REPORT: 'Whistleblower' Who Complained About Trump's Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky Revealed

bambino's Avatar
It is fact....Sept 9 the GOP became aware of whistleblower

On Sept 11th Trump gives over funds.

So Trump's blackmail basically backfired.

Originally Posted by WTF
It’s a fact Trump already gave them leathal weapons. Obama gave them blankets.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And before that date the POTUS was collaborating with the Russians to undermine a fair election.

And I can prove what I just stated. He asked, and the Russian trolls obliged. Can you prove the whistleblower and Schiff worked together?
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
The time line doesn't support your lie. The DNC was hacked before Trump ever became the Republican candidate for president -- before Trump made that remark. You keep lying and claiming Trump was the Russian candidate, but your lying ass has yet to produce a smidgen of evidence that the Russians helped Trump beat 17 Republican contenders.
Biden acted inappropriately? Your opinion backed up by no one.

I never said the Russian interference had a major impact on the 2016 elections. No, the Russian interference did not change any votes at the polls but the Russian interference could have changed the opinions of voters prior to the voters casting their votes. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
My opinion backed up by evidence and confirmed by many:

You used the term "interference", not meddling. "Could have" but it didn't. Keep crawfishing. Those ads bought before the election were amateurish and not well broadcasted. There are old threads in the forum dedicated to this topic.

Keep mumbling your bullshit.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The time line doesn't support your lie. The DNC was hacked before Trump ever became the Republican candidate for president -- before Trump made that remark. You keep lying and claiming Trump was the Russian candidate, but your lying ass has yet to produce a smidgen of evidence that the Russians helped Trump beat 17 Republican contenders. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Putin was going to meddle in 2016 as direct payback for Clinton running her fucking mouth about the validity of Russian elections in 2012. had Clinton not run in 2016 then it's entirely possible Putin wouldn't have posted some bullshit facefag ad's that didn't really influence a damn thing anyway. but she did and he did.

while Putin certainly did not want a globalist bitch like Clinton in office i doubt he really wanted a pro-America first candidate like Trump to win. Trump is a wildcard and can't be controlled by outside influences or internal influences either. this is why the establishment hates him and is trying every bullshit stunt they can to remove him from office. including this farce of an impeachment.

It’s a fact Trump already gave them lethal weapons. Obama gave them blankets. Originally Posted by bambino

if Obama had given military aid to Ukraine instead of red cross packets it might easily have been enough to deter Putin from invading and annexing Crimea. while Russia vs. Ukraine in an all-out conflict clearly favors Russia, the cost ratio gets unpopular politically when the body bags start piling up. Putin has in fact paid a political price for the "volunteers" he sent into east Ukraine as it is.

bottom line president pussy ears Obama could be considered a Russian asset by his famous caught on mic words about being more flexible .. like bending over and letting Putin take Crimea without so much as a few weak speeches of fake indignation.

Trump does admire Putin because Putin is a strong nationalist Russia first leader. and both Trump and Putin are colluding .. against the global elites who want to destroy national sovereignty and replace it with a global government .. with them pulling the strings behind the scenes. the EU was phase one. next is destroying America which was the Manchurian candidate Obama's task to start and Clinton's job to finish.

Trump's outsider victory is a serious blow to the elite's goals and Putin is also an uncontrollable anti-globalist. between the two of them they can set back the elites by decades.
Hey whacko kid....can you copy n post or post n copy a little more with your ignorance? You are doing your Putin proud and I guess whacko Waco too.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hey whacko kid....can you copy n post or post n copy a little more with your ignorance? You are doing your Putin proud and I guess whacko Waco too. Originally Posted by Tsmokies

check your PM's

thank you valued poster!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
check your PM's

thank you valued poster! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Check your PMS

In summary, regarding the instant matter, the whistleblower submitted the appropriate Disclosure of Urgent Concern form that was in effect as of August 12, 2019, and had been used by the ICIG since May 24, 2018. The whistleblower stated on the form that he or she possessed both first-hand and other information. The ICIG reviewed the information provided as well as other information gathered and determined that the complaint was both urgent and that it appeared credible. From the moment the ICIG received the whistleblower’s filing, the ICIG has worked to effectuate Congress’s intent, and the whistleblower’s intent, within the rule of law. The ICIG will continue in those efforts on behalf of all whistleblowers in the Intelligence Community.
Trump Allies Pushing to Unmask Ukraine Whistleblower

Trump has harshly criticized the whistleblower, saying, “That person’s a spy in my opinion,” and he has falsely argued the whistleblower’s claims were inaccurate. And while Trump acknowledged whistleblowers should be protected, he added the caveat “if the whistleblower is legitimate.”

