De'Von Bailey's family calls his death 'wholly unjustified' after Colorado Springs police release bodycam footage

Rationalize it all you want, the proof is in the pudding. Racists.

In short, was the officer's life in danger?

White fear of young black men is no excuse for murder.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
The proof is in the Law. Don't be militant that's just as bad as being racist and will get you in far more trouble. Wait until after this thing has been investigated before you make any judgements. You don't know enough about Colorado Law or Police training. So keep your mouth shut your memes and other bullshit won't convict these cops only the law can.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Rationalize it all you want, the proof is in the pudding. Racists.

In short, was the officer's life in danger?

White fear of young black men is no excuse for murder.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

what makes you think the officer was afraid? he wasn't and you know it. you haven't even watched the video, have you?

you are the one rationalizing criminal behavior.

and posting a video of a fictional movie written and directed by a known racist Spike Lee isn't helping your case much,

you do know Spike is a racist, yeah?? so before you call me or anyone else a racist let's look at Spike's racist comments shall we?

Spike Lee's Racism Isn't Cute: 'M-----f----- Hipster' Is the New 'Honkey'

Ted Nugent Apologized -- When Will Spike Lee?

What Spike Lee doesn't want you to remember about 'BlacKkKlansman'

and the best for last ...

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Was . . . the . . . officer's . . . life . . . in . . . DANGER!

And no, I won't keep my mouth shut. You keep YOUR mouth shut! Waco should keep HIS mouth shut. This whole God damned forum should be shut(down).

It's called justice for all mother-fucker!

Shoot somebody in the back? Some balls!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Was . . . the . . . officer's . . . life . . . in . . . DANGER!

And no, I won't keep my mouth shut. You keep YOUR mouth shut! Waco should keep HIS mouth shut. This whole God damned forum should be shut(down).

It's called justice for all mother-fucker!

Shoot somebody in the back? Some balls! Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

you've lost. you have been out-debated and all you have left is screaming like a child. you've been exposed. your anger is unhinging you, valued poster. you should seek assistance with professionals.

you will feel better about yourself, valued poster, when you learn to control your anger.

good night valued poster and be well!
eccieuser9500's Avatar

what makes you think the officer was afraid? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
He shot him in the back as he was running away! Damn. If that isn't irrational fear, you need serious therapy. That's what makes me KNOW he was afraid.

I can recommend a shrink in town for you to deal with that "shortcoming" by the way.

I see her everyday in here.

She has a no review policy though.
Was . . . the . . . officer's . . . life . . . in . . . DANGER!

And no, I won't keep my mouth shut. You keep YOUR mouth shut! Waco should keep HIS mouth shut. This whole God damned forum should be shut(down).

It's called justice for all mother-fucker!

Shoot somebody in the back? Some balls! Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I'll say this again. You don't know Colorado Law or anything about Police Training. It's not just about the Police being in immediate danger it's also about the public. This kid is a fleeing armed felon. The Cops already had a very good idea he was the perp, he fit the description to a tee. If that was a white kid you wouldn't give a flying fuck. You think you can go around calling posters racist, you're militant and you aren't shit.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
you've lost. you have been out-debated and all you have left is screaming like a child. you've been exposed. your anger is unhinging you, valued poster. you should seek assistance with professionals.

you will feel better about yourself, valued poster, when you learn to control your anger.

good night valued poster and be well! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Do I look angry?

You bitches have no funny bone, I swear.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I'll say this again. You don't know Colorado Law or anything about Police Training. It's not just about the Police being in immediate danger it's also about the public. This kid is a fleeing armed felon. The Cops already had a very good idea he was the perp, he fit the description to a tee. If that was a white kid you wouldn't give a flying fuck. You think you can go around calling posters racist, you're militant and you aren't shit. Originally Posted by Levianon17

This is all you had to write (in red, blood on your hands red). You, sir, are full of shit.

"I think you might be" . . . IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. EAT THAT!

"Yooz ain't shiiit."
Do I look angry?

You bitches have no funny bone, I swear. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Why yes you look absolutely TRIGGERED!!

And Make light of your infantile response and wish to shut the forum down, but it was indeed an infantile response that came across very bad for you.

Was . . . the . . . officer's . . . life . . . in . . . DANGER!

And no, I won't keep my mouth shut. You keep YOUR mouth shut! Waco should keep HIS mouth shut. This whole God damned forum should be shut(down). Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
In the end, the investigation will tell the tale, but in this instance, it surely looks like there will be no charges on the officers. They are already back working if I'm not mistaken.
This is all you had to write (in red, blood on your hands red). You, sir, are full of shit.

