Who has the best IOP?

Get a girlfriend Originally Posted by Utanks
I'd think that if the pursuit were for real passion, then he would not be hiring someone to provide it. I acknowledge that skilled providers may be passionate about their work to the point of it being an art, but it seems unrealistic to assume providers are carnally passionate about their clients. Passionate about some of them as individual people? Very possibly, as long as they do in fact see them as people in addition to seeing them as clients. Passionate about them as sexual partners? For a client to start entertaining that possibility seems unrealistic, IMHO. And that's the sort of passion to which the acronym refers, insofar as I understand it. It's not that it's impossible, but a client can never really be sure the passion is real. Prudence would seem to suggest assuming it's an illusion, one for which the client either can or cannot suspend disbelief depending on his point-of-view. Originally Posted by Centaur
Nailed it