How many people will die in the USA from the new coronavirus by December 31, 2021??

  • Tiny
  • 03-31-2020, 08:44 AM
The real number will always be reflective of Trumps incompetence.

How he’s already lied so many times about his so called wonderful job. That he has to get his buddy the Pillow Man to spew more nonsense. Like it’s some kind of big joke.

South Korea did a great job and kept the numbers down,

But all Trump can do is treat the virus TV daily briefings as his own platform for lies and propaganda. Bragging about the viewership...geez

The numbers will escalate because his Governor buddies are not taking this virus seriously but are doing their best to thwart the media from doing their jobs.
Florida is a classic example. De Santis is Too busy kissing Trumps butthole Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
This is like the economy, the president gets all the credit and all the blame, when there are many factors in play. Yes, Trump is singularly unsuited to deal with this particular crisis. I think on the other hand he would have done a better job with the economic crisis in 2009 than Obama did, at least if he'd held off on starting trade wars. And what Trump says and what he does are often very different. Recently, if not early on, he's more often than not doing the right thing.

Sunday night a neighbor likened this crisis to Pearl Harbor. We went into World War II greatly unprepared but mobilized and proceeded to kick ass. There are parallels. Industry is gearing up. We're ramping up testing rapidly. Abbott has started manufacturing Covid 19 tests that give results in 10 minutes. They'll be making 50,000 kits a day. J&J and others have fast tracked vaccines and are already upgrading vaccine manufacturing facilities, even before knowing whether their vaccines will be viable. Many of the governors and mayors are taking this very seriously. Look at Cuomo. I criticized Governor Abbott of Texas here earlier on, but he's upped his game and Texas is taking the steps it should to deal with the crisis.

The Federal government, yes, where were they? Why did the CDC and FDA actually slow down testing by hindering hospitals, research institutes and private businesses from developing tests? Why didn't we pour tens of billions into testing and vaccines early on? But it's not mainly Trump's fault. We've got a federal government that doesn't work and it's been that way for a long time. We have to depend on the states, localities and private sector.
We have to depend on the states, localities and private sector. Originally Posted by Tiny
And Trumps initial reactions and even efforts have been in that direction all along.

The very quick response of declaring the national health emergency was to spur state and local concerted response as necessary. The state and local agencies also dropped the ball in not running with that.

Trump also relatively early on invoked the national protection act which helped mobilize the private sector in pitching in and received bi-partisan kudos for doing so.
L-17 - the wuhan virus (Covid-19) is a single stranded RNA virus . It replicates inside a cell - not on its own, It contains RNA. The nuc.eotide sequence has been determined and characterized.

It is transmitted by respiratory droplet primarily, but can exist on surfaces for a variable period of time - and contact with the surface and then mucous membranes - eyes, mouth, nose can transmit the virus. It does not penetrate intact skin for transmission.

Unlikely to be transmitted by sexual contact - but from the close transmission of respiratory secretions.

the virus can be killed by many disinfectants. Ethanol does kill the virus on surfaces. Imbibing ethanol is not a cure for the clinical infection. It is sensitive to UV light. UV light kills only on surfaces - exposure to UV light is not a cure for clinical infection. Hopefully will go into a "remission " as warmer weather arrives.

To the posters who might want to go get drunk under UV light to prevent/cure viral infection - well - use your best judgment with regard to to the natural selection process of the species.

An in depth article.

A current CDC situation summary :

For a change - I will not reproduce the articles - the first, in particular, is directed at the scientific medical community primarily. It is a good read.

CDC is more overview.

To all posters interested in being informed-Please consider taking the time to read these. Originally Posted by oeb11
I've heard it doesn't have any RNA.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
No you can't and no it's not fair. If the Waco Kid wants to start a death guess game and throw out "numbers" like <75,000, then he should start his own thread. And if he does that I'll guess less than 350 million deaths in the USA. Originally Posted by Tiny
Very well. I will throw out the number.
How about 80,000 deaths directly related to Covid-19 by December 31, 2021.
  • oeb11
  • 03-31-2020, 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by oeb11
L-17 - the wuhan virus (Covid-19) is a single stranded RNA virus . It replicates inside a cell - not on its own, It contains RNA. The nuc.eotide sequence has been determined and characterized.

It is transmitted by respiratory droplet primarily, but can exist on surfaces for a variable period of time - and contact with the surface and then mucous membranes - eyes, mouth, nose can transmit the virus. It does not penetrate intact skin for transmission.

Unlikely to be transmitted by sexual contact - but from the close transmission of respiratory secretions.

the virus can be killed by many disinfectants. Ethanol does kill the virus on surfaces. Imbibing ethanol is not a cure for the clinical infection. It is sensitive to UV light. UV light kills only on surfaces - exposure to UV light is not a cure for clinical infection. Hopefully will go into a "remission " as warmer weather arrives.

To the posters who might want to go get drunk under UV light to prevent/cure viral infection - well - use your best judgment with regard to to the natural selection process of the species.

An in depth article.

A current CDC situation summary :

For a change - I will not reproduce the articles - the first, in particular, is directed at the scientific medical community primarily. It is a good read.

CDC is more overview.

To all posters interested in being informed-Please consider taking the time to read these.

I've heard it doesn't have any RNA.

The virus is a glycoprotein coat with a positive RNA strand center.

please read the article.

Wuhan coronavirus is an RNA virus - and contains RNA in order to replicate. .

