Demiland, love, and dating

To become your fantasy.......Some , well myself, would not change who I am for anyone. I will not pretend to be your dream date....I am as I am.......BUT most are experts at intuitively knowing what you want them to be...That is why they are HDH..
Looking for love in all the wrong places... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Admittedly, I'm terrible at being anyone but me. However, it is true, that during the time you're on a compensated date, we are constantly doing and saying little things to ensure their happiness and comfort putting ourselves aside. In little ways that they'll never know, and after years of being a companion, in instinctive ways I don't even notice anymore.

I was just having a fascinating discussion with a male companion, and we both seem to feel that we have trouble turning that off. Even without realizing it, on civie dates and out with friends, I find myself unconsciously adapting to their environment and expectations, totally putting myself aside - even though that's not what they want or seek. My SO's every now and then have to remind me I can do things just because *I* want to.

I've heard from other ladies, that they'll have a one night stand with some guy they pick up, and at the end of the romp, the guy notes "Wow, that was amazing. There's something... different about you." No one wants to say "Oh, I slipped into escort mode there for a little bit. Glad you liked it, I did to."
I understand what you are saying because I have a tenancy to do the same .Although I think that you may have it in reverse .I do not think we become people pleasers because we are escorts I think that maybe the natural people pleasers of the world gravitate to escorting because the nature of our business is to make others happy.

I guess it is just a case of which came first.The chicken , or the egg lol.

Admittedly, I'm terrible at being anyone but me. However, it is true, that during the time you're on a compensated date, we are constantly doing and saying little things to ensure their happiness and comfort putting ourselves aside. In little ways that they'll never know, and after years of being a companion, in instinctive ways I don't even notice anymore.

I was just having a fascinating discussion with a male companion, and we both seem to feel that we have trouble turning that off. Even without realizing it, on civie dates and out with friends, I find myself unconsciously adapting to their environment and expectations, totally putting myself aside - even though that's not what they want or seek. My SO's every now and then have to remind me I can do things just because *I* want to.

I've heard from other ladies, that they'll have a one night stand with some guy they pick up, and at the end of the romp, the guy notes "Wow, that was amazing. There's something... different about you." No one wants to say "Oh, I slipped into escort mode there for a little bit. Glad you liked it, I did to." Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill

I guess it is just a case of which came first.The chicken , or the egg lol. Originally Posted by Becky
Good point.
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  • 01-26-2010, 05:06 PM
I am much more interested in your opinion on dating and love in this demiland, than I am on your opinion of Lauren's post.
Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
I gave you my opinion of dating and love in this demiland. You seemed to have ignored it. WTF is that about?

Yet you have choosen to focus on my question to Lauren. Did you read the thread? My following question was really to DG, who had answered for Lauren, if one really wants to be honest. Which does not appear to be your cause.

If you have any questions on my opinion as to the future dating in this the damn thread. It was plainly in black and white. If you still want to now how I feel, ask me.
I would rather your post be all about you, not her.

Colette Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
And I would rather you be able to understand my posts and me not have to explain them to you. Yet that is not the case. My post directed to Lauren was a question . It was for my benefit. I am intrigued by people that have blatant double standards. I wonder how they rationalize that in their mind. In my mind that is all about me. My quest for knowledge being what it is.

I do understand that can cause thread drift....are you only singling me out for thread drift? If so you would seem to be guilty of that very thing. If you do not understand that logic, ask DG, we may not agree but he does have a grasp of things.
I guessing (though I don't really know 'Colette) that she doesn't give a fcuk. IMO
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  • 01-26-2010, 05:30 PM
[QUOTE=SR Only;72148]I guessing (though I don't really 'Colette) that she doesn't give a fcuk. IMO[/QUOTE] You probably right 'bout that but she did pretend to ask

