Sweet summer rain
I just want you fucktards to love me.......maybe if Sarunga would snuggle my left nut, I would fill the love.
I know, puppy71 could include a "snuggle" component to his week-in-review......EA, stay out of this.......damn it.......they almost have me on the ropes.......heh
Originally Posted by dearhunter
doghumper, you have managed to turn a thread that had absolutely nothing to do with you into a thread where you are constantly laughed at because of the ignorance you display....is your life truly that empty and miserable...like a little child I know you want the last word so come on and show your ignorance one more time and give us your vain attempt at sarcasm so we can have one more laugh at your expense....now I know you have comprehension problems so take some time and read this a few times before you respond, turn on spell check, that's it, think about what you're gonna write, don't think too hard because we all know it hurts your head to try and think, but come on...here you go...the floor is all yours....and in three, two, one.....now impress us with your ignorance