Fake Review... Wtf Mentagon9?

Marshpirate's Avatar
I don't know Kati. You are just going to have to come to Lafayette so I can see with my own eyes. Of course, I' must inspect you sans-clothing with my bare hands. And then front to back, top to bottom with my mouth and tongue because i heard it's a great way to measure bmi. And then.....just come to Lafayette please!
LA Man's Avatar
I'm with Al, a bee pic or two each day from Kati is really great! It doesn't get much better than that😉

One more for the road :-)[/QUOTE]
Fucking Ridiculous...
SknyDiva's Avatar
She's got a ho belly!! Full of steak and taters!! You dudes need to chill dafuq out!!!!
All those here may not want to miss the question he posed to the mod earlier today. Just FYI
Well dam. Just read it.
KatiforYou's Avatar
Good thing he never saw me.

Seriously Menagon you have issues. As someone that has worked in healthcare I know for a fact, you have your incubation period way off trying to insinuate things about me. What did you catch?
Also, the threats of CPS involvement with my family take this a little too far.
Menagon whatever credibility you had is gone! Nobody is that stupid to post what you did in the other forum. You knew what you were doing and that is even more stupid, just go away, you my friend are obviously too screwed up in the head to participate in this hobby. You will never get another session with any prostitute. And if you do please write a review so I know to stay so far away from her!! Let it go and move on, she does not like you and never will, in fact I don't like you at this point. Come clean, tell truth and apologize or just go away.
SknyDiva's Avatar
You should never be ashamed OF Yourself! You are a beautiful woman. Displaying yourself. You can never please everyone. Get the fuck over it chic. These dawgs are not GODS. Just looking for good pussy. You are not unique. None of the ho's on this whore board! If I offended anyone go fuck yourselves please.
KatiforYou's Avatar
Thank you Diva. I like you and your cut to the chase posts! ♡
SknyDiva's Avatar
If I was subjected to a fake review I would want other ladies to be supportive. That does not happen here . Instead they have a field trip. Of how other fuck us over. Some people are just jealous that you are good. So they play
SknyDiva's Avatar
Well dam. Just read it. Originally Posted by OldGent
Not really. Only if it suits the needs of others. You are a very unhonarable person in my honest opinion. My dealings with you in the past have excluded me from "your" list because I spoke my Opinion. I don't need or want the endorsement of a played person. And you of all people should know that you are being played. Career providers find out your angle. I don't give two turds. Whatever your heart desires dude. It is a whore board.