Hambone Spoke but what happen?

For the love of money...I'm going to ask that both Deuce and CK take this to their own sites and duke it out there.

I've read enough finger pointing, blame throwing, character assassinations, political spins and general bullshit about Home2, Deuce vs CK, the Houston Party to last a fucking lifetime.

This is ECCIE...a new start and a fresh place to have fun.

Let this crap die with ASPD...Please

Sisyphus's Avatar
There was an article in the Houston Press about the bust:

http://blogs.houstonpress.com/hairba...r_mugshots.php Originally Posted by bean flicker
Saw it. That's not what I'm talking about. In addition to just being classless... (posting their real names & making fun of their mugshots is like beating a cripple... it might be easy but it doesn't call for much skill) "real names" are meaningless to me. Don't know yours... don't WANNA know yours.

But, if I see some place that "bean flicker" was pulled out a social & asked to stay after school by HPD.... we won't be associating with each other from that point forward.

Would hope you would do the same if roles were reversed. As I said, nothing personal. It just ain't worth the aggravation.
Deuce Bigalow's Avatar
ASPD is dead.
The finger pointing, blame throwing, character assassinations, political spin, and general bullshit has thus far been allowed to continue over here at ECCIE.
I know because I continue to read the comments flowing unabated over here without the same moderator intervention that you've shown in this one case.

This isn't about any of that, or about Deuce vs, CK. This is about what happened at the Houston social and the safety/security of members of the community trying to figure out what happened.

Your comment here about letting the "crap die with ASPD", minus the same comment everywhere else crap is being said about ASPD here, smacks of only serving to let CK have an opportunity to avoid answering serious questions that people deserve to have answered.
Wayward's Avatar
Sorry for being wayward but going to have to go with Deuce on this one and before you start laughing, yes this is really the murdering rat bastard. I've beat up on Deuce as much as anyone over on the Island of Misfit Toys...

I would also like to know what exactly happened, we ran socials in Houston and never had Ellie work the room. Also I can think of all sorts of reasons why no sane person would want me at their social. With that in mind here is my story.

I did try to re-join the non-aspd social calendar the vetting process was interesting, Civil and ck seemed unconcerned about the content of my character. *chuckle* However they did want me to prove how much money I was spending and who it was with.

To paraphrase civilbarrister I know you spend money... but we need x number of providers to vouch for you. Easy enough to do, but extremely weird, first I thought this was some special hoop for me. Not that I should be surprised, but it wasn't special or just for me, others went though the same thing.

I've been out with civilbarrister like the guy, he knows who I am some of the folks I play with and where. So what was that extra level of nonsense for?

I've also run a few socials over the years, the list is real simple I know them or they know someone I know and trust. Invites are private and you talk about the party after it happens. Not rocket science, for those that have been to one they aren't exactly G rated and often were in public places.

So of course as usual not taking instruction well, sorry for that by the way, welcome to cat herding 101. I believe there is a story here that a lot of folks want to know. If you really don't want us to do it here I have a sandbox and it is completely full of this shit.
carkido45's Avatar
For the love of money...I'm going to ask that both Deuce and CK take this to their own sites and duke it out there.

I've read enough finger pointing, blame throwing, character assassinations, political spins and general bullshit about Home2, Deuce vs CK, the Houston Party to last a fucking lifetime.

This is ECCIE...a new start and a fresh place to have fun.

Let this crap die with ASPD...Please

LAP Originally Posted by lickalotapus
I agree with you LAP this thread has turned into a mess.... maybe it's time too lock it up.
Mojojo's Avatar
This thread = Fail
Toreador_one's Avatar
One of the things I disliked about ASPD is all of the drama that unfolded there, seems some of the drama has spilled over to eccie. I as everyone else would like to know what happened, but truth of the matter is there will never be answers that will satisfy everyone. It is over, done, finito, etc. what happened , happened, there is enough information that has been posted for everyone to reach their own conclusions. There are lessons to learn, learn them and move on. I am with LAP as well, if you want to continue this never ending drama, take it somewhere else.
Raphael's Avatar
Without drama people get bored fast. And it is nice to be able to discuss this crap without threats of bans - and without getting character assassinated by the guttersnipes who ran ASPD...
carkido45's Avatar
Without drama people get bored fast. And it is nice to be able to discuss this crap without threats of bans - and without getting character assassinated by the guttersnipes who ran ASPD... Originally Posted by Raphael
I guess it comes down too one thing if you don't like the thread don't open or don't reply.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-09-2010, 08:02 AM
I guess it comes down too one thing if you don't like the thread don't open or don't reply. Originally Posted by carkido45
Man if folks would ever learns this credo...the only time one would have to lock a thread was when personal info was being exposed.

