Why aren't our right wing loons trumpeting the IG report?

matchingmole's Avatar
It's Durham.

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The IG report is to depressing to even talk about. Malfeasance at this level deserves the firing squad.
bambino's Avatar
The IG report is to depressing to even talk about. Malfeasance at this level deserves the firing squad. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
The OP was pretty stupid to think the IG report exonerated Comey and the FBI. It did exactly the opposite. The IG didn’t confirm bias because nobody he interviewed admitted to bias. Any sane person can see that there was bias, and the investigation turned criminal shortly after it was started. This too will be exposed.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Ok. Ok. Ok. Check this out. I just got home and the TV is on ESPN. Check. Then I check in on the last channel. Within seconds Rachel Maddow says "we" like she was on the Judiciary Committee.

Fuck. She apologizes. Reminded me of Jim Jordan thinking he was part of the Whitehouse. Still no comparison to Hannity being the megaphone for the administration.

I have to hand it to you guys.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Would you agree that CNN, now that we have heard Jeff Zuckerberg in a private staff meeting tell all his so called reporters to keep reporting on impeaching Trump and nothing else, is a megaphone for Democrats, right?

Would you agree that MSNBC is even a more shameless megaphone for all things anti Trump?

At least FOX has a few on air personalities that are not as over the top as Hannity but I defy anybody to name any on air personality on MSNBC that isn't a rabid anti Trump fanatic.

Sorry about the "whataboutism", I know how much it disturbs you but I'm sure you can see that to respond to your comment about Hannity, it requires comparing him to others on CNN and MSNBC, right?
  • oeb11
  • 12-15-2019, 10:24 AM
9500 is typical of DPST's - their "feelings " are paramount - not factual information - they regard as just Trump talkinig points. Hence the aversion to what they call "whataboutism". Which in reality is just an opposing viewpoint.

DPST narrative religiosity - a cult disease difficult to cure.

Based upon expectation of loads of "free stuff" from lying politicians who cannot keep promises of "free stuff" without conficating the GNP to their tax and spend socialist. ends.!!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Would you agree that CNN, now that we have heard Jeff Zuckerberg in a private staff meeting tell all his so called reporters to keep reporting on impeaching Trump and nothing else, is a megaphone for Democrats, right?

As far fetched as it may sound, I can see how the Zuckerberg's could conspire against a common foe. But one Zuckerberg purports to report the "news" (even though Wolff Blitzer states "it's fun to speculate"), and the other testifies that reporting the facts is inconsequential. So who are we to put our faith in? I can agree with you and say neither.

Would you agree that MSNBC is even a more shameless megaphone for all things anti Trump?

No. I've stated before, my confidence is with MSNBC. You will disagree. I hold FOX as the same.

At least FOX has a few on air personalities that are not as over the top as Hannity but I defy anybody to name any on air personality on MSNBC that isn't a rabid anti Trump fanatic.

Sorry about the "whataboutism", I know how much it disturbs you but I'm sure you can see that to respond to your comment about Hannity, it requires comparing him to others on CNN and MSNBC, right? Originally Posted by HedonistForever

YES, comparison is justified. Although Brian Williams wasn't exactly disgraced, I trust him. It may be blind faith as I remember him in my formative years, but he is one I can look for in a journalistic sense.
HedonistForever's Avatar

my confidence is with MSNBC Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Excuse me while I pick myself up off the floor!

Now I can understand how you could say you prefer to get your news from MSNBC, well sort off because you either hate Trump and all Republicans or merely one or the other but to say you have "confidence in the reporting you get from MSNBC, the same MSNBC who for 3 years guaranteed you that it would be proven in the Mueller report that Trump was a Russian asset who would work for the benefit of Russia and not the US? That MSNBC?

The MSNBC that told you that the Nunes memo was a pack of lies, that there was no FISA abuse? The MSNBC that told you Carter Page was a Russian asset and surely he would end up in jail? The MSNBC that told you multiple people on the TRUMP campaign would be proven to have conspired with Russia to interfere in the election and the only people indicted for that crime were others Russians and not a single American. And don't give me what about FLYNN, Manafort and Cohen, none of whom were charged with or convicted of conspiracy with Russia to interfere in our election.

That's who you have confidence in? Me, I've had confidence in FOX that told me for 3 years that Trump did not conspire with Russia, that the FBI committed FISA abuse, that Nunes was telling the truth all along.

One of us has placed their confidence in a news organization that feed them lies for 3 years and it isn't me.