WTF - You are looking for love in all the wrong places............Maybe a site or eharmony.....Let's face it.....You are pretty much demanding that no matter how much your S.O's work means to her ( she could be a provider or in Singapore with a large company) you would demand she fly home to spend that special day with you? If you loved her would you not let her follow her dream even if it meant a holiday away from you? Then is it you that do not love her, but yourself more, which is by far, not the definition of love.. Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
I am not LOOKING for love in a Gawd Damn place! WTF? I have never been married. Not looking for love from any one person. Not sure where your logic came up with that BS but let me assure you it is all wet. I have been blessed/cursed with a loving family. I pick and choose who I spend time with guardedly. I am neither afraid nor wanton of a relationship. If it happens, it happens. All I can say is that at the present time I would not want to spend time with a selfish person. That may change in the future, I do not know.

Lastly you're not understanding what I meant by playing second fiddle. I used a BD as an example. I would hope that the woman I spent time with , really wanted to spend time with me. I made it clear that there are times and jobs and certain circumstances that this is not possible. The reverse holds true but I would hope to convey to my SO how much I WISH she could be there. That I was with her. Not FUCK YOU, I have a job, deal with it. Good luck on finding anyone with an ounce of self esteem who would deal with that shiit!

BUT most are experts at intuitively knowing what you want them to be...That is why they are HDH..
... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
An expert would be way more intuitive than what you have described.

She and I would not be having this discussion, she would know exactly WTF I was talking about.
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  • 01-26-2010, 05:45 PM
It was true on the old board and is now starting again on this board. Not stand for it? what exactly does that mean? Originally Posted by discreetgent
Good question. It means that I will not ignore it like I did on the other board. Thinking that anyone with half a brain can see the utter nonsense of your belief in this matter. Ego one, WTF zero on last board. I will though politely point out that what you are saying is just not true.

The Joy of Delusion - ECCIE - Your source for escort reviews is a thread with great potential. Why on earth throw in

! Originally Posted by discreetgent
You make a good point. I had just read Colette ridiculous accusation in this thread and added the verbiage. I should not have. Thank you for pointing it out. My apologies.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
But you speak of love in a place where there is only one love that HDH or 100 hottie.....
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  • 01-26-2010, 06:28 PM
But you speak of love in a place where there is only one love that HDH or 100 hottie..... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
LOL.....good point. Would it help if I said I was at a Starbuck's typing this?
WTF, my apologies. I guess I was just jealous Lauren was getting all of your attention. :P
Okay who are you and how did you get into Nicolette's computer.
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WTF, my apologies. I guess I was just jealous Lauren was getting all of your attention. :P Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
So now we have WTF envy on this board? lol
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  • 01-26-2010, 06:45 PM
WTF, my apologies. I guess I was just jealous Lauren was getting all of your attention. :P Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
I do enjoy your tits... Ms Bordeauxva

Wait, wait a cotten picking minute, I meant wit, I am a wit man Nic. My apologies.

Now lets straighten out one last thing. Lauren was getting very little of my attention. Her double standard was. DG's defense of it was getting the bulk of it to tell ya the truth. He never seemed to want to answer this.
Yes we do.**
Would you want to see a lady you were fond of on her birthday knowing that she had a SO wanting to see her also? I would not. I respect others love. I would question both my selfishness and hers. I get no joy out of hurting another....and however indirect, it is hurting another. And the flip side to that is.... I would question any relationship I was in if my SO chose to be with another on a important date that we celebrated.

lol Originally Posted by WTF
(which is his choice)

So now we have WTF envy on this board? lol Originally Posted by discreetgent
Awwwwww, DG, you jealous! lol
WTF, my apologies. I guess I was just jealous Lauren was getting all of your attention. :P Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva

I'll trade him to you for a rusty nail. Hell I'll even let you stab it into my hands, if you promise to take him off mine.
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I'll trade him to you for a rusty nail. Hell I'll even let you stab it into my hands, if you promise to take him off mine. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
:wavet owel2:that was funny