Trump Caught on Hot Mic Calling Himself A Bitch and saying He 'Grabs Women by the P*ssy’

Bottom line ladies if you meet Trump shake his hand, but hold on to your pussy with the other. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
LMFAO!!!!! :
Stromprophet's Avatar

1) Trump is done. Don't be naive. There's no spin to save that.

2) I see people focusing on the *words* but that's really not the issue.

3) Comparisons to Hobbying? Apples and Oranges.

4) if you can't see it, it is that he said being a star and wealthy means you can do anything to a woman, grab their pussy. He is not speaking about an interaction with a hooker or a stripper. He is talking everyday life. Just go up to them and do what you want cause you're a man, a star, rich.

And there are old accusations out there that pretty much describe Trump assualting women just like he is talking right there. There's stories already out there from before and after this tape about his unwanted advances and exactly describe what he said. Going right up to women and kissing them and groping them.

That's on video, audio and it confirms it all.

5) for all the deflectors talking Clinton.

Clinton never said "I have the most respect for women ever of anybody", democrats don't claim to be the religious Christian and moral right, there is no smoking gun of Clinton ever speaking in these exact terms (assault), he's not running for president. You can talk this in terms of apples to apples. The comparison being has Hilary ever on video/audio condoned sexually assualting men as normal behavior for women with power and wealth.

6) This is math. This is science. The comparison of "they're both bad" is objectively and mathematically nonsense.

7) 3rd party voters? The two major third party candidates are horrendous. Johnson is gonna be our leader? The US plays a vital role in the world and we cannot just pretend that we only need to work on domestic issues. The man is roundly uninterested in foreign policy which is a major component of being president because the power to act unilaterally is greater in foreign policy. Stein....."I'm just asking are vaccines good or bad"......she should know better. And her VP calling Obama an Uncle Tom? Even if it were true (it's not) that's what we call stupid. And if she isn't smart enough to tap into bernie's supporters she ain't good enough to be pres.

8) *It is over for Trump* just saying it again. Trying to downplay this is laughable. You can judge by the social response, the fact that Trump actually tried to apologize (but obviously it wasn't an apology), and the decisions of GOP leadership, this is a major crisis.

And a town hall Sunday. You don't think there's gonna be a woman there who has been assualted who is going to ask him about what he said? And of course, deflection and attacks just don't work in a town hall, and this idea of attacking Bill is also a loser (gulianni ran data on this in 2000, the public views it as attacking the woman for her husbands mistakes. It's a loser tactic.)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I wonder why IBCoprophiliac never took Bambully's bet? I'll give him 2 to 1 odds if he takes it now.
I B Hankering's Avatar

1) Trump is done. Don't be naive. There's no spin to save that.

2) I see people focusing on the *words* but that's really not the issue.

3) Comparisons to Hobbying? Apples and Oranges.

4) if you can't see it, it is that he said being a star and wealthy means you can do anything to a woman, grab their pussy. He is not speaking about an interaction with a hooker or a stripper. He is talking everyday life. Just go up to them and do what you want cause you're a man, a star, rich.

And there are old accusations out there that pretty much describe Trump assualting women just like he is talking right there. There's stories already out there from before and after this tape about his unwanted advances and exactly describe what he said. Going right up to women and kissing them and groping them.

That's on video, audio and it confirms it all.

5) for all the deflectors talking Clinton.

Clinton never said "I have the most respect for women ever of anybody", democrats don't claim to be the religious Christian and moral right, there is no smoking gun of Clinton ever speaking in these exact terms (assault), he's not running for president. You can talk this in terms of apples to apples. The comparison being has Hilary ever on video/audio condoned sexually assualting men as normal behavior for women with power and wealth.

6) This is math. This is science. The comparison of "they're both bad" is objectively and mathematically nonsense.

7) 3rd party voters? The two major third party candidates are horrendous. Johnson is gonna be our leader? The US plays a vital role in the world and we cannot just pretend that we only need to work on domestic issues. The man is roundly uninterested in foreign policy which is a major component of being president because the power to act unilaterally is greater in foreign policy. Stein....."I'm just asking are vaccines good or bad"......she should know better. And her VP calling Obama an Uncle Tom? Even if it were true (it's not) that's what we call stupid. And if she isn't smart enough to tap into bernie's supporters she ain't good enough to be pres.

8) *It is over for Trump* just saying it again. Trying to downplay this is laughable. You can judge by the social response, the fact that Trump actually tried to apologize (but obviously it wasn't an apology), and the decisions of GOP leadership, this is a major crisis.

