I’m sure this will piss off someone but I must say…

LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar

LOL, maybey they are getting smart and pricing themselves out of the range of the cheap SOB's. Just maybe they know they are too good for the cheap guys who moan and groan about everything. Like a lot of guys on this thread. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
Absolutely! Originally Posted by Jethro Gibbs
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
LOL, maybey they are getting smart and pricing themselves out of the range of the cheap SOB's. Just maybe they know they are too good for the cheap guys who moan and groan about everything. Like a lot of guys on this thread.

Whne I hobbied alot, the only time this dumb ass ever overpaid was when I tried to go cheap. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
You're funny lol.

Go easy on the Metamucil and Pepto Bismal my friend I believe it's affecting your rational thinking.

Gosh it was .50 cents-10.00 in the 1800's...
You sure inflation doesn't play a role?
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar

Gosh it was .50 cents-10.00 in the 1800's...
You sure inflation doesn't play a role? Originally Posted by Butch Cassidy
Not at all BC...back then you had no social media inflating egos and making women that are fours think that they are nines, woke toxic ideolgy, indoctrination in schools and government, man hating feminist girl power, entitlement, mass delusion from reality and simps didn't exist. As a result market forces worked back then and value was determined by reality and not fake news, fake people and propaganda.

But thats OK though and a blessing in disguise because they just allowed smart men to escape the plantation and go their own way. No more traditional women equals no more commitment from men, just pump and dump. Enjoy your cats, Xanax and dildos ladies this is what you created and wanted.
Pangolier's Avatar
Yeah well I'm going to disagree with you and say that paying taxes whenever you can avoid or evade paying is stupid. When Trump was asked why he didn't pay any taxes his answer was "because I'm smart and the government just wastes all of our money".

Taxation is nothing more than government theft and pillaging from its citizens. The federal government along with the uniparty is who the real gangsters, thieves and crimanls are. I say don't give those fucking scumbags a dime. They can print money out of thin air so why do they need ours? So they can create endless wars and kill or injure millions of innocent people around the world for decades while putting America and its citizens last. I say do not comply. Fuck the IRS/FJB. Originally Posted by Vanilla Gorilla

Because the IRS is robbing everyone else whose employer sends them a W2 / W4 sheet at the end of the year, which triggers a big red auditing flag when they don't get a tax return with a matching social security number. Or a 1099 from a financial institution. So what you are doing is saying you are somehow entitled to special treatment. Because the color of your skin, or your gender, or just because you are better than everyone else?

Of course, you've now left a permanent electronic paper trail that won't go away even if you modify the post or ECCIE deletes it. But... I think you'll be okay; doubtful any auditors would be browsing this board or trying to build a case on evidence so flimsy as this. However, if you are ever implicated with something, be it tax evasion or anything else, this is just one more tiny building block they will use to get a warrant and actually obtain hard evidence.

I don't see why anyone who either pays taxes, or has been threatened with criminal sanctions if they don't, would ever encourage anyone to publicly flaunt evasion on the pretenses of imaginary special privilege...
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Because the IRS is robbing everyone else whose employer sends them a W2 / W4 sheet at the end of the year, which triggers a big red auditing flag when they don't get a tax return with a matching social security number. Or a 1099 from a financial institution. So what you are doing is saying you are somehow entitled to special treatment. Because the color of your skin, or your gender, or just because you are better than everyone else?

Of course, you've now left a permanent electronic paper trail that won't go away even if you modify the post or ECCIE deletes it. But... I think you'll be okay; doubtful any auditors would be browsing this board or trying to build a case on evidence so flimsy as this. However, if you are ever implicated with something, be it tax evasion or anything else, this is just one more tiny building block they will use to get a warrant and actually obtain hard evidence.

I don't see why anyone who either pays taxes, or has been threatened with criminal sanctions if they don't, would ever encourage anyone to publicly flaunt evasion on the pretenses of imaginary special privilege... Originally Posted by Pangolier
You're funny lol.

You sound like you are virtue signaling and schilling for big daddy government and love being robbed and oppressed at gun point while at the same time financing the most corrupt uniparty goverment and organzied crime syndicate the world has ever known.

Send the IRS all the money you want or have and don't forget to tip and get all of your C19 booster shots because the government told you that it's safe and effective. Just obey like a good wage slave, kneel and bend at the knee and do everything your government tells you to do and your life and future will be nothing but rainbows and unicorns.

Their i fixed it for you...Feel better now?
I pay my required taxes. In return, I don't have to speak German, Japanese, Russian, or Chinese as my national language. Seems fair
TexTushHog's Avatar
If that was so then why are there ethics codes put in place? And why are monopoly’s illegal? What better way to maximize if you’re the only product offered. Originally Posted by CD3
Not aware if ethical rules outside if professions, but monopoly is an excellent example of market failure. Once one market participant gets around 70-80% of a relevant market, things begin to break down, especially when barriers to entry are substantial. That’s why that is an exception to the rule. But 70+ percent of a relevant market is very, very hard to obtain so it doesn’t happen often.
TexTushHog's Avatar
You all are too funny ROFLMAO

As a buyer, I want to pay as little as possable for goods or services. If I dont want to pay market prices, than I have no grounds to complain when I cannot get the quality I want or I have to work harder to find bargans.

As a seller, I want to get as much as I can for my goods and services.

As a seller, if I charge too much, I don't sell enough to meet my goals and either lower my prices, add more value to them, or change my field. But if I can raise my rates with no negative affect on my bottom line, I would be crazy to not do so. In fact, I work less now and make more because I have raised my rates. I attract a much better clientale and avoid the cheap customers that are far more likly to cause problems for me. Most of my customers now are used to paying for and getting better service. And they get it from me.

There are plenty of people providing the services I offer at cheaper rates. Good for them. I know there are some who refuse to pay what I charge because, for them, its not worth it. Good for them. I am sure some of the cheaper service providers can do the same I can for a lot of things. Good for them.

I still provide the same quality service I did years ago, when I charged 1/2 of what I do now. And I work 1/2 as hard now. And you better believe I have found ways to cover my increased costs due to inflation, etc. As long as market will accept my increases, I will continue to pass them on.

I know personaly several compainions in the $1000 range. If I had the money, I would drop it on them in a heartbeat. Still might save up for one of them :-) When I did hobby, I stayed in the average range for cost for a lot of reasons. Plenty of escorts I would have loved to have seen that were out of my budget. Ah well, such is life. If a gal raised her rates out of my range, ah well, plenty more out there. And good for her.

I have been here a long time. The complaints about cost never end. And I would be shocked if they did. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
Excellent points. Put more succinctly, though not as completely, people don’t set prices, markets do.
Excellent points. Put more succinctly, though not as completely, people don’t set prices, markets do. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Well said
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 01-25-2023, 11:41 PM
Excellent points. Put more succinctly, though not as completely, people don’t set prices, markets do. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
People are the consumers with the $, meaning they decide what's hot and what's not. The people/consumers always have the last word.

Look at all the long time businesses that shut down, did the markets cause that? I think not! Amazon seems to be doing great selling their products! Thank the people