Who's your Favorite Showcase On Eccie

As much as I admire VLB, I agree with you unless they go see the incredible Sonya Playmate. She is every bit VIP's equal. Originally Posted by Laz

With all due respect, me and the lovely Sonya are very, very different. She's someone who I enjoyed due to her sweet passionate personality. I don't see much comparison, Laz. I'm sorry. I've only seen you once. My repeats tend to have a continuous desire to see me for other reasons and they compensate me well.


Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-20-2012, 12:38 PM
You all are starting to stray from this thread's topic...

Favorite showcases.
levi tab's Avatar
You all are starting to stray from this thread's topic...

Favorite showcases. Originally Posted by Mokoa
I was going to say this thread was starting to spiral downwards quickly...

So back to topic....
Thank you, latinalover003. You are the type of caliber of client I desire to see. You are smart and witty. You don't abuse my time. As of late, you, PromDate, H-D, Rrabbit and BlckPR were so gracious in explaining why they enjoyed my nerdiness ---- much of it had to do with being real and sweet and calling out the fake BS. I'm not the most gorgeous or the most intelligent, but I've worked too damn hard for being a responsible young woman who is not dependent on anyone. My clients dig me because I work hard and tirelessly,

I think we all like seeing a lady for different reasons. The cliche says that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and this is true. Some guys love a woman who is a spinner, some love a woman with a bit of curves, some love a bbw, some love a woman of a different origin, some love a woman just for her bcd skills. Some love a woman for her beauty and intelligence. When I go about saying my favorite it is because I like the whole package.

I like a lady who is attractive (in this case this lady is gorgeous), who is incredibly smart (turn-on) for me, sweet, easy going and yes with a wicked sense of humor. As Sonia has stated earlier in this thread VLB goes beyond the GFE expereince.

There are some wonderful and great ladies on here that I have had the pleasure of geetting to know and whom I like a lot. I am not the first nor will I be the last to say that VLB is my favorite. The first time I saw her i was blown away (sorry guys not this time and get your head out of the gutter). I was blown away by her as a person. So when guys say she is the total package they are not lying. I could literally talk to this woman for hours on any subject and that is rare for me even outside of this hobby. Then there is the BCD

So going back to the orginal OP and asking a question of whom is your favorite. For me I say this. Hmmmmmm I wonder who that could be? Originally Posted by latinalover003
You all are starting to stray from this thread's topic...

Favorite showcases. Originally Posted by Mokoa
I certainly didn't start the drama, it was a certain someone second guessing why my highly regarded client from Fort Worth was recommending me as his ATF and thus was being attacked. What did he do? Can't I defend him and myself? Perhaps, you should close this thread. Sorry, Mokoa, but I'm defending myself and my client.

Close this thread.


levi tab's Avatar
This little lady hasn't come back and I didn't have the good fortune to meet her when she did, but Ms_Novacaine
levi tab's Avatar
Oh and who could forget the lovely Maria Filt...that lady is yummi!
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Oh and who could forget the lovely Maria Filt...that lady is yummi!
http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=11397 Originally Posted by levi tab

Yesss she's a hottie
levi tab's Avatar
A recent visitor whom I regret not making time to meet, Dime*Piece*Daphne
Blckpr's Avatar
Quoting LatinaLover003, "I think we all like seeing a lady for different reasons. The cliche says that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and this is true. Some love a woman for her beauty and intelligence. When I go about saying my favorite it is because I like the whole package. So when guys say she is the total package they are not lying. I could literally talk to this woman for hours on any subject and that is rare for me even outside of this hobby. Then there is the BCD". I think some of use also see these woman for different reasons unrelated to sex! The differences are what makes everyone who they are! And I am sure that some of the ladies, don't see certain guys more than once because of different reasons. So with that said, I say lets close this thread!
levi tab's Avatar
...Close this thread... Originally Posted by VIP Latina Barbie
...So with that said, I say lets close this thread!... Originally Posted by Blckpr
Fuck! I finally get some time to browse through all my contacts and ya'll start to decide to close someone else's thread. Geeze settle down, if you don't like the thread then just unsubscribe from the thread and forget about the thread.

Life is too short, why don't you just post a link to a favorite showcase or move on.
levi tab's Avatar
Sovanna...this lady was definitely YUMMI
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-20-2012, 02:51 PM
I certainly didn't start the drama, it was a certain someone second guessing why my highly regarded client from Fort Worth was recommending me as his ATF and thus was being attacked. What did he do? Can't I defend him and myself? Perhaps, you should close this thread. Sorry, Mokoa, but I'm defending myself and my client.

Close this thread.


VLB Originally Posted by VIP Latina Barbie
First, I never stated that you started the drama. All I said was...

You all are starting to stray from this thread's topic...

Favorite showcases. Originally Posted by Mokoa
That's it.

I know what you were doing with your post and I know why. However, both your post and the post of the one yours was directed at are not germane to the topic of this thread. That is the only reason why I posted the reminder.

Second, the thread will not be closed unless the OP requests it or unless others derail it so badly that I wind up having to issue points.

Now, back to the topic at hand, Favorite Showcases.


Yet another great selection!
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Ok Ladies....

I have to ADMIT... I'm getting a little turned on...the image of a few of San Antonio's finest...in a cat fight...is just TOO HOT to IGNORE!! Giggle...

I would like to suggest...that instead of PISTOLS at DAWN... that we find a nice...playful arena...fill it with JELLO or PUDDING... let the ladies...settle this...the OLD FASHION WAY!! Lol...

By the way... I'd like to vote for CHOCOLATE PUDDING... I'm always dieting...and I don't think CALORIES count...if they are consumed...while wrestling...

Your playful slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar

I would like to add...so, that I stay on topic...Lol...that if we took PHOTOS of this EROTIC event... I think that EVERYONE'S Showcase...would be just...that much MORE EXCITING!! Lol

Your mischievous slave,
