Say Adios MoFo to Governor Quitter!

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  • 01-27-2013, 08:26 PM

The women you posted are attractive, but I don't think anyone of them matches up to Bo Derek. And she is a Republican. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Bo Derek is like 90.

I wouldn't fuc her with George Burns dick!
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  • 01-27-2013, 08:27 PM
I call bullshit, you'd hit any one of em, and you fucking know it.... lol Originally Posted by seedman55
I'd hit that silly bitch Palin upside the head with my dick...
Bo Derek is like 90.

I wouldn't fuc her with George Burns dick! Originally Posted by WTF
Hell, I havn't heard Bo Derek's name in years. The last I remember she was hot but that was 15-20 years ago.
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  • WTF
  • 01-27-2013, 08:48 PM
Hell, I havn't heard Bo Derek's name in years. The last I remember she was hot but that was 15-20 years ago. Originally Posted by bigtex
Shit '10' came out like in yea she was probably hot 'till about the mid 90's.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Carrie Prejean

Megyn Kelly

Kimberly Guilfoyle

Michelle Malkin

Andrea Tantaros

Dana Perino

Stormy Daniels
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  • 01-27-2013, 08:55 PM
I'd hit that silly bitch Palin upside the head with my dick... Originally Posted by WTF

Hell, I havn't heard Bo Derek's name in years. The last I remember she was hot but that was 15-20 years ago. Originally Posted by bigtex
Shit '10' came out like in yea she was probably hot 'till about the mid 90's. Originally Posted by WTF
I saw Bo Derek not long ago on tv, she still looked hot as hell. Shit my two favorite Thai ladies are alot older than these fucktards here think, they just do not look it.
Who said Palin picked incumbents. She didn't and she has worked both general elections and primary challenges. Do you really know anything about what we're talking about? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Can't you read?

I never said she picked incumbents.

I just pointed out that picking 70% of elections correctly is NOT a good average, because if you just ignore parties and political preferences and always pick the incumbent, you will be right 90% of the time.

So, when she picked 70%, that means she had to deliberately ignore common sense and the polls and picked only the candidates that had the same positions she did.

And they lost a lot, apparently.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Not that it really matters but nope on both counts! I prefer to pay a little more to a Mom and Pop operation than padding Wal Marts bloated pockets!

It's just a matter of personal preference. Originally Posted by bigtex
haven't you heard? they will take your food stamps
haven't you heard? they will take your food stamps Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
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  • WTF
  • 01-27-2013, 09:00 PM

I saw Bo Derek not long ago on tv, she still looked hot as hell. Shit my two favorite Thai ladies are alot older than these fucktards here think, they just do not look it. Originally Posted by seedman55
No damn wonder I get indigestion after eating what I thought was fresh Thai !

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  • 01-27-2013, 09:01 PM
I'm curious why did you include Angeline Jolie as a leftie? I guess you don't know. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Don't know what? That Fox News and US Magazine says she's criticized Obama? You really think she's a rightie?

I've got news for you. Those are both Photoshopped. Originally Posted by ExNYer
And you know Are they photoshopped, or just not entirely current?

This whole thread is ludicrous. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I'll give ya that.

But it is interesting that when others are debating the attractiveness of a female GOP politician, you don't compare her to Democratic politicians.
You compare her to Hollywood starlets. Not exactly and apples to apples comparison.
Sarah Palin is not exactly on par with a true Democratic politician - or Republican politician, for that matter. She's a beauty queen who managed to wink her way to getting elected governor of Alaska. Big deal. Some might consider her nothing more than a failed reality TV star.

The women you posted are attractive, but I don't think anyone of them matches up to Bo Derek. And she is a Republican.
I never understood the Bo Derek thing. Not even 30 years ago when she was still semi-relevant.
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  • 01-27-2013, 09:02 PM

Carrie Prejean

Megyn Kelly

Kimberly Guilfoyle

Michelle Malkin

Andrea Tantaros

Dana Perino

Stormy Daniels Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I'd fuc these two!

Who is Stormy Daniels? The weather girl in Tampa?
Bo Derek is like 90.

I wouldn't fuc her with George Burns dick! Originally Posted by WTF
Hell, I havn't heard Bo Derek's name in years. The last I remember she was hot but that was 15-20 years ago. Originally Posted by bigtex
Well, if we are going to limit it to how they look NOW as opposed to how they looked in their PRIME, then Doove might want to revisit his list of Hollywood liberals above.

Jennifer Garner is - how shall I say this - a little thick these days? Three kids have done their damage

That photo of Demi Moore must be from about 2002. Doove should check out some of the less flattering photos on the Daily Mail website.

Cameron Diaz is always best photographed from a distance and/or with a LOT of makeup in order to make the acne scars less noticeable.

And Angelina Jolie is looking like an Auschwitz survivor these days. And I say that as someone who thought she was amazingly hot in "Mr & Mrs. Smith".

Just sayin'...
I B Hankering's Avatar
I'd fuc these two!

Who is Stormy Daniels? The weather girl in Tampa? Originally Posted by WTF
Porno star who was drafted (almost) to run for Senate against Vitter in Louisiana. But she is a Republican.
Who is Stormy Daniels? The weather girl in Tampa? Originally Posted by WTF
A porn star.

I have NO idea why IBHankerwrong would add her to the impressive list of GOP hotties he posted above her photo.

Must have a big tit fetish.