decision from a lower court that found the forced quarantine of four holidaymakers to be unlawful. The case centered on the reliability (or lack thereof) of Covid-19 PCR tests.

The verdict, delivered on November 11, followed an appeal against a writ of habeas corpus filed by four Germans against the Azores Regional Health Authority. This body had been appealing a ruling from a lower court which had found in favor of the tourists, who claimed that they were illegally confined to a hotel without their consent. The tourists were ordered to stay in the hotel over the summer after one of them tested positive for coronavirus in a PCR test - the other three were labelled close contacts and therefore made to quarantine as well.

Unreliable, with a strong chance of false positives

The deliberation of the Lisbon Appeal Court is comprehensive and fascinating. It ruled that the Azores Regional Health Authority had violated both Portuguese and international law by confining the Germans to the hotel. The judges also said that only a doctor can “diagnose” someone with a disease, and were critical of the fact that they were apparently never assessed by one.

They were also scathing about the reliability of the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test, the most commonly used check for Covid.

The conclusion of their 34-page ruling included the following: “In view of current scientific evidence, this test shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that such positivity corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.” Originally Posted by texassapper
From a quick look into your claims that the PCR test for Covid is inaccurate 97% of the time:

"FactCheck: No, a claim by an Irish doctor that PCR tests have a 97% false positive rate is not true"

"FALSE: PCR tests have a false positive rate of 97%
Explanation: PCR tests are considered the gold standard for diagnosing a suspected case of COVID-19, and have a false positive rate of between 0.1% and 0.2%"

"Chances of a rapid test giving a false positive
Rapid tests rarely give a false positive result. A false positive is when you test positive for COVID-19 when you don’t actually have it.

In the March 2021 review of studies mentioned earlier, the researcher found that rapid tests correctly gave a positive COVID-19 result in 99.6 percent of people."

As for the incident in Portugal, which happened way back in 2021:

"But while Lisbon’s appeal court appears to have accepted doubts raised by experts over the reliability of RT-PCR tests, DGS health authorities continue to use them – and the government and media continue to trumpet them as reasons for maintaining the current State of Emergency, which the country heard tonight may well continue beyond December 8 (see new story on main page).
  • Tiny
  • 05-30-2024, 07:41 AM
From a quick look into your claims that the PCR test for Covid is inaccurate 97% of the time... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Texassapper has highlighted some real questions with the vaccine and testing. I MIGHT even skip my yearly COVID booster, at least until I'm older, as a result of what he and WYID posted. He takes the arguments too far though. Of course the PCR test isn't 97% inaccurate.

From your Healthline link, the antigen test only correctly identified 78.9% of people who had the COVID virus, although false positives (2.9%) were very low. That's something to consider if you're spending time around an elderly relative and you've got the sniffles. You may test negative for COVID, with the less-accurate home antigen test, but still have it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The government and the pharmaceutical companies. Pharma makes sense..they're just greedy... but why do the governments pay push the jab? And you realize they every hospital had a financial incentive to put prople w/ covid on ventilators and then start Remsdivir to essentially kill them?

You're a fool if you think the government wouldn't kill millions wholesale... Originally Posted by texassapper
Maybe in a second Trump term…
texassapper's Avatar
You are correct that plenty of countries have participated in the jailing, murder and repression of their own people. But it’s usually in the form of direct action not a widespread conspiracy to use a worldwide pandemic to fool people into taking a vaccine in sheep’s clothing. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Well you're making progress. You at least admit that it's possible for a nations leaders to slaughter their own citizens. You just don't think the methodology is possible in this case.

I grant you it is difficult to imagine people executing such a plan. Mostly because YOU or I wouldn't perform such an evil. But just because we wouldn't doesn't mean that others wouldn't.

It’s much more likely that the people who developed the vaccine were doing so in good faith and that the government is trying to help keep their constituents be safe. Why, because it’s good for the nation and good for the economy. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Oh, I have no doubt that Joe Labtech is working in good faith, I have far more doubts about (for example) Albert Bourla, CEO of pfizer who was a veterinary and his thesis was regarding herd fertility in goats. Seems odd particularly in light of the VAERS reports of infertility and irregular periods.

I fully understand and agree with Occams razor. But the events (and the coincidences behind them) do not fit occams razor, The US funded the development of COVID-19 (now clearly admitted) which means it WAS 100% a lab leak. You think the coincidence of the push to make mail in voting in Federal elections the same spring and summer before COVID "escaped" is a coincidence? lol... we're talking about control of TRILLIONS of dollars of budget money.... the ability to PRINT cash.. do you honestly think people wouldn't kill and kill ALOT to control that? please you do not understand human nature.

Any other conclusion is specious at best. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Yes, no other explanation fits all the other pieces of the puzzle.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well you're making progress. You at least admit that it's possible for a nations leaders to slaughter their own citizens. You just don't think the methodology is possible in this case.

I grant you it is difficult to imagine people executing such a plan. Mostly because YOU or I wouldn't perform such an evil. But just because we wouldn't doesn't mean that others wouldn't.

Oh, I have no doubt that Joe Labtech is working in good faith, I have far more doubts about (for example) Albert Bourla, CEO of pfizer who was a veterinary and his thesis was regarding herd fertility in goats. Seems odd particularly in light of the VAERS reports of infertility and irregular periods.

I fully understand and agree with Occams razor. But the events (and the coincidences behind them) do not fit occams razor, The US funded the development of COVID-19 (now clearly admitted) which means it WAS 100% a lab leak. You think the coincidence of the push to make mail in voting in Federal elections the same spring and summer before COVID "escaped" is a coincidence? lol... we're talking about control of TRILLIONS of dollars of budget money.... the ability to PRINT cash.. do you honestly think people wouldn't kill and kill ALOT to control that? please you do not understand human nature.

Yes, no other explanation fits all the other pieces of the puzzle. Originally Posted by texassapper
I'd like to see proof that in the spring and summer of 2019 that states pushed mail-in voting.
texassapper's Avatar
but you will only understand when you figure out that your so-called leaders don't give one shit frosted, shit filled, shit donut about you.

Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths

Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures.

They said the “unprecedented” figures “raised serious concerns” and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms.

The revisions to safe and effective keep on coming... they're hoping that by the time the full truth is out, that most of you will be dead or childless.