And a town hall Sunday. You don't think there's gonna be a woman there who has been assualted who is going to ask him about what he said? And of course, deflection and attacks just don't work in a town hall, and this idea of attacking Bill is also a loser (gulianni ran data on this in 2000, the public views it as attacking the woman for her husbands mistakes. It's a loser tactic.)
Originally Posted by Stromprophet
You'd be a typical, lib-retarded hypocrite trying to make "religion and morality" an issue when even you admit that "religion and morality" mean nothing to you or your ilk. Hence, despite your mock outrage, Trump neither gained nor lost your votes, because you weren't voting for him in the first place. You double-down on stupidity, when you ignore how hildebeest has tried -- and failed -- to play up her Methodist upbringing to pander to those she imagines she can fool. You also ignore hildebeest's attempts to be the champion for women while encumbered by her misogynistic attacks against women who were victimized by her hubby: Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator. It ain't over, and your little piggy is going to scream "wee, weee weeee", all the back to her New York estate on November 8.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just as I suspected.

All noise and no "boys."
Stromprophet's Avatar
You'd be a typical, lib
Yeah. I believe in math, data, science, objectivity. That is what engineers typically do.

retarded hypocrite trying to make "religion and morality" an issue when even you admit that "religion and morality" mean nothing to you or your ilk.
Where are we right now? Hahahahahahaha. Anyone coming on here talking about religious morality in that context is the definition of hypocrisy.

Sorry you missed it, but I'm not talking about religious morality.

Hence, despite your mock outrage
Where did you get outrage from my post. There's really not any tone to my post. Just telling it like it is.

Trump neither gained nor lost your votes, because you weren't voting for him in the first place.
Yeah. Not considering math. Facts. Data. Seems to be a theme.

Republicans don't have enough voters to win general elections on their own. There is a reason why they have only won the popular vote once in the last 6 elections. Ergo, the base support of Trump is simply not enough to win a national election. He has to reach well beyond that base.

That was one of the analysis from 2012. Obama won walking away despite the fact that Romney won independents and moderates. By all objective data Trump is doing worse than Romney with those voters.

And that doesn't even consider that their are more Republicans who are not going to vote for Trump than Democrats who won't vote for Clinton.

You double-down on stupidity, when you ignore how hildebeest has tried -- and failed -- to play up her Methodist upbringing to pander to those she imagines she can fool. You also ignore hildebeest's attempts to be the champion for women while encumbered by her misogynistic attacks against women who were victimized by her hubby: Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator.
Show me the video of bill bragging about grabbing girls snatches.

Secondly, my opinion is concluded by the data. Again, Rudy researched this when considering a run against Clinton in 2000. It doesn't play. The data is still the same.

It ain't over, and your little piggy is going to scream "wee, weee weeee", all the back to her New York estate on November 8.
For Trump it is. The question now is whether the GOP can survive the next 20 years.

But continue your clearly emotional clinging.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yeah. I believe in math, data, science, objectivity. That is what engineers typically do.

Where are we right now? Hahahahahahaha. Anyone coming on here talking about religious morality in that context is the definition of hypocrisy.

Sorry you missed it, but I'm not talking about religious morality.

Where did you get outrage from my post. There's really not any tone to my post. Just telling it like it is.

Yeah. Not considering math. Facts. Data. Seems to be a theme.

Republicans don't have enough voters to win general elections on their own. There is a reason why they have only won the popular vote once in the last 6 elections. Ergo, the base support of Trump is simply not enough to win a national election. He has to reach well beyond that base.

That was one of the analysis from 2012. Obama won walking away despite the fact that Romney won independents and moderates. By all objective data Trump is doing worse than Romney with those voters.

And that doesn't even consider that their are more Republicans who are not going to vote for Trump than Democrats who won't vote for Clinton.

Show me the video of bill bragging about grabbing girls snatches.

Secondly, my opinion is concluded by the data. Again, Rudy researched this when considering a run against Clinton in 2000. It doesn't play. The data is still the same.

For Trump it is. The question now is whether the GOP can survive the next 20 years.

But continue your clearly emotional clinging.
Originally Posted by Stromprophet
Actually, by being "typical lib-retard", you believe what you are told to believe since you are incapable of independent thought. Further, the extant "data" says hildebeest is guilty of malfeasance; hence, in the face of hildebeest's overt criminality and pathological lies, your clinging, "#Grubered", sycophant obeisance to hildebeest demonstrates that you have no "objectivity". And here's an FYI, one doesn't need a video since flight manifests exist that document how Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator accompanied convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein twenty-eight times -- six times without his Secret Service detail -- aboard Epstein's infamous "Lolita Express" to licentious locations, e.g., Epstein's "Orgy -- 'Sex Slave' -- Island".
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Awesome comeback, IBIdiot.

