HEEELLLPPPPP me save the turtles! Yup kids, I'm begging for donations. Donations thread.

FunInDFW's Avatar
Dudes, you're all being a bunch of whiny pussies. If you don't want to help, don't. Going on and on and on like you have to prove yourself right only makes you look like a douche. What's the point? I wouldn't be surprised if providers put you on their "Do Not Meet List" after following this. Put down the game controllers, get out of your mom's basement and get some Vitamin D from the sunshine. It will make you feel better. Originally Posted by DFWdude4fun
The irony here is palpable... Even better with the avatar.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
This thread is funny. With all of the fucked up shit we have going on in DFW, people who desperately need help, this lady asks for donations to go play with turtles in CR.

I'd rather donate locally and help out actual people. I stopped giving a shit about turtles when I was about 8 years old. They've been around forever for a reason....What a lame cause to ask for donations for with all of the shit that's going on in this world.

Yeah yeah yeah, this is her dream. I'm an asshole for saying that. Give me a fucking break.
Col0002's Avatar
This thread is funny. With all of the fucked up shit we have going on in DFW, people who desperately need help, this lady asks for donations to go play with turtles in CR.

I'd rather donate locally and help out actual people. I stopped giving a shit about turtles when I was about 8 years old. They've been around forever for a reason....What a lame cause to ask for donations for with all of the shit that's going on in this world.

Yeah yeah yeah, this is her dream. I'm an asshole for saying that. Give me a fucking break. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Since the topic was brought up, I did a little research about the sea turtles out of curiosity.

Egg poaching hoax

Debate about legal Egg poaching

This stuff is very interesting.

But nonetheless, I wish the best of luck for Kaylee and I hope the organization does well in aiding & helping nature.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Wait, you make $200/hr for a HJ and you can't spot her a fin? Originally Posted by Stanfeld
She is worth it and more. I tipped her a hundred on top of it, I was so pleased. Beautiful girl, and I hope to get back to the States and see her again. If you see her bod and can't pop a boner immediately, you should consider going to a urologist, unless you prefer fat women....
As for the turtles, I would blame the organization and not KHC, who is just trying to help out, and was doing what they instructed her to do. They obviously do it for the publicity, and it clearly works. Women, with their God given loving nature, are more susceptible to this type of pitch.
Anyone been to the turtle farm in the Cayman Islands? They release a turtle into the wild if you make a donation. The rest get made into turtle soup.
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 08-22-2014, 10:58 PM
A man and his pet turtle walk into a bar. It's about 5pm, but they're ready for a good night of drinking.
They start off slowly, watching TV, drinking beer, eating peanuts. As the night goes on they move to mixed drinks, and then shooters, one after the other.
Finally, the bartender says: "Last call."
So, the man says, "One more for me... and one more for my turtle."
The bartender sets them up and they shoot them back. Suddenly, the turtle falls over dead.
The man throws some money on the bar, puts on his coat and starts to leave.
The bartender, yells: "Hey buddy, you can't just leave that lyin' there."
To which the man replies: "That's not a lion, it's a fucking turtle."
JL, I made no comment on her worth.
Dudes, you're all being a bunch of whiny pussies. If you don't want to help, don't. Going on and on and on like you have to prove yourself right only makes you look like a douche. What's the point? I wouldn't be surprised if providers put you on their "Do Not Meet List" after following this. Put down the game controllers, get out of your mom's basement and get some Vitamin D from the sunshine. It will make you feel better. Originally Posted by DFWdude4fun
Help and be Happy
Don't Help and be Happy
Either way
Stop the attacks
All this Drama shit for asking for help is fucking bullshit.
Help is a fucking Choice
If you do it simply PM her. No need to say I will I will
Save the glory
If you don't want to help for whatever reason Great
Simply move the Fuck on but don't attack with all the drama ass shit.
Where are all of the guys who preached on the "I'm giving it away for free" post that's now on page 2 saying that the OP didn't ask for anyone's opinions on the topic?
Hello? Hello?
Porky Poker's Avatar
Well, I for one wish her well and hope this catches on. I once many years ago had a pair of boots made out of sea turtle and would love to see the population return to the numbers where they can start killing them legally again. Those were some awesome boots
MrDark's Avatar
When ever I see turtles I'm instantly reminded of "Cannibal Holocaust"

I bet that was some good turtle!!!

Nom Nom Nom Yum!
Porky Poker's Avatar
Would it be a better use of the money to post turtle crossing signs on the highway to keep all the poor little fuckers from making that crunch sound when they pass under a tire? And it is local!
Where are all of the guys who preached on the "I'm giving it away for free" post that's now on page 2 saying that the OP didn't ask for anyone's opinions on the topic?
Hello? Hello?
Crickets. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie

No one complains about free penis donations.

Funny when I see the word turtle I think of the new movie nija turtles. By the way of which is a awesome movie.
I think of the zombie kid on youtube...
