A peace for our time or a great deal?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wow, WTFuckhead is quite a historian, able to reduce all of the root causes of WWII to a single factor - "sanctions". What economic sanctions were imposed on Germany prior to 1939, when and by whom? (War reparations are not the same as sanctions, you dickhead.) And how did re-arming allow Hitler to evade sanctions, since you claim that's why he was forced to do it? Originally Posted by lustylad

I hate to have to agree with WTF but he has a solid point. Not only was Germany forced to pay reparations and had to admit that they, and only they, were responsible for World War I but they had their navy destroyed, could not develop an air force, were not allowed any submarines, and had their military limited to 60,000 men. Those were sanctions. The thing is that you can't blame Hilter for the rearmament. Germany signed the Treaty of Rapallo in 1922. Hitler didn't show up for ten more years. No, President Ebert got the ball rolling. They had treaties with Sweden to do submarine and torpedo research IN SWEDEN. The Treaty of Rapallo allowed Germany to develop tanks and aircraft in the vast areas of the Ukraine. Germany limited an enlistment to six months in the army. So every six months you had another 60,000 trained soldiers in their reserves. When Hitler came to power he just threw back the secrecy and told the world to go fuck themselves. I forgot to mention Alsace-Lorraine and the Ruhr. A-L was argued over for years but the Ruhr was Germany and it was taken by the French as punishment.
ironically, genius, Koreans and Japanese are essentially the same race. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Yeah? Try telling THEM that. See how they respond.

..Recent research corroborates that modern Japanese have a shared ancestry with their Korean counterparts, based on two distinct ethnicities existing in the Japanese peninsula. These are known as the Jomon, a proto-mongoloid people who were the original inhabitants of Japan, and the Yayoi, a neo-mongoloid people who are thought to have come to Japan via the Korean peninsula thousands of years later. This has been common knowledge in Japan for some time, even spawning a popular book, ‘Kimi wa yayoi jin ka, jomon jin ka’ [Are you a Yayoi or a Jomon?], where readers can have fun figuring out which they might be. The article below shows how new genetic evidence indicates the shared heritage of the Yayoi Japanese with the ancient peoples on the Korean peninsula, and shows how this lineage is still evident in the modern day. When published, the research received considerable attention from the media in both Japan and Korea. Here, japanCRUSH brings you perspectives from the Japanese Internet, although you can find the Korean perspective on koreaBANG. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
And if you go back far enough we ALL have shared ancestry, so I guess we are all the same race and ethnicity really.

Good. Now we can dismantle all racial set aside programs.
I'm not sure if we can make peace with them, but if they are no longer given a reason to hate us, I understand they hate each other enough to occupy themselves. Once the oil under the desert runs out, or everyone drives electric Teslas (if they don't catch on fire and can charge faster) they will be of no consequence to us because why do we care about what happens in the desert. We don't want their land or their lifestyle. They somehow manage to survive there- they can live there. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
I think that is the only post you have ever made that I can remember agreeing with.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-26-2013, 12:41 PM
I think that is the only post you have ever made that I can remember agreeing with. Originally Posted by ExNYer

with the exception of the oil running out ... ain't gonna happen in our, or our childrens lifetime
with the exception of the oil running out ... ain't gonna happen in our, or our childrens lifetime Originally Posted by CJ7
Well, he did say "or" as an alternative to oil running out, so I still have to agree.

My pipe dream is fusion power (and possibly some wind, tidal and solar power) combined with an updated electrical grid and improved batteries that eliminate the need for oil in transportation, manufacturing, and home and business utilities. Even further reductions would be made by developing more and better synthetic lubricants and alternative materials for fabrics and plastics.

At that point, the entire non-Muslim world will be entirely independent of oil from Islamic petro-states and they will all collapse in grinding poverty. Then they will be forced to change their societies to modern norms in order to become prosperous again.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-26-2013, 01:23 PM
Well, he did say "or" as an alternative to oil running out, so I still have to agree.

My pipe dream is fusion power (and possibly some wind, tidal and solar power) combined with an updated electrical grid and improved batteries that eliminate the need for oil in transportation, manufacturing, and home and business utilities. Even further reductions would be made by developing more and better synthetic lubricants and alternative materials for fabrics and plastics.