You bubble dwellers will have to face the facts. Eventually.

The entire Drumpf candidacy was a YUGE gamble for the GOP.

There was no way to win from the get go.

Drumpf was why.

"I believe in math, data, science and objectivity"

here's some math, data, science and objectivity for ya, and if you objectively consider the data, how can you vote for hellary?

and I'm not even talking about all the pathological lies that just tumble out of her mouth on matters great and small- she should be psychologically evaluated for that- as part of her health issues - and a report on her lying and what she's taking for it filed with the American people

1. the "two for one" previous Clinton presidency turned the IRS into their private gestapo.
remember travel gate? they fired everyone in that office to ensconce their cronies, ultimately
they had to back off, but they had billy dale, the travel office chief, audited in an effort to
discredit him. they had bill's sexual accusers audited, even Paula Jones, a trailer park living,
broke, one W-2 filer was audited. now whats the chance of that?

2. hiring private eyes to stalk , intimidate and threaten bill's "bimbo's. Kathleen Wiley says
they broke into her home

3. Illegally obtaining over 400 FBI files on their political opponents and the accusers of bill's
sexual assaults. Hellary called it a "completely honest bureaucratic snafu"

4. email and server gate- lies upon lies for her own personal convenience (read "for funding
the Clintons"), placing American security at risk for her own pleasures, and then having
the arrogance to take it upon herself to decide which emails were to be bleachbit-ed and
which were ours- of course it was necessary for her to decide as it was self preservation.

5. China-Gate -selling high tech and rocketry science secrets to China in exchange for a few
million in donations. Sound familiar? probably the spark of the idea that expanded into how
to get rich with speeches and Clinton foundation donations.

6. Pardoning Marc Rich- tax cheat extraordinaire- and trump's tax return is an issue to her?- in
exchange for significant contributions from Rich's wife. the din du nuffin's have nothing on
the Clinton's- "who? what? we din du nuffin, Rich didn't give it to us, his unconnected wife did.

7. Cattle futures anyone?

9. dead people everywhere

10. her love for Saul Alinsky

11. the knee-slapping, laughing, aren't I so smart- reminiscence of the defense of the child rapist

12. The Clinton Foundation- even contributions from the Iranian government-sanctions? what
sanctions? read Rachel Ehrenfield, director of American Center for Democracy

13. Benghazi- we don't have your back, you merely have my back

14. read up on Peter Franklin Paul

15. Watergate- fired for being a liar, and for dishonesty and being an unethical lawyer. "She conspired to
violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, and the rules of confidentiality"

16. Keeping gifts by not reporting them- in one case several $3,000 plus handbags were
even acknowledged - but hey it was just before the inauguration so it doesn't count- sound
Familiar? "we will refuse foreign donations to the Clinton foundation should Hillary be
elected president" the last minute rush to get under the wire will be a doozy- I can see it
now- envelopes passing person to person through the viewing stand just before the chief
justice begins the oath.

17. Rigging the DNC nomination

there's so much more it just becomes a blur of throw up

im not even mentioning her espoused policies that will further weaken and destroy America, which should be the basis upon which we vote

but there's a rich real estate developer who never tried to be anything but a rich real estate developer. and who the hell didn't already know he was a playboy? he had access to and allowance from women- what all these rich famous guys have and do - and he was joking about it- and all the while the Clintons have had a lifetime of sexual predations-

now is that your math, data, science and objectivity ?
I B Hankering's Avatar

Hopefully this fucking guy is finished with the women voters. Theres' no denying this one as its' on Audio and Video. Thanks again to the Washington Post Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Whore, every time you got grabbed by the pussy, you made hundred$. Why does it bother you today?

Because you are a illiberal hypocrite, that's why!

Stromprophet's Avatar
Actually, by being "typical lib-retard", you believe what you are told to believe since you are incapable of independent thought. Further, the extant "data" says hildebeest is guilty of malfeasance; hence, in the face of hildebeest's overt criminality and pathological lies, your clinging, "#Grubered", sycophant obeisance to hildebeest demonstrates that you have no "objectivity". And here's an FYI, one doesn't need a video since flight manifests exist that document how Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator accompanied convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein twenty-eight times -- six times without his Secret Service detail -- aboard Epstein's infamous "Lolita Express" to licentious locations, e.g., Epstein's "Orgy -- 'Sex Slave' -- Island".
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You answered not one thing.

I do my research. You probably have 0 clue how polling even works. The end.