'the cute papi' wrote fake review

N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 03-04-2016, 08:57 AM
Excuse my searchfu. It is weak.

But where these fine ass 4 bill hoes at? Originally Posted by canihitit

Uhmmm she comes to mind...

Poor Mythos! Originally Posted by junglemonkey
Eh. Idc. I already know he's a douche. I do hope his entire family's genetic lineage in the soup of existence stops with him but that doesn't mean I want false accusation against him to stand either. Facts are all I ever care about. Emotions are fleeting.

I think he should have already been banned for his self admitted secret recordings and his obvious predator behavior. I have not seen a direct rule regarding that, other than an interpretation of the "stalking" rule but precedents are made daily creating new policy. I believe if the OP is proven to have cried wolf re: false review, that she should be banned as well.

This shit right here is a case in point as to exactly why we do nothing in a "he said, she said" situation. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Champagne Brown's Avatar
She is hot....
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Eh. Idc. I already know he's a douche. I do hope his entire family's genetic lineage in the soup of existence stops with him but that doesn't mean I want false accusation against him to stand either. Facts are all I ever care about. Emotions are fleeting.

I think he should have already been banned for his self admitted secret recordings and his obvious predator behavior. I have not seen a direct rule regarding that, other than an interpretation of the "stalking" rule but precedents are made daily creating new policy. I believe if the OP is proven to have cried wolf re: false review, that she should be banned as well.

Agree. Originally Posted by Mythos
canihitit's Avatar
Fuck that.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 03-04-2016, 09:18 AM
Fuck that. Originally Posted by canihitit
Well she is fine and that's what you asked
Also The White Queen but you might need to watch out with her cause she looks like she can kick some ass lol

Uhmmm she comes to mind...

Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
This is just my opinion, but inking up a body like that, as she did, to me, would be like giving a small kindergarteners a bag full of colored permanent markers and turning them loose inside and out on my lexus. I think it was adversely affect my ultimate resale value. I do not understand people sometimes but life is about flavor, what is yours?

p.s. NM - that font is crappy to read.
Fuck that. Originally Posted by canihitit


FUCK that!


fuck THAT!
canihitit's Avatar
Fuck that. I would not fuck that.

White chicks do nothing for me.

And she's too skinny.
junglemonkey's Avatar
LMAO junglemonkey speaking the TRUTH this morning.....butt, butt, butt, does this apply to the fine ass 4 bills hoes too, or just to the ones that charge by the pound? Originally Posted by Natalia Mori

It applies to any whore that contridicts her self worth and its revealed in public. To a $400-$500 whore to a $60-$80 BP whore. The Weight and age Of the whores are impervious to so called "fake reviews"
junglemonkey's Avatar
Eh. Idc. I already know he's a douche. I do hope his entire family's genetic lineage in the soup of existence stops with him but that doesn't mean I want false accusation against him to stand either. Facts are all I ever care about. Emotions are fleeting.

I think he should have already been banned for his self admitted secret recordings and his obvious predator behavior. I have not seen a direct rule regarding that, other than an interpretation of the "stalking" rule but precedents are made daily creating new policy. I believe if the OP is proven to have cried wolf re: false review, that she should be banned as well.

Agree. Originally Posted by Mythos

I feel you...but again, Soundwave plays on the thin line of blasphemy and never breaks written rules. Unlike the OUTTING whores around here that fail to understand board rules.

Soundwave aka TheCutepapi , for those unaware of Transformers, not only had read the rules but probably had a whore read it to him and secretly recorded it for when he goes to ECCiE court.

But damn, tell me how you really feel about him lol.

But the real question is, will this whore be banned for making false accusations, even though it was towards the Demon of the Welcome Wagon.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Eh. Idc. I already know he's a douche. [ . . . ] Facts are all I ever care about. Emotions are fleeting.
Agree. Originally Posted by Mythos
Agreed. But how are facts determined in this voluntarily anonymous community? The user agreement is an honor system. IMHO only an admission of a rules violation is fact.

Now I just received a childish three word insult via PM from thecutepapi. Makes me wonder if the chubby librarian actually exists.

Someone is swirling the drain. I fear the worst. He doesn't strike me like the kind to fall on his own sword.

Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

Fuck that. Originally Posted by canihitit

This might be my last comuniqué. Except one last yes review in a day or so.

Champagne Brown's Avatar
I feel you...but again, Soundwave plays on the thin line of blasphemy and never breaks written rules. Unlike the OUTTING whores around here that fail to understand board rules.

Soundwave aka TheCutepapi , for those unaware of Transformers, not only had read the rules but probably had a whore read it to him and secretly recorded it for when he goes to ECCiE court.

But damn, tell me how you really feel about him lol.

But the real question is, will this whore be banned for making false accusations, even though it was towards the Demon of the Welcome Wagon. Originally Posted by junglemonkey

Seal looking arse can't even comprehend what the rules were back then or show links to backup anything he says... Show the guidelines

Show the facts Seal http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=319022

junglemonkey's Avatar
Seal looking arse can't even comprehend what the rules were back then or show links to backup anything he says... Show the guidelines

Show the facts Seal http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=319022

Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

Heh, I mentioned OUTTING whores and guess who decides to show up and resort to personal insults. False ones at that, but dementia has set in so I forgive you. And I thought u you had me on ignore?