Trump visit

winn dixie's Avatar
Do I detect a crack in the dike? ( By that I mean the barricade type of dike, just to be clear) Originally Posted by stikiwikit
Liberal obstruction has limited what Trump can do! Even with all the obstructionism Trump has had hugely bigly wins!
Dev Null's Avatar
Like putting the guy with four accusations of sexual assault on the Supreme Court. That's a huge win for Trump, who has been accused of sexual misconduct by 23 women himself.

But of course, they were all lying, and he can't possibly be guilty, because he is the Chosen One.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Liberal obstruction has limited what Trump can do! Even with all the obstructionism Trump has had hugely bigly wins! Originally Posted by winn dixie
When Trump took office, and for the first 2 years as POTUS, he had a Republican House and Senate. Still could not get Obamacare overturned. He can't get funding for his wall. His tariffs are hurting everyone in this country. His immigration policies suck. His tax reform package was great for the rich, not too great for the middle class.

So where exactly are those "bigly wins"?
winn dixie's Avatar
When Trump took office, and for the first 2 years as POTUS, he had a Republican House and Senate. Still could not get Obamacare overturned. He can't get funding for his wall. His tariffs are hurting everyone in this country. His immigration policies suck. His tax reform package was great for the rich, not too great for the middle class.

So where exactly are those "bigly wins"? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So sad! Just step outside! If you dont see it feel it or realize it???????????????????????????? ????????????
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So sad! Just step outside! If you dont see it feel it or realize it???????????????????????????? ???????????? Originally Posted by winn dixie
No I don't. My purchasing power went down this year. Fixed income and tariffs increasing the price of just about everything.

Please be a little more explicit in defending Trump. What has he done that you consider to be positive?
Dev Null's Avatar
He's probably responding positively to all the trolling and gaslighting.
winn dixie's Avatar
No I don't. My purchasing power went down this year. Fixed income and tariffs increasing the price of just about everything.

Please be a little more explicit in defending Trump. What has he done that you consider to be positive? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Libs just dont get it> Will never give Trump credit, soooo.....

My business has never been better! Like most people our purchasing power has increased and the economy is great! Jobless numbers are at an all time low. Welfare entitlements are down and businesses are setting record sales..
But libs will come back with some b/s skewed numbers fabricated to make their views look worthy!
Trump will be re-elected because of how well off America is! And Trump has done that for us! He has even fixed the mess that odummy made, and has made the U.S. a super power again.
Your entire post is bullshit and lies! The tariffs have had very little impact on prices of goods. Plus theres always other options to purchase to avoid this!
Fixed income?? You may try and take some initiative and work harder! Or you may be in an occupation that is in low demand?? Everyone else has had salaries rise and employers have been increasing their starting pay!
Libs just like to bash Trump! Look whats going on in the biased House! I get it! Libs will never give Trump credit! They will always bash Trump! What a way to live life??
Trump has made America great again!
Dev Null's Avatar
"The president brags about U.S. prosperity. But conditions improved more under his predecessors. (Even Carter.)"

"Measured by 14 gauges of economic activity and financial performance, the U.S. economy is not doing as well under Trump as it did under all but one of the four Republicans and three Democrats who have occupied the White House since 1976."

Rankings, best to worst:

1. Bill Clinton
2. Barack Obama
3. Ronald Reagan
4. George H.W. Bush
5. Jimmy Carter
6. Donald Trump
7. George W. Bush
Trump will likely be re-elected because the Dems can't come up with even one trustworthy inspiring candidate with leadership qualities who will unite them.

Almost everyone in both parties except for a small % of idiots realizes Trump is a moron with no redeeming qualities as a human being.

That's not really relevant to the voters on either side when there is no real opposition that gives them hope for a better tomorrow economically and otherwise.

The Dems are so focused on reacting to his bizarre antics that they haven't strengthened their camp or produced even one strong alternative.

Even Dems voters know that Pence is Not going to make things better and might even make things worse.

Impeachment accomplishes zero for the Dems when the smoke clears and they know it.
winn dixie's Avatar
"The president brags about U.S. prosperity. But conditions improved more under his predecessors. (Even Carter.)"

