Board Libs: Why Do You Hate President Trump?

rexdutchman's Avatar
Because the TV told them to hate ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,
eccieuser9500's Avatar
. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

cinderbella's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Actually, I have not owned a television since 2014. I don't like any of the shows you mentioned anyway. I prefer to get my news from Reuters and Associated Press and NPR.

I am 55 yrs. old, and I knew about Donald Trump back when he was married to his first wife. I read news stories about him then, and I asked people who lived in New York City area about him.

I brought this thread up to my GOP right wing republican friend who I have known for several years, during dinner. ( he is on eccie so he knows). I told him that Trump frightens me the way he speaks. I have had some major anxiety since the government shutdown and all the fiasco happenings since. The Iran remarks really upset me. I am a veteran, and I see gulf war vets all the time at my local clinic who are really suffering.

Anyway, my friend said that he understood my apprehension toward Trump's gruff manner and speech. He agreed that it is mobster like at times. My own dad was a Barry Goldwater supporter, and a dedicated GOP Republican who was horrified when Bill Clinton was elected. I was scared of my dad's extreme hatred of democrats, I thought it was pointless and stupid. I hear and read people complaining about anyone who is not GOP republican, and it really bothers me. I am not the enemy, despite the fact that I do not hold your political views.

We all make assumptions about people within seconds of observing them. It is human nature. I have never "liked" Trump, and I never will. I understand you do not agree with me. I am not going to protest him or condemn him. He is president, and I gotta live with that. I just have great anxiety listening to his policies and decisions. He does not impress me the way he impresses you. I did not vote for Hillary, I voted for the female independent choice that ran. I consider myself a Libertarian, and I hate extreme liberalism as much as I hate extreme right wing. I am somewhat in the middle, but I am not hard core into politics. I like Pete Buttigieg. Originally Posted by cinderbella

you seem to have a great deal of anxiety about a lot of things. who did your Republican "client" .. er friend vote for? Trump?

arya .. anxious about the fact that he almost certainly did?

here's a news flash .. very few people who voted for Trump are extreme right wing. as i've posted here before .. the term "Alt-Right" didn't even exist until a few years ago. a complete media fiction meant .. to give you anxiety .. and it's working.
cinderbella's Avatar
you seem to have a great deal of anxiety about a lot of things. who did your Republican "client" .. er friend vote for? Trump?

arya .. anxious about the fact that he almost certainly did?

here's a news flash .. very few people who voted for Trump are extreme right wing. as i've posted here before .. the term "Alt-Right" didn't even exist until a few years ago. a complete media fiction meant .. to give you anxiety .. and it's working. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

AAAND with that...^^^ poster going on my ignore list. Bye.
Chung Tran's Avatar
here's a news flash .. very few people who voted for Trump are extreme right wing. as i've posted here before .. the term "Alt-Right" didn't even exist until a few years ago. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
true, which makes it very odd that the extreme right fawns all over Trump.. it's like they realize they are never going to get a President close to the narrow views they hold, so they rally hard to support somebody with SOME of them.

some people get nervous about Trump, because he constantly changes his mind.. he is the most unfocused politician I ever recall.. earlier this week MILLIONS of immigrants were going to be deported next week.. oh, never mind, just 2,000 or so.. oops, never mind, forget the whole thing. and pulling back from military strikes at Iran at the last minute.. the guy doesn't really have a clue, let's be honest.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
AAAND with that...^^^ poster going on my ignore list. Bye. Originally Posted by cinderbella

well at least you didn't claim i'm "lonely and bored" again. that's a tired old deflection.

and intellectually devoid of substance. Bye sweetpea!

Chung Tran's Avatar
Bye sweetpea!
BAHHAHAHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Another joke post.

If you paid attension you would have seen why trump is so disliked.
Now you pretend to ask a serious question.
When answered (Elizabeth gave you a detailed answer which you trivialized
and rejected) proving you're nothing more than a self serving troll.

I can't stand the cocksucking con man because he lies. He lies about most subjects whether his apologists on this site admit it or not.
Simple, right?
It doesn't require your approval or you believing it.

Trump is a proven liar. The vast number of posters can't admit that fact.
How can they possibly think they are fit to pass judgement on anyone's opinion?

Who really cares what bullshit they shovel?
Question to the board Liberals/Progressives: Why do you hate President Trump? I know, you don't hate him, you just dislike him with the intensity of 10,000 suns. This isn't a trick question.

Try to be specific. If you wanna say because "he's a facist" then give a acts or behaviors of facism to support the claim.

Be honest with yourself. Thanks in advance for your considered responses. Originally Posted by gnadfly
  • oeb11
  • 06-25-2019, 02:25 PM
MM - does not like Trump because he "Lies"
What is your opinion of the Clintons, Pray Tell????
Are they Your paragons of political Veracity????
Inquiring minds would like to be informed.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Another joke post.

If you paid attension you would have seen why trump is so disliked.
Now you pretend to ask a serious question.
When answered (Elizabeth gave you a detailed answer which you trivialized
and rejected) proving you're nothing more than a self serving troll.

I can't stand the cocksucking con man because he lies. He lies about most subjects whether his apologists on this site admit it or not.
Simple, right?
It doesn't require your approval or you believing it.

Trump is a proven liar. The vast number of posters can't admit that fact.
How can they possibly think they are fit to pass judgement on anyone's opinion?