At that point, the entire non-Muslim world will be entirely independent of oil from Islamic petro-states and they will all collapse in grinding poverty. Then they will be forced to change their societies to modern norms in order to become prosperous again. Originally Posted by ExNYer

novel concept, not that I don't agree with you, if countries like China, Japan, and India follow suit ... til then it's hard to starve the mid east into modern norms.. the majority of our oil comes from Canada anyway.
lustylad's Avatar
I hate to have to agree with WTF but he has a solid point. Not only was Germany forced to pay reparations and had to admit that they, and only they, were responsible for World War I but they had their navy destroyed, could not develop an air force, were not allowed any submarines, and had their military limited to 60,000 men. Those were sanctions. The thing is that you can't blame Hilter for the rearmament. Germany signed the Treaty of Rapallo in 1922. Hitler didn't show up for ten more years. No, President Ebert got the ball rolling. They had treaties with Sweden to do submarine and torpedo research IN SWEDEN. The Treaty of Rapallo allowed Germany to develop tanks and aircraft in the vast areas of the Ukraine. Germany limited an enlistment to six months in the army. So every six months you had another 60,000 trained soldiers in their reserves. When Hitler came to power he just threw back the secrecy and told the world to go fuck themselves. I forgot to mention Alsace-Lorraine and the Ruhr. A-L was argued over for years but the Ruhr was Germany and it was taken by the French as punishment. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Your history is good but I don't follow your logic. Economic sanctions mean we don't trade with you. You are talking about disarmament requirements, not the same thing. It would be silly to say our forcing Germany to disarm is what caused Hitler to re-arm. By the mid-1930s the West was too pusillanimous to enforce the rules when Hitler defied them.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-26-2013, 01:30 PM
Your history is good but I don't follow your logic. Economic sanctions mean we don't trade with you. You are talking about disarmament requirements, not the same thing. It would be silly to say our forcing Germany to disarm is what caused Hitler to re-arm. By the mid-1930s the West was too pusillanimous to enforce the rules when Hitler defied them. Originally Posted by lustylad

pusillanimous ... you should have said chicken shit so JD could have understood ..

he's a teacher ya know?
We really have become a nation of suckers.... (well, we keep electing morons to lead us).
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-26-2013, 10:27 PM
We really have become a nation of suckers.... (well, we keep electing morons to lead us). Originally Posted by SD2011

remind me when a moron hasn't been on the ballot ... generally I write in for that very reason
LexusLover's Avatar
And if you go back far enough we ALL have shared ancestry, .... . Originally Posted by ExNYer
Yes, some on here show it more than others ...

WTF, YR, .... etc. ...and start flailing and join the list!
What were you thinking about in the pic LL ? When your check would show up ?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Your history is good but I don't follow your logic. Economic sanctions mean we don't trade with you. You are talking about disarmament requirements, not the same thing. It would be silly to say our forcing Germany to disarm is what caused Hitler to re-arm. By the mid-1930s the West was too pusillanimous to enforce the rules when Hitler defied them. Originally Posted by lustylad

This is not giving Hitler a pass but it was Ebert who started arming Germany again. Hitler was just the beneficiary. (you're going to love this) Like Obama, Hitler just took what his predecessor started and increased it by five (think spending and debt).

Back to the topic, this was a punishment pure and simple. Had nothing to do with reparations. Reparations are for outside the country. This was a simple history lesson but if you want to apply it to Iran....we should not trade with Iran at all. They are killing our people with munitions smuggled into Afghanistan and, earlier, Iraq. We should also blockade their ports of necessary but before that convince the rest of the world to not do business with them.
This morning it looks like both sides really aren't in agreement about what they agreed on and Iran is proceeding to do what the hell it wants.

Too damn funny!

lustylad's Avatar
pusillanimous ... you should have said chicken shit so JD could have understood... Originally Posted by CJ7
Sorry, my bad... I keep forgetting this is a hooker board. You horndogs probably thought I meant "pussy-amorous".