2000 miles will be aired tonight.

bambino's Avatar
Not true. Unlike you and WTF, I've kept an open mind. The events of Jan. 6 made it much harder to figure out what actually happened. Evidence comes before conclusions, not vice versa. Originally Posted by lustylad
There’s been evidence since day one. Now, there’s conclusive video evidence. Not sure what else you need. Watch the movie. You’re like Dennis Prager in the beginning of the movie. I guess he was lazy too. By the end, he was convinced of the fraud.

If 2020 isn’t fixed, you can kiss your vote and this country goodbye. The proof is in the last 16 months. Do you see what’s going on? It’s not incompetence, it’s by design.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ok, thanks. I am aware of Politifact's ownership and bias ratings.

Here is their fact-check of D'Souza's movie claims:


Politifact notes that some form of ballot harvesting (e.g. by family members/close relatives) is legal in 31 states, while Dinesh says paying mules to deliver harvested ballots is illegal in all states. They could both be correct. Did any of those Zuck Bucks go to ballot harvesters? If so, how much were they paid? If it's a crime to be PAID to collect and drop off ballots, why hasn't anyone been prosecuted for it? Originally Posted by lustylad

both are right. relatives and caregivers can drop off ballots. the key is the sheer numbers these people are shown to drop off. no one could believe that a family member has hundreds of elderly relatives. a caregiver? probably not. a few dozen at best. which brings up the issue of ballot harvesting at nursing homes which would not be illegal .... unless you coerced an elderly person on how to vote or simply filled out the ballot in that person's name to "harvest" the vote. this is outright illegal. in any state.

D'Souza wins that dog fight and Politifact hurt their credibility not knowing or rather acknowledging that while states allow for the elderly to have their vote dropped off you can't collect votes in someone's name if they didn't willingly vote that way.

politfact only rated the trailer. they should watch the entire documentary. then rate it. i've not seen the entire documentary yet but i have seen some of the video and it's nearly impossible to "write off" as valid dropoffs by family or otherwise. the sheer number of dropoffs by the same individuals and the amounts shown to be dropped off at each visit is impossible to dismiss out of hand.

Not true. Unlike you and WTF, I've kept an open mind. The events of Jan. 6 made it much harder to figure out what actually happened. Evidence comes before conclusions, not vice versa. Originally Posted by lustylad

Jan 6th was BLM/Antifa and BLM/Antifa was Jan 6th.

to me it's that simple. Jan 6th was in large part a backlash for these "mostly peaceful protests" which were media driven fictions always ignoring the fact time after time that each of these "wonderful" citizens from Micheal Brown to George Floyd to Jacob Blake (who's dad is a racist big time) were SUSPECTS and/or WANTED SUSPECTS.

the fallacy of "The Summer of Love" is that these blacks were "hunted down" by racist white cops when they were suspects in a crime(s).

the fallacy of Jan 6th is that it was some planned "insurrection" where even the FBI now states it was not. it was just another Summer of Love "mostly peaceful protest"
bambino's Avatar
both are right. relatives and caregivers can drop off ballots. the key is the sheer numbers these people are shown to drop off. no one could believe that a family member has hundreds of elderly relatives. a caregiver? probably not. a few dozen at best. which brings up the issue of ballot harvesting at nursing homes which would not be illegal .... unless you coerced an elderly person on how to vote or simply filled out the ballot in that person's name to "harvest" the vote. this is outright illegal. in any state.

D'Souza wins that dog fight and Politifact hurt their credibility not knowing or rather acknowledging that while states allow for the elderly to have their vote dropped off you can't collect votes in someone's name if they didn't willingly vote that way.

politfact only rated the trailer. they should watch the entire documentary. then rate it. i've not seen the entire documentary yet but i have seen some of the video and it's nearly impossible to "write off" as valid dropoffs by family or otherwise. the sheer number of dropoffs by the same individuals and the amounts shown to be dropped off at each visit is impossible to dismiss out of hand.

Jan 6th was BLM/Antifa and BLM/Antifa was Jan 6th.

to me it's that simple. Jan 6th was in large part a backlash for these "mostly peaceful protests" which were media driven fictions always ignoring the fact time after time that each of these "wonderful" citizens from Micheal Brown to George Floyd to Jacob Blake (who's dad is a racist big time) were SUSPECTS and/or WANTED SUSPECTS.

the fallacy of "The Summer of Love" is that these blacks were "hunted down" by racist cops when they were suspects in a crime(s).

the fallacy of Jan 6th is that it was some planned "insurrection" where even the FBI now states it was not. it was just another Summer of Love "mostly peaceful protest" Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
A large percentage of the mules were probably Antifa/BLM. What family member would travel to several counties to 50 boxes at 3am to deliver ballots for their friends and family. Wearing gloves no less. Then taking them off and throwing them in garbage cans. The Fulton Co miles reported back to two DNC offices. One was Stacy Abram’s office. I wouldn’t trust her as far as Sasquatch could throw her.

