Dear hunter!!!!!!

texasjohn1965's Avatar
Back to the topic at hand....

Dearhunter: The Fucking Prophet!
Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
Agreed! This thread isn't about love, kisses, or valtrex

but alas, it looks like we will have to travel far and wide to reap the benefits of his wisdom.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
While I may disagree with you Ms London to an extent, that is neither here nor there. (I am not in a place right now to cite specific examples.) But trust me in that there is just as much of an intimidation factor on the National board that is on the Houston board. The styles in which they intimidate may be different, but still intimidating nonetheless...... As far as the Blog goes, sure... Its NOT on the board, and not restricted by board rules... But linking to it, and others quoting it makes it an extension of drama on the boards...... And as far as "Not naming names" I seem to recall several threads/posts that no names were named, yet certain people took offense and posted as much in them.... So that particular argument holds little water in my book......

Naomi seems to be the only one out of us that has it right on...... Insulting by ANYONE is wrong and needs to stop..... The problem is that it goes deeper than simply turning your back, putting on ignore, or simply walking away will resolve......

Once again aback off topic....... Where is the desire to help the OP with her SugarMomma delema and the seeking of knowledge from the fucking prophet?

Wayward's Avatar
Then start a blog, but keep the bs off the darn board! I don't recall any names mentioned, so if someone is that consumed with self to assume random blogs are about them....well nuff said. When someone mentions something in passing and every WK under the sun flat out defends a girl using her name, that is even more hilarious and only makes people look right at her lol.

I am sure glad I don't slit my wrist every time someone writes something bad about me, because I would be in bad shape. I really don't give a flying flip about what anyone who is not paying my bills, not in my life, or even in my freaking conscience thinks about "London Rayne." Gosh, meds are to be taken as directed on the bottle. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Is it okay with you that I would like very much to kiss you now?
London Rayne's Avatar
JAD, It has not been quoted or linked to after the additions were added, nor will it. I will also not tell another woman what she should include on her site, or act like a 6 year old because I ASSume it's about me lol.

Point is, National never had such an influx of bs until most recently and the mods have been alerted. I don't care to get into anymore DRAMA, when I come here to have fun with my friends.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Naomi seems to be the only one out of us that has it right on...... Insulting by ANYONE is wrong and needs to stop..... The problem is that it goes deeper than simply turning your back, putting on ignore, or simply walking away will resolve...... Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
If that is what we need to do then let's so it. Can we be civil and talk about it than to turn our backs and this BS keeps going on? What is wrong? Do we need an intervention here?

Ok JAD I want to hear what your voice sounds like because your writing style turns me on. Um.. ok.. that had nothing to do with the issue at hand.. but ..ok .. nevermind.
Wayward's Avatar
Obvious, and agreed. I guess stupidity is also the "gift that keeps on giving." When you toss insults and can't even spell the 12 words in your sig. line, it really offers lots of joke material. Originally Posted by London Rayne
We should be really careful about the name calling, just sayin'

If right of posting is only going to follow a mensa exam then a lot of folks are going to be in trouble. Originally Posted by Wayward
I will say the word stupidity all I want thanks. When you become a mod we can talk about that one. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I wasn't telling you what to post just offering an opinion about it, which you seemed to have trouble responding to. Which is code for guess I hit a nerve, which was the point. I'm not a hypocrite and wouldn't like to believe that you are one either. Just sayin'
London Rayne's Avatar
This is what I just read...wah, wah, wah. I have no problem admitting I said the freaking word. I can in fact read something as I write it. You did not hit a nerve and yea you are kind of a hypocrite when you make suggestions to OTHER people about manners, and allow your kind to carry on. Either way, you don't bother me so continue lol.
. The problem is that it goes deeper than simply turning your back, putting on ignore, or simply walking away will resolve...... Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
The problem is people bringing their drama on this board...If you have a problem go write a blog, send an email, make a phone call, do what you need to do....just keep it off the boards?...

And any issues I have with people on here are resolved for myself, by having them on ignore....because unlike some people, I don't take jabs at the same person every single day..... multiple times....I have put them on ignore and moved on...

If you or anyone else has a problem with the way I choose to utilize the ignore function...get over it, it's not going to change.....
Wayward's Avatar
Originally Posted by Wayward
Apparently that is still okay and a little wit here is the end of the world as we know it. What is good for the goose is only fair for the gander, or something about a pot and kettle but that seemed racing...
Nope. Insults are not ok. It doesn't matter who is doing the insulting. Like I said in another thread, We should try to understand someone's POV rather than insult them. At least that is what I try to do. I have been watching this thread and didn't say anything because it was not my battle but enough is enough. I don't like anyone insulting Valerie and I don't like Valerie insulting anyone here. Let's all try to get along, kiss and have crazy nasty sex. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Couldn't agree more and while I thought the original joke was really funny, softening it a little didn't seem like a bad plan. Then again I thinck refering to my self as a Murdering Rat Bastard is funny so my sense of humor is more than a little sick and twisted.

