CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey WeeEndowed, the white God Fauxing Christian, how's the banning going? With your massive influence, I'm surprised we are all still here!
LexusLover's Avatar
Hey WeeEndowed, the white God Fauxing Christian, how's the banning going? With your massive influence, I'm surprised we are all still here! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Me too. A Mass Crucifixion.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-24-2015, 12:57 PM
The moral relativism of the left is laughable. You might as well add Hillary Clinton and John Kerry to your calculation because they actually voted to go to war in Iraq, unlike Condi.

That would be an interesting calculation...we know Hillary's speaking fees are a lot higher than Condi's by at least a factor of 4x. Applying your outrage, Hillary is 4 times as egregious...or worse, since she actually voted to go to war and fund all those casualties you speak of. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
First, I am far from "outraged". Disillusioned, yes. But living in the swamp of DC politics I became that long before the Bush-2 circus, or the Clinton one. Different clowns, different snake-oil sales jobs, same lack of integrity by too many (not all) in both camps.

Second, for you to say that everyone in Congress who voted to fund the war is as culpable as the core Cheney/Rice team that put the plan together and sold the stupid idea that the Iraqis would flock to US democracy with open arms and flowers is stretching the comparison beyond the breaking point. No, Congress does share some blame, but the blame falls squarely on the key parts of the administration that aggressively pushed it with insufficient thought, knowledge, or vetting.

Third, HC gets bigger speaking fees because she has name recognition for many other things as well, and I really doubt anyone is paying her an honorarium for that particular vote. Other than here Rasputin-like influence on Bush-2, hardly anyone had a clue who CR was.

Again, I am not defending any of these. I think the idea of paying any of them based upon the bad choices they made turns my stomach. All I was pointing out is the same evils infect both sides of the political chasm--something most people on here remain intentionally blind to. Just look at shaum's post this morning. In his case a liberal, especially a black liberal, can do no wrong. In IB's and Gonad's and IIFFy's case, a conservative can do no wrong. Both sides are blind in one eye.
Hey, Mr. Well-endowed (with insecurity), don't leave me out of any proposed request for a mass banning!

A few days back, in response to my mockery of one of your ridiculous posts, you claimed that I must have an 'agenda' against you. Doesn't that violate board rules?

Go ahead, Well-endowed (with insecurity), think big!

Illegitimi non carborundum
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Looks like WeeEndowed is getting the banned back together!
dirty dog's Avatar
Well endowed i have asked u to stop pming me. Iam not interested in your advances. Please cease immediately
I B Hankering's Avatar
First, I am far from "outraged". Disillusioned, yes. But living in the swamp of DC politics I became that long before the Bush-2 circus, or the Clinton one. Different clowns, different snake-oil sales jobs, same lack of integrity by too many (not all) in both camps.

Second, for you to say that everyone in Congress who voted to fund the war is as culpable as the core Cheney/Rice team that put the plan together and sold the stupid idea that the Iraqis would flock to US democracy with open arms and flowers is stretching the comparison beyond the breaking point. No, Congress does share some blame, but the blame falls squarely on the key parts of the administration that aggressively pushed it with insufficient thought, knowledge, or vetting.

Third, HC gets bigger speaking fees because she has name recognition for many other things as well, and I really doubt anyone is paying her an honorarium for that particular vote. Other than here Rasputin-like influence on Bush-2, hardly anyone had a clue who CR was.

Again, I am not defending any of these. I think the idea of paying any of them based upon the bad choices they made turns my stomach. All I was pointing out is the same evils infect both sides of the political chasm--something most people on here remain intentionally blind to. Just look at shaum's post this morning. In his case a liberal, especially a black liberal, can do no wrong. In IB's and Gonad's and IIFFy's case, a conservative can do no wrong. Both sides are blind in one eye.
Originally Posted by Old-T
There's no blindness in seeing that Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's justification for renewing hostilities against Saddam were almost identical to those proffered by Bush43, Old-THUMPER. You'd have to be blind not to see those commonalities, Old-THUMPER.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-24-2015, 03:54 PM
IBMoron, you see no difference between strategic strikes on key targets and a regime change? Really?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We now know that Hillary was behind regime change in Libya without giving any thought to the aftermath, or telling the American people that is what we were doing. So she removed a benign dictator who was afraid of US power and installed a murderous regime that kills it's own people and our ambassador.

Quite an accomplishment Hillary.
Roof's own uncle said, he would like to pull the switch and execute the punk...

Let's see what they got to say in the hood?

I B Hankering's Avatar
I B Moron, you see no difference between strategic strikes on key targets and a regime change? Really? Originally Posted by Old-T
U B a Moron, Old-THUMPER. War by any other name is still war, Old-THUMPER, and Bush43 almost verbatim cited the same justifications used by Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator, Old-THUMPER. Only an ignorant blind man like you cannot see the commonalities, Old-THUMPER.

Wot's that ! Is WE ANOTHER closeted peter puffer ? ! woomby, shammy and assup will be inviting him to their next bukakke party as a fellow swishy walker !! Hope he can figure out their "agenda" for him before they take him over the sodomite cliff .
LexusLover's Avatar
IBMoron, you see no difference between strategic strikes on key targets and a regime change? Really? Originally Posted by Old-T
Who did "strategic strikes on key targets"?
Wot's that ! Is WE ANOTHER closeted peter puffer ? ! woomby, shammy and assup will be inviting him to their next bukakke party as a fellow swishy walker !! Hope he can figure out their "agenda" for him before they take him over the sodomite cliff . Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Take yourself over the sodomite cliff, you swishy-walking bastard.
Roof's own uncle said, he would like to pull the switch and execute the punk...

Let's see what they got to say in the hood?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSzKWByXwNo Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Another great example of the Dindu Nuffin clan and how liberals have stoked this for all they can milk it for.