Should The ISIS Bride From Alabama Be Allowed Back Into America?

txdot-guy's Avatar
Thats 2 ! Who's the third? Originally Posted by winn dixie

That would be me WD.
winn dixie's Avatar
That would be me WD. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I give respect to those that fess up! Good for you sir!
And that makes 3!
themystic's Avatar
Most people are able to recognize that ABC News doesn't give the full story: that makes it "FAKE NEWS
Trying to make idiots feel sorry for her ,,,,,, Yeah OKAY Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Im so proud of you Rex. this reminds me of my sons first words. You typed your first complete coherent sentence. Keep up the great work Rex!!!! Are you studying for your citizenship exam? At this pace you should pass by 2024. Congrats comrade!
She's a US citizen. A deal needs to be made. A lengthy prison sentence but her child raised by her parents. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I can live with that. If it is determined she is a US citizen.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

How do we know ISIS bride Hoda Muthana isn’t still working for the group?
We don't. Read the article I quoted. The people who converted will never unconvert from this radicalism. The penalty for unconverting from Islam is death. Even the Obama administration revoked her passport.

Drone her ass. Problem solved. Problem staying solved.

Thanks to the true patriots who voted no!
My gawd, this ISIS whore dog is STILL in the news (just saw a clip of her appearing on Face the Nation still trying to make her case to return). What makes her think anyone (other than her family) wants her back in the freely walk amongst the very people she wanted dead?? She was stupid to leave....and ever stupider to think she has a right to return.

I couldn't give a flying crapola if she's an American citizen or not. She willingly joined an enemy of the United States....she forfeited "her rights" once she consciously chose to leave the country and push an agenda that called for the destruction of America.

Why wait for her to be allowed back in the country (by some trick or loophole of her legal team)? Try her case now (no matter her absence) and get a verdict of guilty as a MFer in tandem with the death penalty executed immediately upon her return (should she decide that's what she wants).
Enemy combatants belong in a POW camp, not a refugee camp.
Danielle Silver's Avatar
Y'all have derailed this train into ths mud..


PSA the gal deserves to be gone.
You're either for America or against it....
  • grean
  • 03-05-2019, 07:05 AM
My gawd, this ISIS whore dog is STILL in the news (just saw a clip of her appearing on Face the Nation still trying to make her case to return). What makes her think anyone (other than her family) wants her back in the freely walk amongst the very people she wanted dead?? She was stupid to leave....and ever stupider to think she has a right to return.

I couldn't give a flying crapola if she's an American citizen or not. She willingly joined an enemy of the United States....she forfeited "her rights" once she consciously chose to leave the country and push an agenda that called for the destruction of America.

Why wait for her to be allowed back in the country (by some trick or loophole of her legal team)? Try her case now (no matter her absence) and get a verdict of guilty as a MFer in tandem with the death penalty executed immediately upon her return (should she decide that's what she wants). Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
I say let her be considered a citizen.

Then, since she is, I believe her actions amount to treason. We are at war with ISIS and she adhered to our enemies and gave them aid and comfort.

Traitors are hung.

Section 3.Treasonagainst theUnited States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted oftreasonunlesson thetestimony of two witnessesto thesame overt act, or on confession in open court.
[QUOTE=grean;1061319789]I say let her be considered a citizen.

Then, since she is, I believe her actions amount to treason. We are at war with ISIS and she adhered to our enemies and gave them aid and comfort.

Traitors are hung. QUOTE]

Totally for it.

When was the last public hanging in America? A case could be made it's time to do so once again. It'd send a pretty big message this kinda behavior will not be tolerated....

Here's the upside to doing that....perhaps a public execution per that crime would finally shut HilLIARy's fat trap once and for all.....
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
fyi, we don't hang people anymore. we use lethal injection now a days.

btw, whats PSA?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar