WTF...have guys become girls?

jbravo_123's Avatar
Crash Davis's Avatar
I keep running into guys who want to cuddle!

if you start eating MY Captain Crunch, it's gonna be an issue! Get your own fkin cereal! Originally Posted by London Rayne
I think it is the times we live in...... Divorce rates are at an all time high and people are not getting married until much later in life. Or it could be they see the box of Captain Crunch and think where have you been all my life
perfectyou's Avatar
Back in the day I can recall women getting all clingy with a man after the first experience, yet now the times are a changing.

Maybe, I am just not like women are because after I fk, I want only a sandwich and a damn nap, yet I keep running into guys who want to cuddle! Really? Texting my ass 30 times a day, the "where are you" messages if I don't respond in an hour, stopping by my house when we don't have plans, etc. Talking about guys who are SUPPOSED to be sugar daddies, and NOT boyfriends.

When did this shit change? Seriously...I need a man about 3 hours a week, and that's IT! I am not running a fkin bed and breakfast here! Don't bring your toothbrush, a change of clothes, or a damn Ipod, because we won't be listening to YOUR music!

Any other ladies notice how the tables have indeed turned, or am I just a guy? I don't need a love poem or a valentine. Just come fk me, daty, and buy me a fking subway on the way out, and we will get along just fine, but if you start eating MY Captain Crunch, it's gonna be an issue! Get your own fkin cereal! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Now that is funny
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 02-02-2013, 10:21 PM
Prior to my joining the "hobby" I was in a singles site. Occasionally, when it chat, I'd get questions about "What are you looking for?" and "Do you think you'll ever re-marry?"

Standard answers were:

"I'm looking for someone who doesn't NEED me." and

"I haven't found anyone I hate enough to marry!"

Worked pretty good.
London Rayne's Avatar
Y'all are funny. After reading some of the bs "only for marketing" replies in other threads, I can see why guys are so damn confused.
Hypothetical question. What if I were to have an appt with one of you lovely ladies and when we meet I say I don;t want to have sex I only want to cuddle for 2 hours. What would happen to me?
I attribute the clingy and waa waa feelings men have to possible head injurys as a child. Now adays a young man is bombarded with stupid and sensitive people trying to run his life.
Total confusion is the result. Thanks for setting some of them right London..
London Rayne's Avatar
Hypothetical question. What if I were to have an appt with one of you lovely ladies and when we meet I say I don;t want to have sex I only want to cuddle for 2 hours. What would happen to me? Originally Posted by Loggimir
I would refer you to a woman right here, on Eccie lol.