So is Austin scene dead?

Darn, I can't yet but soon! I was able to do semi retirement already with my investments so I just work when I want too and if I feel like it- but I can't wait to get my S.S.! Whoo hoo!!!

True, but most of the local ladies aren't drawing on their social security yet. Originally Posted by Hephaestus
ck1942's Avatar
Very interesting thread here with many POVs, some very accurate, imo, and some so far off the mark that I wonder if the poster is actually in the hobby or just an observe blabbing his 2 centavos.

My POV, a reminder that before the Internet, there were many avenues of "contact" besides the streets, bars and brothels.

Including real newspapers, the Yellow Pages, the alternate newspapers and the many other elements, cops, bartenders, barbers, tailors, military, bellhops, desk clerks, and dozens of folks who were regularly in contact with travelers and locals. Yeah, strip clubs, too, for many years.

One observation I will make: the many iterations of the 'net (before and after GUIs) have certainly made it much more convenient to hook up, but not necessarily quality improvements without some significant research.

All that said, we -- all of us -- share a significant interest of some sort in the hobby and likely many of us who know how to work the system (not game the system) might be reading these threads and laughing all the way to the boudoir!