
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-14-2017, 09:26 PM
Oh look, BM's new incarnation is another bigot.

I told people he is a very slow learner.
burkalini's Avatar
Check out his other posts LOL Originally Posted by yitzchak
With the posts you have put out there I wouldn't be talking about others
He was ranting about black people.

It's funny.
joesmo888's Avatar
funny thing though i read the Lions actually caught someone posting something racist online and the person was exposed and had their tickets revoked and they were banned from going to any games lol
Guapo's Avatar
  • Guapo
  • 09-15-2017, 01:27 PM
I have had the pleasure of meeting Evelyn. She is smart sexy and an awesome person to chill with. She left a lasting impression on me and will see her ANYTIME she is in town. I know we spoke briefly about this stuff but once you put together a nice showcase with your awesome photo ideas on ECCIE and maybe a website I am sure you will be in higher demand and could easily command a higher rate. I have noticed a good share of this community are rude lowlifes who do not have respect for women in general let alone race. Screw them. Not worth your time or anyone else's. I don't think your race holds you back. I see it as a benefit and something that sets you apart from other cookie cutter druggie spinners. You are the total package. Lots of guys out there that would line up to meet you. If any of these "men" see what I seen there would be no question they would bow to the queen . Love ya Ev! Come see me soon!
tinman483's Avatar
[QUOTE=Oilcan Harrys Janitor;1059971499]Black people. Always wanting something for free!

Yea I'm white and don't hang with or know very many blacks but as a percentile I would have to say I know probably know more whites than blacks wanting something for nothing!
You know what after reading some of these responses. I thought about it.
I believe we should be tolerant of everyone's world view of intolerance. Because how can you be for tolerance if you can't tolerate intolerance right?
Ladies and Gents all have their "preferences". Some women prefer men only or "No AA". Some men prefer a particular race or even a certain body frame. It's just preferences and shouldn't be taken so negatively and justified as a "racial preference". Men are attracted to what they are attracted to! And providers have their preference. So whatever your best qualities are whether thats looks or your confidence, etc, always put that first. I have encountered an array of ethnicity and find it quite intriguing meeting people different from myself