Dating a provider, female advice needed

Sarunga's Avatar
The answer to Jaida's question: Why complicate such a pure, beautiful experience with something so messy as dating?

The answer is simple and VERY OLD:

I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

From Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem In Memoriam: Canto 27, 1850. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
The romantic in me believes this whole heartedly.

However....if we do this, love and lose...(if that's the unfortunate outcome)....we seem to satisfy the, we have least once.

In that case, we don't have to keep doing this over and over again.
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
. . . It's a game, a cat and mouse game of fantasy and sexy fun.... It's a fantasy not just for the hobbyists, but the providers as well. You get to be this fantasy girl, get worshipped and treated like a queen for a few hours.... And he gets the experience without the strings and headaches lol. Why complicate such a pure, beautiful experience with something so messy as dating? Originally Posted by Jaida_So_Lovely
So true. I think the fantasy angle is a huge attraction for both the hobbiest and provider. At least it is for me and a number of providers have told me so.

Most of us can't maintain that level of constant fantasy with our SO. That relationship is extremely important to me but it is totally different.

Maybe for some of us, perhaps many of us, one aspect of the fantasy is the huge variety in the experiences and that we are simply not wired, male or female, to have totally monogamous sexual relationships.

The human male may not be inherently monogamous. I see nothing wrong with the fact that many women, at their core, may not be either. Such women are to be enjoyed and to enjoy us!
YES!!!!! A true relationship is different from a provider client relationship. It may take a special kind of man to be able to handle dating a provider, but it is possible...h**kers need love too!
Sarunga's Avatar
Is she trying to tell something to Jackie....
LexusLover's Avatar
...h**kers need love too! Originally Posted by seductivesarah
Yea, but do they want it?
why worry about all the crap..if she will change ..can she change..etc etc
Just go with the flow and do what feels natural and if the two of you hit it off and it works..great...if not lesson learned; but quit trying to over think all of it and just have fun and enjoy each other.!!
chicagoboy's Avatar
Then I find out she is doing clients to get sales. Originally Posted by jman2010
Does she take on "clients" who only want to rent?