"I think you might be" . . . IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. EAT THAT!

"Yooz ain't shiiit."
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
You haven't figured it out yet. You can get killed while committing a crime with a firearm. You want to say only Black kids that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. By the way you seem to want socialism, do you think this type of shit won't happen under Socialism? I've got news for ya,you haven't seen nothing yet if this country ever ends up Socialist. If the Police say move on and you stand there too long you might get shot or your ass kicked just for being slow.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'll say this again. You don't know Colorado Law or anything about Police Training. It's not just about the Police being in immediate danger it's also about the public. This kid is a fleeing armed felon. The Cops already had a very good idea he was the perp, he fit the description to a tee. If that was a white kid you wouldn't give a flying fuck. You think you can go around calling posters racist, you're militant and you aren't shit. Originally Posted by Levianon17

ecky9.5k would laugh and cheer if the suspect had been white.

correct! the public safety is a legitimate concern. what's that police motto? "To Serve and Protect"

what would have been the reaction if Bailey had evaded that officer and armed with a pistol, had robbed and shot to death another innocent person? a black person? it will be interesting when it comes out what the race of the robbed person is? it should be known, as the citizen needs to file a report of the robbery. was that citizen black? it shouldn't matter but since you want to make this about race ... see how that works?

if Bailey had not committed a crime, armed robbery, which makes him a threat to the public, none of this would have happened. what's racist about that?
You haven't figured it out yet. You can get killed while committing a crime with a firearm. Originally Posted by Levianon17

But the law also directly addresses scenarios involving “fleeing felons,” which may be most applicable to Bailey’s case. The statute states that an officer may use deadly force in order to “effect an arrest or to prevent the escape from custody, of a person whom he reasonably believes … has committed or attempted to commit a felony involving the use or threatened use of a deadly weapon.”

The latter statute “couldn’t be any more on point” when it comes to the Colorado Springs shooting, said Mitch Morrissey, a former Denver district attorney. The report to police came in as an armed robbery, making the suspects a danger to the community if they escaped, he said.
And with the body cam footage and details from the OP, seems pretty cut and dried.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

And with the body cam footage and details from the OP, seems pretty cut and dried. Originally Posted by eccielover

game set and match. thanks to EL, not only do we know that a fleeing armed suspect is considered a threat to the public, we ALSO KNOW RACISM HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!

here's why. in the article another shooting is discussed, of a man shot while fleeing police.

here is a photo of the stand off.

A cell phone video appears to show the Aug. 5 fatal shooting of Allan George in Rifle by police and seems to indicate he was shot in the back as he was moving away from officers.

The footage was taken across the river from the bridge where George was stopped, then shot by Rifle Police, who were attempting to arrest George on charges of child exploitation.

Much less is known about a shooting two days later in Rifle. On Aug. 5, police were attempting to arrest Allan George on an outstanding warrant for possessing child pornography when “things escalated,” according to the Glenwood Springs Post Independent newspaper. In a video shared with the paper, a person appearing to be George is seen jogging away from police when he’s shot in the back. Police said the man was armed. He died shortly after the incident.

Police were attempting to arrest George on an Eagle County warrant for child sexual exploitation, on charges that he possessed pornographic images of minors. After pulling George over, “things escalated,” Stowe said last week.

“He had a gun, and the Rifle Police Department responded initially, to my knowledge, according to protocol,” Stowe said.

sound familiar? now let's meet Mr. George, shall we?

HGMMMMMM! looks white to me.

Video raises possibility police shot Rifle man in the back

Ex-wife of Rifle man killed in Monday tangle with police, accused of child porn, says he never abused children

two suspects, both reported as armed, one black, one white, both attempt to evade police. same results.

we're done here.

good night fellow posters! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Both of these videos show what cops have to go through on a regular basis.

It's a delima. What is an officer supposed to do when a citizen acts like this?
  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2019, 08:08 AM
9500-And no, I won't keep my mouth shut. You keep YOUR mouth shut! Waco should keep HIS mouth shut. This whole God damned forum should be shut(down).

9500 just showed the bottom line of DPST's - when disagreed with - shut down the opinion of anyone who disagrees. Only the DPST narrative is acceptable.
Free speech belongs only to those DPST's who conform to the narrative - in this case - Criminals good, Cops Bad.

Go to NYC - 9500- where cops are assaulted with waterbuckets and thrown objects with impunity. Go to Portland, Ore - where Mayor Wheeler has substituted Antifa for the Police force to "serve and protect".
You will be much happier in the anarchic environment of the rule of DPST narrative.