Who really cares what bullshit they shovel?
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

as usual the joke is on you. and as usual you don't get it. gnadfly knew the only responses would be vague media talking points. it all boils down to...



the responses from the ladies were the most telling. still waiting for EW to explain why politics is part of a session?? her claim of being bullied by Trump supporters lacks credibility without any elaboration .. like why it was even being discussed during a session?? his language? Obama clams he cusses like a sailor.

the other ladies fared far worse. Bella gets challenged and goes postal with the "lonely and bored" deflection which i find amusing. then the ultimate cut and run of "i'm ignoring you!".

the redheaded kat rants about someone who isn't even running and then tries to impress/shame us by claiming she hooked a Daddy Warbucks whale because we always believe everything that is posted here, right???

so this thread went exactly as expected.

here's the results ..


and they call Trump supporters the hateful ones .... right!!!
Hotrod511's Avatar
as usual the joke is on you. and as usual you don't get it. gnadfly knew the only responses would be vague media talking points. it all boils down to...



the responses from the ladies were the most telling. still waiting for EW to explain why politics is part of a session?? her claim of being bullied by Trump supporters lacks credibility without any elaboration .. like why it was even being discussed during a session?? his language? Obama clams he cusses like a sailor.

the other ladies fared far worse. Bella gets challenged and goes postal with the "lonely and bored" deflection which i find amusing. then the ultimate cut and run of "i'm ignoring you!".

the redheaded kat rants about someone who isn't even running and then tries to impress/shame us by claiming she hooked a Daddy Warbucks whale because we always believe everything that is posted here, right???

so this thread went exactly as expected.

here's the results ..


and they call Trump supporters the hateful ones .... right!!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
best part is he is dumb enough to take the bait
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The OP asked why I didn't like trump.
I said because he lies. Which he does, frequently.

No one that I know of lies on the scale he does, with the frequency he does, or repeats lies that are proven lies.

You haven't noticed how often he lies? How many false statements will you admit he has made? 100? 1000? 2000? Just make a ballpark guess.
And him lying isn't the only reason. It's just at the top of my list.

The Clintons have nothing to do with my dislike of trump. They're off topic. You're just trying to deflect the OP. You want to talk about the Clintons then start a thread.

MM - does not like Trump because he "Lies"
What is your opinion of the Clintons, Pray Tell????
Are they Your paragons of political Veracity????
Inquiring minds would like to be informed. Originally Posted by oeb11
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Here is an article, based again on polls, that very accurately sums up my dislike of Trump's character.

Here are just a few excerpts from the article.

Today’s political landscape presents an incongruous scene: Despite a strong economy—usually a good predictor of presidential popularity—President Trump’s approval rating remains stuck in the low to mid-40s.

I have a simpler hypothesis: Because Mr. Trump is such an unusual president, his personal conduct and character are having a much greater influence on the public’s judgment of him than has been the case for any other president in my lifetime, and perhaps ever.

The American people have specific complaints about Mr. Trump’s behavior, and about the character traits underlying it. Multiple surveys over the past year have found that most Americans regard the president as dishonest. Only 4 in 10 think he cares about people like them. A Gallup poll released last June showed only 35% of Americans saw the president as a person they admire, while only 31% viewed him as working across party lines to get things done. A Pew survey last October found that only 24% thought the president was “even-tempered”; 70% said he wasn’t.

Against this backdrop, it isn’t surprising that 55% of Americans believe President Trump has changed the tone and nature of political debate for the worse, compared with 24% who say he’s changed it for the better. An astonishing 69% of whites with college degrees share this negative judgment. But even among whites with less than a college education, only 36% think Mr. Trump has had a positive impact on political discourse, while 42% disagree.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
MM - does not like Trump because he "Lies"
What is your opinion of the Clintons, Pray Tell????
Are they Your paragons of political Veracity????
Inquiring minds would like to be informed. Originally Posted by oeb11
When I saw your response, yesterday, thought to myself ... here we go again. Instead of answering a question, there is another deflection.

We aren't discussing the Clintons. The question was about Trump. Trump, only.

Roger Stone made a fortune teaching such antics to his minions and others who would listen, including Trump. Should watch that documentary (Get Me Roger Stone) if you haven't already.

a...still waiting for EW to explain why politics is part of a session?? her claim of being bullied by Trump supporters lacks credibility without any elaboration .. like why it was even being discussed during a session?? ... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Statements like this, asking me why a topic is being discussed in the privacy of the bedroom, makes me think that you must not see a lot of ladies or the ones that you do, offer a different sort of experience.

Nearly everyone that I visit with, and most are repeat visits, tend to be very friendly. And I just go where the conversations lead, especially "afterwards."

Why are politics discussed in bed? For the same reason that one now cannot pick up a Vogue magazine and not have discussions of politics being at the forefront.

Small talk is just that. What other details are you asking about? An example of the actual wording used?

By the way, my "credibility" needs no questioning. I’ve proven myself to be exceptionally credible over the years.

Thank goodness there is Danielle, who seems to not care for me much, moderating this section. Wouldn't be surprised if she followed suit with most of the Trump supporters here.

Why don't you ask HER if she discusses politics in bed? Or ask the collective us what other topics are discussed. (See what I did there? Ha!) Most topics are discussed at one point or another: family, friends, pets, fantasies, experiences, etc.

Maybe you should try some small talk the next time you get naked with someone.