In one tweet, Trump asked, “Who is this so-called ‘whistleblower’ who doesn’t know the correct facts. Is he on our Country’s side. Where does he come from.”

Who's side are you on? Intelligence? Or the guy who attacks our own military?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Check your PMS


Who's side are you on? Intelligence? Or the guy who attacks our own military? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

"Further, the official's status as a “whistleblower” is complicated by his being a hearsay reporter of accusations against the president, one who has “some indicia of an arguable political bias … in favor of a rival political candidate" -- as the Intelligence Community Inspector General phrased it circumspectly in originally fielding his complaint."

i find it amusing and appalling at the same time that a radical socialist like yourself puts blind faith the Military Industrial Complex that has repeatedly lied about spying on US citizens due solely to your hatred of the sitting US President. have you no morals? are you that naive?

the spies are spying on you and yet you are willing to believe their treason because it suits your traitorous agenda yet you despise America. you sir are a bag of confused cats.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
i find it amusing and appalling at the same time that a radical socialist like yourself puts blind faith the Military Industrial Complex that has repeatedly lied about spying on US citizens due solely to your hatred of the sitting US President. have you no morals? are you that naive?

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

It's pretty astounding that your kind still call it "blind faith" when all the evidence is there. Even with a confession. That's what I find appalling and amusing. You and the rancorous one are very quick to jump to conclusions and delusions when you state phrases such as Military Industrial Complex.

It's doesn't take a blind man to be led by some big, deep state body to see. See what? Let's go to the tape:

Ask and you shall receive. Rancky wants evidence? How about the meetimg in "the" tower:

You ask if I have morals? You say it's "due solely to [my] hatred of the sitting U.S. President"? I am not that naive. I swore an oath. I continue to uphold it. Keep asking me to check my PMs, I'll keep upholding the first. I still have not been checked on my mockery of you.

Oath of Enlistment for Military Service

Armed Forces Except for the National Guard

The military oath of enlistment (re-enlistment) is fairly straightforward for most military personnel. It's administered by a superior officer, and carried out like most traditional oaths, with the officer reading the oath and the person being sworn repeating it.

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
Have you ever been asked to take and uphold an oath. Girl scouts maybe? I love your Thin Mints. As thin as your skin. This president even attacks POW veterans. He is unworthy of the office.

Have you no shame? Put it together. It's finally coming to an end. Face it. Of course, in the course of the hearings, the weakness will be Michael Cohen.

the spies are spying on you and yet you are willing to believe their treason because it suits your traitorous agenda yet you despise America. you sir are a bag of confused cats. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
First, thank you for the "sir". I know we can get a bit surly at times, but that's just the Texan talking. And maybe the Whiskey or Tequila.

I guess you mean, by this, that the CIA are the traitors? I beleive them "because it suits [my] traitorous agenda yet [I] despise America"? "Is that what your saying?" To quote your UT hussy neighbor. You're all fucked up here. You don't make any sense.

I beleive the evidence. I beleive the Lieutenant Colonel. Your kind will discredit him because he was born in Kyev. Quick to discredit him like the president discredits an American judge just because he's of Mexican descent. How impudent, petulant and shameless is that?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's pretty astounding that your kind still call it "blind faith" when all the evidence is there. Even with a confession. That's what I find appalling and amusing. You and the rancorous one are very quick to jump to conclusions and delusions when you state phrases such as Military Industrial Complex.

It's doesn't take a blind man to be led by some big, deep state body to see. See what? Let's go to the tape:

Ask and you shall receive. Rancky wants evidence? How about the meetimg in "the" tower:

You ask if I have morals? You say it's "due solely to [my] hatred of the sitting U.S. President"? I am not that naive. I swore an oath. I continue to uphold it. Keep asking me to check my PMs, I'll keep upholding the first. I still have not been checked on my mockery of you.

Have you ever been asked to take and uphold an oath. Girl scouts maybe? I love your Thin Mints. As thin as your skin. This president even attacks POW veterans. He is unworthy of the office.

Have you no shame? Put it together. It's finally coming to an end. Face it. Of course, in the course of the hearings, the weakness will be Michael Cohen.

First, thank you for the "sir". I know we can get a bit surly at times, but that's just the Texan talking. And maybe the Whiskey or Tequila.

I guess you mean, by this, that the CIA are the traitors? I beleive them "because it suits [my] traitorous agenda yet [I] despise America"? "Is that what your saying?" To quote your UT hussy neighbor. You're all fucked up here. You don't make any sense.

I beleive the evidence. I beleive the Lieutenant Colonel. Your kind will discredit him because he was born in Kyev. Quick to discredit him like the president discredits an American judge just because he's of Mexican descent. How impudent, petulant and shameless is that? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Yes, Comey did leak classified information

Clapper Lying ...