  • Tiny
  • 03-31-2020, 11:08 AM
And Trumps initial reactions and even efforts have been in that direction all along.

The very quick response of declaring the national health emergency was to spur state and local concerted response as necessary. The state and local agencies also dropped the ball in not running with that.

Trump also relatively early on invoked the national protection act which helped mobilize the private sector in pitching in and received bi-partisan kudos for doing so. Originally Posted by eccielover
Here's an example. Today on a conference call with Trump and the governors, Steve Bullock brings up that they've run out of tests in Montana. Trump says he hasn't heard about testing in weeks, suggesting he thinks availability is not a problem now. WTF? Is he that out of it?

The federal government should give Abbott Labs a few billion and get them to ramp up test kits from 50,000 a day to hundreds of thousands or 1 million+ a day. Then we could test a lot of people, and isolate those with coronavirus and everyone else could go back to work. Is it Trump's fault that hasn't happened? Not necessarily. Pelosi could get it started in the House and presumably Trump and the Senate would sign off. She probably won't initiate it though because she doesn't want government money going to the corporations. The problem regardless of whether Trump or Pelosi initiates something like this is that every congressman would want to insert his pet piece of pork into the bill. The system is broken at the Federal level.

I normally don't believe in subsidizing industry or throwing money around btw. But spending a few tens of billions on tests, masks and vaccines would potentially save trillions in damage to the economy. And save the taxpayer hundreds of billions or more too.
  • Tiny
  • 03-31-2020, 11:10 AM
Very well. I will throw out the number.
How about 80,000 deaths directly related to Covid-19 by December 31, 2021. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Noted eccieuser. I'll stick with my number, through thick and thin, although I believe you're closer to the truth than I am. Please note I didn't revise my estimate to 80,001.
  • oeb11
  • 03-31-2020, 11:12 AM
I tend to agree - Tiny. I would hope it would not take $billions - but a much more reasonable sum - and I have heard that the companies are ramping up the newer short time requirement tests.

I agree about the horrid state of the adversarial nature of our Congress and executive branch - both Intra - branch and between the branches.
Originally Posted by oeb11
L-17 - the wuhan virus (Covid-19) is a single stranded RNA virus . It replicates inside a cell - not on its own, It contains RNA. The nuc.eotide sequence has been determined and characterized.

It is transmitted by respiratory droplet primarily, but can exist on surfaces for a variable period of time - and contact with the surface and then mucous membranes - eyes, mouth, nose can transmit the virus. It does not penetrate intact skin for transmission.

Unlikely to be transmitted by sexual contact - but from the close transmission of respiratory secretions.

the virus can be killed by many disinfectants. Ethanol does kill the virus on surfaces. Imbibing ethanol is not a cure for the clinical infection. It is sensitive to UV light. UV light kills only on surfaces - exposure to UV light is not a cure for clinical infection. Hopefully will go into a "remission " as warmer weather arrives.

To the posters who might want to go get drunk under UV light to prevent/cure viral infection - well - use your best judgment with regard to to the natural selection process of the species.

An in depth article.

A current CDC situation summary :

For a change - I will not reproduce the articles - the first, in particular, is directed at the scientific medical community primarily. It is a good read.

CDC is more overview.

To all posters interested in being informed-Please consider taking the time to read these.

I've heard it doesn't have any RNA.

The virus is a glycoprotein coat with a positive RNA strand center.

please read the article.

Wuhan coronavirus is an RNA virus - and contains RNA in order to replicate. .

Originally Posted by oeb11
Then what I've read from John Hopkins is completely wrong. Lot of the information is confusing.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Getting back to the original question:
Less than cancer kills each year.
Probably less than auto accidents kill each year.
  • Tiny
  • 03-31-2020, 11:38 AM
Getting back to the original question:
Less than cancer kills each year.
Probably less than auto accidents kill each year. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
That means definitely less than 600,000 and probably less than 40,000. What's your best guess?
  • oeb11
  • 03-31-2020, 11:58 AM
Then what I've read from John Hopkins is completely wrong. Lot of the information is confusing. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Do you have a reference from Johns Hopkins on that , L17???
I would like to see it.

Wuhan coronavirus does contain RNA - to replicate inside a cell.
Do you have a reference from Johns Hopkins on that , L17???
I would like to see it.

Wuhan coronavirus does contain RNA - to replicate inside a cell. Originally Posted by oeb11
I think Dilbert posted the same thing I had read. I was trying to find it again to post it, he beat me to it. Check his threads you'll find it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think Dilbert posted the same thing I had read. I was trying to find it again to post it, he beat me to it. Check his threads you'll find it. Originally Posted by Levianon17

moi??? you're much too flattering...

look for the tips for coronavirus thread.

I've posted it on every co-ed forum on this board including the hole in the wall places where it hasn't been posted in 5 years.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Do you have a reference from Johns Hopkins on that , L17???
I would like to see it.

Wuhan coronavirus does contain RNA - to replicate inside a cell. Originally Posted by oeb11
I think Dilbert posted the same thing I had read. I was trying to find it again to post it, he beat me to it. Check his threads you'll find it. Originally Posted by Levianon17

* The virus is not a living organism, but a protein molecule (DNA) covered by a protective layer of lipid (fat), which, when absorbed by the cells of the ocular, nasal or buccal mucosa, changes their genetic code. (mutation) and convert them into aggressor and multiplier cells.

* Since the virus is not a living organism but a protein molecule, it is not killed, but decays on its own. The disintegration time depends on the temperature, humidity and type of material where it lies.