But hey, if Politifact says it’s true, it must be true. I’m sure the new “Truth Ministry” agrees!!!!!!!

Hey Lusty, are you going to be a good doobie and trust Joey Bribe’s Truth Czar? Only in Amerika eh?
lustylad's Avatar
both are right. relatives and caregivers can drop off ballots. the key is the sheer numbers these people are shown to drop off. no one could believe that a family member has hundreds of elderly relatives. a caregiver? probably not. a few dozen at best. which brings up the issue of ballot harvesting at nursing homes which would not be illegal .... unless you coerced an elderly person on how to vote or simply filled out the ballot in that person's name to "harvest" the vote. this is outright illegal. in any state. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yeah, that tracks with my own thinking on the matter. But do most states ban ANY kind of wholesale ballot harvesting or just using mules for it? That's where all those Zuck Bucks play a role.

Like most terrible ideas, ballot harvesting was invented in California. It doesn't take a genius to see how stupid and reckless it is in terms of tracking each ballot's "chain of custody" and deterring temptations by either side to commit wholesale fraud.

Here's an interesting WSJ analysis written shortly before the 2020 election that highlights the hypocrisy of California dim-retards. Apparently using mules - either paid ones or volunteers - is legal in the Golden State. (Note - Harley Rouda lost his seat.)

California Ballot-Harvest Boomerang
Democrats object as the GOP imitates their vote-collection methods.

By The Editorial Board
Oct. 19, 2020 7:11 pm ET

Democrats in Sacramento have been rewriting election laws to help their party “ballot harvest.” But now Republicans have figured out how to play the same game, and Democratic state leaders are threatening legal action.

In 2016 California Democrats passed a law allowing anybody, including paid campaign operatives and political parties, to collect and return mail-in ballots. Two years later Democrats prohibited “disqualifying a ballot solely because the person returning it did not provide on the identification envelope his or her name, relationship to the voter, or signature.”

We oppose ballot harvesting because it invites mischief and undermines public confidence in elections. Democrats dismiss these concerns and argue that ballot harvesting increases voter access. Ballot integrity isn’t among their priorities.

In 2018 Orange County Registrar Neal Kelley reported campaign volunteers were dropping off hundreds of ballots. Democrats boasted that they used ballot harvesting to flip seven House seats in California that year including four in Orange County. Before this year’s March primary, hospitality unions threw a “ballot party” for workers outside of Anaheim hotels.

If they couldn’t stop these practices, Republicans decided to join them. They’ve also learned to harvest ballots more efficiently by setting up drop boxes at shooting ranges, churches, gun shops and GOP offices. The boxes, which are locked and supervised, received permission from the site hosts.

Democrats are suddenly alarmed. The state Attorney General and Secretary of State offices last week sent a letter to local GOP leaders alleging that their “unofficial drop boxes” violate state law and threatened legal action and criminal penalties. GOP leaders replied that one “overzealous” volunteer had wrongly labeled a drop box “official,” but the mistake was isolated and fixed within hours.

“We believe that temporarily holding [vote by mail] ballots in a locked box at a church or local Party headquarters is more secure than a Party volunteer or paid operative holding harvested ballots collected from voters at a senior center in the back seat of his or her car—though both are legal,” GOP leaders wrote.

They’re right. The GOP’s ballot depositories don’t threaten election security any more than Democrats’ door-to-door operations. Both entail voters entrusting their ballots to third parties. Why are Democratic and union canvassers more trustworthy than churches and gun shops? The GOP drop boxes also present less of a public-health risk.

Republicans noted that Democratic Rep. Harley Rouda, who faces a tough re-election fight, has encouraged supporters to establish “neighborhood hubs” outside their homes to collect ballots. This didn’t stop Mr. Rouda from demanding an investigation into the GOP drop boxes and implying that Republicans may be discarding Democratic votes.

Meantime, Democrats are as usual accusing Republicans of voter suppression. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s 2022 re-election campaign blasted out a message declaring “the GOP is terrified of losing—so they’re willing to lie, cheat, and threaten our democracy all for the sake of gaining power.” When Democrats harvest ballots, they are increasing voter access. When Republicans do it, it’s cheating. Glad we cleared that up.

Democrats control every statewide office, a supermajority in the state Legislature, and 45 of 53 House seats. But they’re afraid they may pay a political price this year for bad governance that has resulted in double-digit unemployment, catastrophic wildfires, power outages, rising homelessness, water shortages and other third world problems.

So like leaders in one-party governments, Democrats are using the law to stymie their political opponents. Why not simply repeal ballot harvesting to reduce the chance of abuses on both sides?