Oh! and the MSNBC that told you any subpoena from Congress to the President must be complied with? Not until the SC says so but they didn't tell you that, did they.
bambino's Avatar
Excuse me while I pick myself up off the floor!

Now I can understand how you could say you prefer to get your news from MSNBC, well sort off because you either hate Trump and all Republicans or merely one or the other but to say you have "confidence in the reporting you get from MSNBC, the same MSNBC who for 3 years guaranteed you that it would be proven in the Mueller report that Trump was a Russian asset who would work for the benefit of Russia and not the US? That MSNBC?

The MSNBC that told you that the Nunes memo was a pack of lies, that there was no FISA abuse? The MSNBC that told you Carter Page was a Russian asset and surely he would end up in jail? The MSNBC that told you multiple people on the TRUMP campaign would be proven to have conspired with Russia to interfere in the election and the only people indicted for that crime were others Russians and not a single American. And don't give me what about FLYNN, Manafort and Cohen, none of whom were charged with or convicted of conspiracy with Russia to interfere in our election.

That's who you have confidence in? Me, I've had confidence in FOX that told me for 3 years that Trump did not conspire with Russia, that the FBI committed FISA abuse, that Nunes was telling the truth all along.

One of us has placed their confidence in a news organization that feed them lies for 3 years and it isn't me.

Oh! and the MSNBC that told you any subpoena from Congress to the President must be complied with? Not until the SC says so but they didn't tell you that, did they. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
EccieLoser also believes the Polar ice caps are melted as Al Gore predicted!!!!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Excuse me while I pick myself up off the floor!

Now I can understand how you could say you prefer to get your news from MSNBC, well sort off because you either hate Trump

You can stop there. I have Republican friends I would take a bullet for.

and all Republicans or merely one or the other but to say you have "confidence in the reporting you get from MSNBC, the same MSNBC who for 3 years guaranteed you that it would be proven in the Mueller report that Trump was a Russian asset who would work for the benefit of Russia and not the US? That MSNBC?

Yes. Before you came on to the scene, I made it known that there was enough evidence to charge the president with obstruction of justice. The ten I'm sure you're familiar with. The DOJ just wouldn't commit to pursuing. Had he have been a follower of the Constitution, there mighy have been a formal charge from the Attorney General.

The MSNBC that told you that the Nunes memo was a pack of lies, that there was no FISA abuse? The MSNBC that told you Carter Page was a Russian asset and surely he would end up in jail? The MSNBC that told you multiple people on the TRUMP campaign would be proven to have conspired with Russia to interfere in the election and the only people indicted for that crime were others Russians and not a single American. And don't give me what about FLYNN, Manafort and Cohen, none of whom were charged with or convicted of conspiracy with Russia to interfere in our election.

No. They fucked up on their own. They copped a plea before involving Russia.

That's who you have confidence in?

More so than FOX.

Me, I've had confidence in FOX that told me for 3 years that Trump did not conspire with Russia,

Micheal Flynn thrown to the wolves be damned.

that the FBI committed FISA abuse

Though the surveillance was justified.

that Nunes was telling the truth all along.

Although he conspired with Lev Parnas to create a fictitious story to divert from the truth.

One of us has placed their confidence in a news organization that feed them lies for 3 years and it isn't me.

You're damn wrong. It is you.

Oh! and the MSNBC that told you any subpoena from Congress to the President must be complied with?

Yet to be determined.

Not until the SC says so but they didn't tell you that, did they. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
No need for them to tell me. I can read and understand the Constitution. The Legislative branch does not need the Judicial branch to conduct its business.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
EccieLoser also believes the Polar ice caps are melted as Al Gore predicted!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Can you prove that? Or are you just trying to be funny as your emojis show.
  • oeb11
  • 12-15-2019, 07:07 PM
Thank you - YSL - a global warming non-compliant person!
bambino's Avatar
Can you prove that? Or are you just trying to be funny as your emojis show. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
They’re still there. Can you prove they melted?


eccieuser9500's Avatar
You went on the this record stating I believe "the polar ice caps are melting". Prove it.
  • oeb11
  • 12-15-2019, 07:23 PM
Prove 9500 believes the ice caps are Not Melting.

Or, watch the Wizard of Oz and take a memo from Margaret Hamilton's last scene.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Prove 9500 believes the ice caps are Not Melting.

Or, watch the Wizard of Oz and take a memo from Margaret Hamilton's last scene. Originally Posted by oeb11
I can't prove a negative you fucking idiot.