The more members, the more so called drama. Internet discussion 101. Hard to invite members from other boards and not expect drama to follow. If critical mass is what you want, drama will soon follow. ASPD started going down when they started locking down threads. Threads that die a slow death by debate are less likely to fester long term resentment. Everyone gets their say and then moves on.
I see some place that "bean flicker" was pulled out a social & asked to stay after school by HPD.... we won't be associating with each other from that point forward.

Would hope you would do the same if roles were reversed. As I said, nothing personal. It just ain't worth the aggravation. Originally Posted by Sisyphus
Hey Sissy...are you the Elvis Impersonator in the article? j/k (<- Sissy chasing me)

The ugly truth is, when people are arrested that becomes public even if we don't want it to. The Chron might not post photos, but they will post names. Think BT with Escapes and Wildflowers. The Chron still writes updates about AJ. A smaller paper or small town will post names and photos. If I hadn't posted the link, someone else would have.

Over on the P several posters expressed a desire to know who was arrested so they know who to stay away from for their own reasons. Can't blame anyone there. So if the roles were reversed I wouldn't blame anyone if they chose to stay away from me. It's common sense, human behavior, and as you say, nothing personal.

simpleton's Avatar
The one thing that really bothered me over the last few years at the p was every time someone disagreed with someone they locked the thread. Many threads I thought were entertaining just disappeared. And I was don't worry about. So i like the fact threads run their course. In the end I think it makes for less drama and a more entertaining board.

One question I have is did le get the guest list?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-09-2010, 09:01 AM

One question I have is did le get the guest list? Originally Posted by simpleton
My guess would be YES.

So i like the fact threads run their course. In the end I think it makes for less drama and a more entertaining board.
Originally Posted by simpleton
I concur
junesetx's Avatar
They named the women who got busted at the raid, only one man was named. If you want the ladies in Houston to make dates then why not help us stay safe by posting who they were. I for one, like a lot of ladies are STILL asking, who were the other men that got arrested. LE can use their handles to bust the women. So how exactly do you want this to die...by other women getting busted because we're kept in the dark?
I'd think that posting the information would help keep ALL OF US safe.
If the lady gets busted then LE can use HER info and emails to bust you guys...has no one thought of this? Shaking head. CK DID let us all down and has lied to all of us.
I posted that I would never go to another social again after what happened there and all I got was grief. They didn't bother anyone else that made the same comments as I did. Nooooo, what happened to me was I got an email WHILE aspd was open, from CK with a link to Home2. That was rather tacky of him, I think. I was on there when aspd was down but have NOT gone back and I'm not going back. So if you see my name on there, I'm not using it, won't be using it and if CK is reading this, TAKE ME OFF that site. I'm tired of the lies that were fed to us and I want no part of that site.
If anyone has the info on the men and women that were taken in, please share it so the women know WHO NOT to accept references from, for our safety and yours, as well as the men that were busted. That way your atf doesn't make a date with one of those gents.
This is all crap and CK is just trying to wiggle his way out of it. I do remember him stating that he had things under control and he was in charge of the screening. So as far as I'm concerned he dropped the ball, not us. Every social I've been to the guys were more than happy to proposition the ladies in some way or another and the women were doing the same. EVEN ME! We were ALL guilty of that at one time or another from what I saw at the socials.
Tell the truth for a frickin change! If I got busted I'd sure let everyone know so that they could keep themselves safe!! Thats why we have alerts on these boards people, to keep us all safe. And people getting buted IS AN alert!
Just my 2 cents worth.

Duece I applaud you for your honesty, which was not an attack on CK, just pointing out the darn TRUTH.
If you want to keep your head buried in the sand, be careful your ass is hanging out for others to plug...
In line with what June wrote, consider this: if you are in bed and pull the covers over your head but your bed is on the freeway… are you safe? Take your time, you will figure it out.

Not having the answers given by those who owe answers to the questions asked is bad… very bad and not in a Michael Jackson sort of way.