"Measured by 14 gauges of economic activity and financial performance, the U.S. economy is not doing as well under Trump as it did under all but one of the four Republicans and three Democrats who have occupied the White House since 1976."

Rankings, best to worst:

1. Bill Clinton
2. Barack Obama
3. Ronald Reagan
4. George H.W. Bush
5. Jimmy Carter
6. Donald Trump
7. George W. Bush Originally Posted by Dev Null
Are you serious trying to use a bloomberg link? Seriously?

You're not even trying to hide your bias! This proves my point of libs only looking at numbers that have been fabricated to enhance their viewpoints.
That ranking is a joke! Not even close to reality!
Dev Null's Avatar
No need to take it so personally. Just because your guy is near the bottom doesn't make you a loser. It just means you don't know how to pick a winner.

Here's a tip. Pick a Democrat, and you'll be on top 2 out of 3 times. Pick a Republican and half the time you'll be on the bottom, and at best somewhere in the middle.

The proof is in the numbers.
Dev Null's Avatar
Interesting graphs of key economic indicators during George W Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump presidencies:

Shows the GDP, unemployment, non-farm payroll, average wage growth, median household income, and S&P 500 continuing to improve modestly under Trump, but the gains began during the Obama administration and were often much more dramatic while Obama was president.

Federal deficit getting worse under Trump after improving under Obama. Federal debt continues to increase, and the trade deficit is getting worse under Trump after holding fairly steady under most of the Obama administration.

Everything tanked under George W. Bush, and overall, Trump has at best maintained some of the gains realized under Obama, while other gains have reversed or diminished significantly.

Not quite as comforting as the Kool-Aid and pablum served up by Trump and his supporters.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Libs just dont get it> Will never give Trump credit, soooo.....

My business has never been better! Like most people our purchasing power has increased and the economy is great! Jobless numbers are at an all time low. Welfare entitlements are down and businesses are setting record sales..
But libs will come back with some b/s skewed numbers fabricated to make their views look worthy!
Trump will be re-elected because of how well off America is! And Trump has done that for us! He has even fixed the mess that odummy made, and has made the U.S. a super power again.
Your entire post is bullshit and lies! The tariffs have had very little impact on prices of goods. Plus theres always other options to purchase to avoid this!
Fixed income?? You may try and take some initiative and work harder! Or you may be in an occupation that is in low demand?? Everyone else has had salaries rise and employers have been increasing their starting pay!
Libs just like to bash Trump! Look whats going on in the biased House! I get it! Libs will never give Trump credit! They will always bash Trump! What a way to live life??
Trump has made America great again! Originally Posted by winn dixie
It is estimated that the tariffs are costing the average family of four quite a bit.

"Estimates of the average gross annual cost of tariffs levied in 2018 through the first half of 2019 tend toward $800 per household. "

If the tariffs planned for December go through it is estimated that they will impact the American consumer $1,000 a year.

So your statement that the tariffs have had minor impact on consumers is BS. Yes there are other options. I recently purchased a new washing machine. My LG washer, which I had for more than 10 years, died and when I tried to buy a new LG (made in China), since it was the highest rated, the cost due to tariffs made it much more expensive than the inferior U.S. made washer. That is one example how tariffs are screwing us.

I am retired so therefore I have a fixed income. A 6 figure income. I worked hard for more than 45 years so don't give me crap about initiative and working harder. There are about 45 million retirees in this country, most on fixed incomes.

I am willing to discuss issues with you at any time. I am a slightly left-of-center liberal who voted straight Republican all my life until 2008. Unfortunately when people like me criticize Trump people like you just shrug it off as extremely biased BS.
I dropped a couple of grand this year on Black Friday.
First time ever.
I saw the numbers - record spending.
Jeeze, you can really tell how bad things are getting now.
Precious_b's Avatar
Ok. Then tell me one Democratic candate that supports enforcing our current immigration laws? Every one of them does not support our current immigration laws and if you don't support them or willing to enforce them - you might as well have open borders. Most Americans are aware of this concept and it will be reflected in the election. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
No Ellen.
Tell *US* Trumps plan for Mexico paying for the Wall.
I'll be satisfied with link that gives the details and hard tacks of such.


Admit he lied.