
KaylaRyder's Avatar
Sleepover may be the wrong word after all bc there def isnt much sleeping going on... well atleast with me there isn't ; )
Sleepover may be the wrong word after all bc there def isnt much sleeping going on... well atleast with me there isn't ; ) Originally Posted by .countrygirl
What's going on then?? lolling?
That would tucker me right out...
Smh... Originally Posted by aj14620
Y? Originally Posted by .countrygirl
If I was a betting man, aj's smh isn't about spending the night having sex with someone. I'm thinking she's looking beyond that.

***EDIT*** This not my personal opinion on sleepovers in any form, but an observation of what aj might be driving at. And I know I could be wrong.
elghund's Avatar
If I was a betting man, aj's smh isn't about spending the night having sex with someone. I'm thinking she's looking beyond that. Originally Posted by blthzr666
Quick, Trish! It's time for an Lol!

KaylaRyder's Avatar
Quick, Trish! It's time for an Lol!

elg...... Originally Posted by elghund
LOL : )
KaylaRyder's Avatar
If I was a betting man, aj's smh isn't about spending the night having sex with someone. I'm thinking she's looking beyond that.

***EDIT*** This not my personal opinion on sleepovers in any form, but an observation of what aj might be driving at. And I know I could be wrong. Originally Posted by blthzr666
Nah.... I just think some feel the need to be grumpy without reason
KaylaRyder's Avatar
What's going on then?? lolling?
That would tucker me right out... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Lolling to much can def tucker someone out...

An overnight is fun with a little lolling, lots of sex, kissing, cuddle time and a little sleep