Kamala's Awful Record As Border Czar - Here's the Raw Truth

HDGristle's Avatar
You act like I'm a lawyer who only asks questions he/she already knows the answer to. I'm not playing gotcha, ok? There's a long-brewing crisis at the border and people are fed up about it. You know a lot about the ins and outs of the problem, so help us out please. It makes sense to start with the low-hanging fruit instead of diving into the weeds. The reason I started with the graph is because we need to agree on the scale & dimensions of the problem if we're going to get our hands around it. Plus we need to agree on how to gauge success going forward in securing the border.

It's late. I'm busy tomorrow so you can take your time in formulating a response. Originally Posted by lustylad
You and I won't solve the problem. I'm trying to understand what you know because there's a lot of shit packed into this chart. And it's origins begin in 2014 with Ron Johnson.

Flores reinterpretstion is the Obama change regarding how long a child can be in custody and is tied to family separation, pre-Trump.

MPP is Migrant Protection Program (Remain in Mexico)

Metering is not referenced, but should be. It's where Trump's CBP closed down a port of entry randomly and wouldn't provide information about when it would reopen to stifle asylum requests

The biggest drops you'll see in this data coincide with COVID. You'll note the data increases in the ramp-up to the election Trump lost.

The data appears to be apprehensions. The estimated apprehension rate for Trump and Biden is about 75% vs about 35% under Obama. (This is a big deal) These are folks who entered the U.S. and were detained by CBP. The data is from CBP. The labels aren't. And Trump admin had differences in how it counted things.

This is a better version. Scroll down to Southern Border Apprehensions and Policy Changes (2014-present). This only goes to Sep 23 so u can take the remainder from the Johnson chart and interpolate, but it gives you better context for events and who was in office


This doesn't count estimated getaways and it doesn't account for same person multiple encounter. Simply apprehensions.

Let's leave it here for now
HDGristle's Avatar
keeping the wretches of society out Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That's an easy one. No. It didn't. I thought you were looking for a real convo.

My bad
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That's an easy one. No. It didn't. I thought you were looking for a real convo.

My bad Originally Posted by HDGristle
define real convo in terms of someone who supports open borders and free admit to one and all?

oh snap we both know not everyone should even be given the opportunity for asylum?

so why the cattle stampede by Biden Harris? she is the "Border Czar" yes?
HDGristle's Avatar
Lusty, compare charts. This will solidify the point about it being the Ron Johnson chart


Waco, that response is exactly why I don't think you're interested in a real convo. Open borders isn't reality today and it's not likely to be reality. It's a rally cry. It's a fear mongering tactic. It's one of the boogeyman's various miasma. We wouldn't have these levels of encounters, apprehensions and expulsions if we had an open border. We wouldn't have the visa denials we have if there were an open border. It's a tiresome discussion pegged in an extreme fear that doesn't focus on our actual laws, all the mechanisms in place or the reality of the work being done every day.

The stampede trend began under Trump. The actual acceleration is masked a bit because we're looking at apprehensions, not unique persons. It's divorced of a significant amount of context. No doubt up bigly under Biden, but we'll leave it there for now.

Also, Waco... since Border Czar isn't a real title, today you're Border Czar. Don't fuck it up.
Reality is border czar is Congress. Border czar is just stupid magat label that suggests she is Russian and some sort of commonest or socialist...

Jokes on magats, Czars or Tsars were a monarchy.
HDGristle's Avatar
In the U.S. it's been used by the media since the 1930's. Not just a recent thing.