John Brennan Voted for 'Communist' President and Is 'Too Dangerous' For Security Clearance, Says Fox News Host Jeanine Pirro

Strzok Joins List of 25 Top FBI, DOJ Officials Who Have Been Recently Fired, Demoted, or Resigned

FBI Departures:
  1. James Comey, director (fired)
  2. Andrew McCabe, deputy director (fired)
  3. Peter Strzok, counterintelligence expert (fired)
  4. Lisa Page, attorney (demoted; resigned)
  5. James Rybicki, chief of staff (resigned)
  6. James Baker, general counsel (resigned)
  7. Mike Kortan, assistant director for public affairs (resigned)
  8. Josh Campbell, special assistant to James Comey (resigned)
  9. James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)
  10. Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)
  11. Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)
  12. John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)
DOJ Departures:
  1. Sally Yates, deputy attorney general (fired)
  2. Bruce Ohr, associate deputy attorney general (twice demoted)
  3. David Laufman, counterintelligence chief (resigned)
  4. Rachel Brand, deputy attorney general (resigned)
  5. Trisha Beth Anderson, office of legal counsel for FBI (demoted or reassigned*)
  6. John P. Carlin, assistant attorney general (resigned)
  7. Peter Kadzik, assistant attorney general, congressional liaison (resigned)
  8. Mary McCord, acting assistant attorney general (resigned)
  9. Matthew Axelrod, principal assistant to deputy attorney general (resigned)
  10. Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney, SDNY (fired along with 45 other U.S. Attorneys)
  11. Sharon McGowan, civil rights division (resigned)
  12. Diana Flynn, litigation director for LGBTQ civil rights (resigned)
  13. Vanita Gupta, civil rights division (resigned)
  14. Joel McElvain, assistant branch director of the civil division (resigned)

DOJ, FBI plotted to overthrow President Donald Trump: Column

"One of the swampiest places in the federal government since 2009 has been the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation. The upper echelons of these and other intelligence agencies were packed with multiple layers of politically driven appointees. Nevertheless, the house of cards that President Obama built is beginning to quiver."

Comey: Lynch Ordered Me To Call Clinton Email Scandal A "Matter" And Not A "Criminal Investigation"

Loretta Lynch denies telling James Comey to call Clinton email probe a 'matter'

all the liars are lying about lying about lying.


yes i took an oath once. one you never did nor would.

I, Waco Kid, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
matchingmole's Avatar
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
My opinion backed up by evidence and confirmed by many:

You used the term "interference", not meddling. "Could have" but it didn't. Keep crawfishing. Those ads bought before the election were amateurish and not well broadcasted. There are old threads in the forum dedicated to this topic.

Keep mumbling your bullshit. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The video proves nothing. No proof the the action Joe Biden took was to help out his son in any way.

Joe Biden withholding money from the Ukraine in order to get an official removed is similar to Trump forcing Mexico to bend to his wishes or face tariffs, or withholding money from Honduras to force their officials to stop the flow of immigrants from their country. No foul committed.

Forcing another country to investigate your primary political opponent with the threat of withholding funds, 3 years after the incident occurred is at the least terrible timing and at the best an impeachable offense. Worthy of being removed from office -- not in my opinion but worthy of investigation.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Allegations That Clinton Campaign Funded Trump-Russia Research Still Pending At Now-Closed FEC

Collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on Russia allegations before surveillance warrant

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier

thank you ridiculous poster! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You should actually take the time to read and UNDERSTAND the posts of others. I clearly stated that Clinton may have paid for information but I also stated there is no proof she asked for FAKE information.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You asked the fucking question about what Russia did in the 2016 election, but like a typical lib-retard you stick your head up your ass and ignore that hildebeest's Steele Dossier was top to bottom a Putin product of disinformation that hildebeest and the lame-stream media bottle fed to her "#Grubered" minions. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Start a new thread. This thread is about whether or not Joe Biden withholding payment to the Ukraine was done to help out his son Hunter.
LexusLover's Avatar
My opinion backed up by evidence and confirmed by many:

You used the term "interference", not meddling. "Could have" but it didn't. Keep crawfishing. Those ads bought before the election were amateurish and not well broadcasted. There are old threads in the forum dedicated to this topic.

Keep mumbling your bullshit. Originally Posted by gnadfly
There were "Russian" paid ads and protesters for and against both sides. Some people have a misunderstanding and lack of knowledge with respect to "counter-operations" with dirty tricks. Locally it starts with tearing one's own campaign posters down.

Apparently, Speedo is one of the LOONS who would like to go to war with the Russians, because Trump talks to them.....

At least Trump doesn't squeeze their thighs while he "colludes" with them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!