DPST Gun Confiscation

LexusLover's Avatar
One really can't appreciate government regulation of gun ownership until one has been around the beach of one of those countries in which private ownership has been BANNED and observed the offloading of crates of "guns made for killing people) from a freighter displaying a Chinese flag onto "river boats" to ferry them upstream to the disbursement location.

The regulation of ANYTHING by a government only drives up the price...

Tearing down statues and burning books doesn't change history. It only facilitates the denial of history by those who wish it were different.

The SocialLiberalAntiTrumpAntiGunI diots are ..... plainly idiotic.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Nowhere in the Constitution does it say what you falsely state, and you're a fucking moron for playing your worn out race card because you're too stupid to deal with facts and reality in the 21st century. The Bill of Rights -- including the 2nd Amendment -- IS the fucking LAW in the 21st century, jackass, learn to live with it! Those stipulated rights pre-date the Constitution. So, 'no', they weren't "granted" by men: they were earned by free men.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
What’s your problem tough guy...you scared? You sound scared.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What’s your problem tough guy...you scared? You sound scared. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You sound too ignorant to comprehend and accept the Constitutional laws of this country.
Jaxson66's Avatar
You sound too ignorant to comprehend and accept the Constitutional laws of this country. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You sound scared enough to kill for your gun. You keep running your fat head and you might get the opportunity to back your shit up.

The police and National Guard are equipped to suppress some banana republic coup led by the trump cartel.
LexusLover's Avatar
You sound too ignorant to comprehend and accept the Constitutional laws of this country. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He's like all the other SocialistLiberalAntiTrumperAnt iGunners...

... if he doesn't like the rules he just ignores them by pretending they don't exist. Meanwhile he just runs his pie hole with nonsense.
Jaxson66's Avatar
He's like all the other SocialistLiberalAntiTrumperAnt iGunners...

... if he doesn't like the rules he just ignores them by pretending they don't exist. Meanwhile he just runs his pie hole with nonsense. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The trump party is truly scared shit less. So afraid the government is gonna take their gun they threaten anyone who stands against them with death.

Well bring it, you’ll get your ass shot down by the police or the National Guard.

Me, I’ll be home watching it on TV eating cookies and getting high. Losers!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
�� Police love President Trump. As retired army enlisted and current PA-ANG member I can say with good authority that the military also loves him. In fact, I don’t think I’d met a Hillary supporter in 16. Certainly there were some, but they’re few and far between and/or embarrassed to admit it.

The military would never attempt to take on citizens in the US. Short of nuclear weapons or carpet bombing population centers, they would, by design of the founders, get crushed.

Chew on this, which is just active hunters and doesn’t include the millions, such as myself, who are well armed and do not hunt. They greatly outnumber the top 10 armies of the world COMBINED.

The trump party is truly scared shit less. So afraid the government is gonna take their gun they threaten anyone who stands against them with death.


Well bring it, you’ll get your ass shot down by the police or the National Guard.


Me, I’ll be home watching it on TV eating cookies and getting high. Losers!

Originally Posted by Jaxson66
What is it with liberals and logic...they could marry because the have no relation to each other WHAT SO EVER!!
Liberalism is a GUTLESS choice...I see you made your choice
I B Hankering's Avatar
You sound scared enough to kill for your gun. You keep running your fat head and you might get the opportunity to back your shit up.

The police and National Guard are equipped to suppress some banana republic coup led by the trump cartel.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Again you advertise your stupidity. It was your ignorant-ass that advocated killing others to advance your asinine, un-Constitutional agenda.
�� Police love President Trump. As retired army enlisted and current PA-ANG member I can say with good authority that the military also loves him. In fact, I don’t think I’d met a Hillary supporter in 16. Certainly there were some, but they’re few and far between and/or embarrassed to admit it.

The military would never attempt to take on citizens in the US. Short of nuclear weapons or carpet bombing population centers, they would, by design of the founders, get crushed.

Chew on this, which is just active hunters and doesn’t include the millions, such as myself, who are well armed and do not hunt. They greatly outnumber the top 10 armies of the world COMBINED.

Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
That's good information. That's the reason this country has never had a hostile invasion by another country because the citizens of this country are well armed. You're also right about the Military and Police they took a Constitutional oath they aren't going to risk their lives by carrying out an unconstitutional demand by a bunch of Socialist thug politicians.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Again you advertise your stupidity. It was your ignorant-ass that advocated killing others to advance your asinine, un-Constitutional agenda. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Nope, it’s your racist ignorant ass and assholes like you who are to chicken shit to try another way. Fuck your rights!

Try not to shit your pants when you open the form letter from homeland security questioning your ownership of banned weapons.
Nope, it’s your racist ignorant ass and assholes like you who are to chicken shit to try another way. Fuck your rights!

Try not to shit your pants when you open the form letter from homeland security questioning your ownership of banned weapons. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Very few of us with any connections/friends/family in either the Police, National Guard, or even government positions are very worried about anything you are rambling on about.

We are certainly not expecting to be shitting our pants.

The best that's reasonably going to pass(and it's a stretch) would be something similar to the Clinton ban, which grandfathered all existing "SCARY Assault Weapons".

That's the best and brightest hope for the libs at this point based on precedent.

To believe it goes farther than that in the near future and you actually have a standoff with legal gun owners and police/national guard/etc. is sadly laughable. And problematic with the left.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The police and National Guard are equipped to suppress some banana republic coup led by the trump cartel. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Banana republics ban guns. But what's up with your outsourcing of confiscation? You mean you ain't gonna do it your lazy azzed self? Figures.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Banana republics ban guns. But what's up with your outsourcing of confiscation? You mean you ain't gonna do it your lazy azzed self? Figures. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Boy, you chicken shits stick together. Get this straight dumbass, it isn’t my responsibility to enforce new law. So yeah, I won’t be there. I’ll be having a cold beer at the Spot on Galveston sea wall laughing my ass off watching your new revolution on tv. Losers.

Give them up or hit the streets tough guy.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Very few of us with any connections/friends/family in either the Police, National Guard, or even government positions are very worried about anything you are rambling on about.

We are certainly not expecting to be shitting our pants.

The best that's reasonably going to pass(and it's a stretch) would be something similar to the Clinton ban, which grandfathered all existing "SCARY Assault Weapons".

That's the best and brightest hope for the libs at this point based on precedent.

To believe it goes farther than that in the near future and you actually have a standoff with legal gun owners and police/national guard/etc. is sadly laughable. And problematic with the left. Originally Posted by eccielover
Are you stupid or something. The big scary assault weapons is what the trump party claims the government will have to come take it. Well all the Dem candidates agree with a ban for those type weapons. And the eccie trump party claims they will kill for their weapon.

What’s laughable about those threats.