It's hard to be funny and never hurt anyone's feelers, but you have a point and it is valid. I will insult myself in this thread for the rest of the day. Did I even tell you for example that I am hung like a spotted field mouse?
Wayward's Avatar
This is what I just read...wah, wah, wah. I have no problem admitting I said the freaking word. I can in fact read something as I write it. You did not hit a nerve and yea you are kind of a hypocrite when you make suggestions to OTHER people about manners, and allow your kind to carry on. Either way, you don't bother me so continue lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
So you are okay with the kiss? Because I'm kind of hideous looking and have breath like a swamp reptile...
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Please understand it was not a shot at you or the way you choose to use the ignore button..... We already had that talk...... My contention is that the issue at hand does not get resolved in such a manner from my experience.....

London, you are free to say as you like (unlike others whom are apparently restricted as to what they are allowed to say). But the fact is you have to see they certain level of hypocracy in your actions & words.... Perpetuating the drama is nearly as bad as introducing it. So yet again, as you're no doubt banging the RTM or PMing your Mod friends (which is well within your rights) I would not be shocked if some of the same were done inreference to your posts.....
Anyone remember the topic? Or are we all kinds of sideways that it is beyond repair?

Naomi..... Soon enuf my dear..... Soon enuf....

London Rayne's Avatar
So you are okay with the kiss? Because I'm kind of hideous looking and have breath like a swamp reptile... Originally Posted by Wayward
Then it's gonna be a BJ only date for you too I guess...what's new?
London Rayne's Avatar
Please understand it was not a shot at you or the way you choose to use the ignore button..... We already had that talk...... My contention is that the issue at hand does not get resolved in such a manner from my experience.....

London, you are free to say as you like (unlike others whom are apparently restricted as to what they are allowed to say). But the fact is you have to see they certain level of hypocracy in your actions & words.... Perpetuating the drama is nearly as bad as introducing it. So yet again, as you're no doubt banging the RTM or PMing your Mod friends (which is well within your rights) I would not be shocked if some of the same were done inreference to your posts.....
Anyone remember the topic? Or are we all kinds of sideways that it is beyond repair?

Naomi..... Soon enuf my dear..... Soon enuf....

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
There is this concept called LET IT GO, which is what I am doing. Your post made zero sense to me. Wanting to STOP the drama is NOT adding to it lol. I don't start crap but I WILL finish it! People need to learn when to stfu already!
onehitwonder's Avatar
Obvious, and agreed. I guess stupidity is also the "gift that keeps on giving." When you toss insults and can't even spell the 12 words in your sig. line, it really offers lots of joke material. Originally Posted by London Rayne

I'm ALOT of things but stoopit AIN'T one of them.........I'm smart enough to know that somewhere in your small mind you have confused what you do for a living with superiority. That it some how entitles you to look down on others.....I never make snide comments on anything or to anyone unless it's directed at me and mine....OR unless just in fun....and your buddy made that mistake a few weeks ago.....and well you see how that turned's your chance...say whatever you want to or about'll do it say whatever you want with no fear...because YOU are allowed...others not so much, if they wish to participate here......but go easy on me...I'm old...and don't have a mod in my...ummm..pocket...Don't get it confused. Just because people pay you to do whatever it is they could'nt or would'nt do to the woman they love........don't make YOU special....see where I'm goin' here?....I may not have a formal education but I'm nowhere near stupid. We're about the same age, right? You're still turning tricks...I've owned studio's........and never made a dime layin on my back. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. Some of my very best friends are in the life and have worked for me.....

<-----rtm is to the left there, Your Highness

I'll take my points with sweet and sour sauce, thanCks........

BTW Naomi, I'm a Gemini. It can't be helped sometimes. And I thinck you're pretty swell too.
London Rayne's Avatar
Oh did I say your name? Ha ha thanks babe. BTW, "Alot" is not a word. It's "a lot." Thanks for playing and taking the time to write that long tirade...made my day.

I was pointed many times for saying what I want, so please don't go there. I can show you the numbers as well as the ban. When you call other people names that mean something to me, I will tell you what you look like when you can't even spell or use proper grammar when doing so. I don't look down on anyone...only when they feel the need to jump into threads and insult people. I don't know how old you are, what you look like, or what education you don't have, and I really don't care. Carry on.