What is the deal with tattoos?

FunInDFW's Avatar
exactly ? your slow i can see Originally Posted by glade55
Ah, the typical deflection response when you get called out and can't back up a thought. Classic.
glade55's Avatar
called out by a john on a hooker board ..sure buddy
Although, in 40+ years they'll look shitty (more so due to saggy skin) like the rest of our bodies. Also, when I'm controlled more by my bowel movements than not, I'm not going to be too concerned about my tattoos. Originally Posted by Arcane
^^^^^^^^ THIS!!!!!

I have a full Chinese folk style back mural . . . shoulder to waist, mid rib to mid rib and can walk into any professional atmosphere at ANY time be it court room or state dinner. I am already old and simply don't care what it will look like . . . the fact that it is there is what matters to me. But, I would feel the same if I had visible ink . . . anyone that won't "have" me because of ink is simply not worth being "had" by. Simple enough

Folks with ink get annoyed with the JUDGEMENT applied to them by those who judge the worth of someone based upon the presence of ink and speaks to the raw arrogance of those doing the judging.

Feel free to not like the art, to not want to be with a provider with ink . . . hell, to just not like tattoos in general. But judging someone's character or "worth" due to him/her simply having ink means you are a small, simple minded twat.

But heck, judging is what people do on the inner webs. LOL!
Charlie Brown's Avatar
Hell, I know I'm old fashioned on tattoos.

Pretty sure why I don't have any is from an earlier observation:

" What's that supposed to be ? "................." I had my ex's initials covered over ".
C@r@m3lTWIX's Avatar
.......Most of us are the type of girls that are tatted up. It comes with the territory. Originally Posted by !!Sexy Erotic Morgan

Hmm, inquiring minds wanna know?!?

I'm okay with some, but I need to be able to see the body parts I like. I mean, if I can't see the nice physical attributes because they're all camouflaged................... ......
The only thing I've gotten from this thread or from any other discussion of tattoos is that women don't care what guys think of their tattoos. Women don't get tattoos to please guys, they get them to please themselves. Your opinion of "art" or "distracting" is irrelevant to them.
Why is usually a personal matter to them. I personally prefer a lady with a few tats. It's hot as hell.
Art is and will always be a subjective thing. Art is as beauty is, in the eye of the beholder. Or, in the case of tattoos, beauty is an expression of something personal, special or sentimental to the person who "wears" it. It's a personal statement by definition. Other people may not appreciate the beauty but it's still beautiful to the person who wears the tattoo on their body. For whatever reason.
I'm covered with tasteful ink, it's never been a problem before.
Bbud1959's Avatar
I'm covered with tasteful ink, it's never been a problem before. Originally Posted by Rose Vintage
And you wear them well!
there are tattoos that are very tasteful, and beautiful...... and then there's branding type tattoos....