How long you been squawking about this election being overturned? This November will be 2 years!

Speaking of arrests...in 2016 you were chanting "Lock her up...". I see that old bitch still walking around free as a bird.

Your credibility is in the shitter old man. I suggest you crawl back to your favorite gloryhole. Originally Posted by WTF
lustylad's Avatar
Hey Lusty, are you going to be a good doobie and trust Joey Bribe’s Truth Czar? Only in Amerika eh? Originally Posted by bambino
bambino's Avatar
Yeah, that tracks with my own thinking on the matter. But do most states ban ANY kind of wholesale ballot harvesting or just using mules for it? That's where all those Zuck Bucks play a role.

Like most terrible ideas, ballot harvesting was invented in California. It doesn't take a genius to see how stupid and reckless it is in terms of tracking each ballot's "chain of custody" and deterring temptations by either side to commit fraud.

Here's an interesting WSJ analysis written shortly before the 2020 election that highlights the hypocrisy of California dim-retards. Apparently using mules - either paid ones or volunteers - is legal in the Golden State. (Note - Harley Rouda lost his seat.)

California Ballot-Harvest Boomerang
Democrats object as the GOP imitates their vote-collection methods.

By The Editorial Board
Oct. 19, 2020 7:11 pm ET

Democrats in Sacramento have been rewriting election laws to help their party “ballot harvest.” But now Republicans have figured out how to play the same game, and Democratic state leaders are threatening legal action.

In 2016 California Democrats passed a law allowing anybody, including paid campaign operatives and political parties, to collect and return mail-in ballots. Two years later Democrats prohibited “disqualifying a ballot solely because the person returning it did not provide on the identification envelope his or her name, relationship to the voter, or signature.”

We oppose ballot harvesting because it invites mischief and undermines public confidence in elections. Democrats dismiss these concerns and argue that ballot harvesting increases voter access. Ballot integrity isn’t among their priorities.

In 2018 Orange County Registrar Neal Kelley reported campaign volunteers were dropping off hundreds of ballots. Democrats boasted that they used ballot harvesting to flip seven House seats in California that year including four in Orange County. Before this year’s March primary, hospitality unions threw a “ballot party” for workers outside of Anaheim hotels.

If they couldn’t stop these practices, Republicans decided to join them. They’ve also learned to harvest ballots more efficiently by setting up drop boxes at shooting ranges, churches, gun shops and GOP offices. The boxes, which are locked and supervised, received permission from the site hosts.

Democrats are suddenly alarmed. The state Attorney General and Secretary of State offices last week sent a letter to local GOP leaders alleging that their “unofficial drop boxes” violate state law and threatened legal action and criminal penalties. GOP leaders replied that one “overzealous” volunteer had wrongly labeled a drop box “official,” but the mistake was isolated and fixed within hours.

“We believe that temporarily holding [vote by mail] ballots in a locked box at a church or local Party headquarters is more secure than a Party volunteer or paid operative holding harvested ballots collected from voters at a senior center in the back seat of his or her car—though both are legal,” GOP leaders wrote.

They’re right. The GOP’s ballot depositories don’t threaten election security any more than Democrats’ door-to-door operations. Both entail voters entrusting their ballots to third parties. Why are Democratic and union canvassers more trustworthy than churches and gun shops? The GOP drop boxes also present less of a public-health risk.

Republicans noted that Democratic Rep. Harley Rouda, who faces a tough re-election fight, has encouraged supporters to establish “neighborhood hubs” outside their homes to collect ballots. This didn’t stop Mr. Rouda from demanding an investigation into the GOP drop boxes and implying that Republicans may be discarding Democratic votes.

Meantime, Democrats are as usual accusing Republicans of voter suppression. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s 2022 re-election campaign blasted out a message declaring “the GOP is terrified of losing—so they’re willing to lie, cheat, and threaten our democracy all for the sake of gaining power.” When Democrats harvest ballots, they are increasing voter access. When Republicans do it, it’s cheating. Glad we cleared that up.

Democrats control every statewide office, a supermajority in the state Legislature, and 45 of 53 House seats. But they’re afraid they may pay a political price this year for bad governance that has resulted in double-digit unemployment, catastrophic wildfires, power outages, rising homelessness, water shortages and other third world problems.

So like leaders in one-party governments, Democrats are using the law to stymie their political opponents. Why not simply repeal ballot harvesting to reduce the chance of abuses on both sides?

https://www.wsj.com/articles/califor...ng-11603149062 Originally Posted by lustylad
Well Zuck threw in 400 million. Has that ever happened before? A large percentage of that money went to Democrat organizations in the swing states. It was available in theory to republicans, but only a very small percentage went to them. This Cabal was pretty clever. Investing in the most corrupt, cities and county’s.
bambino's Avatar
Not true. Unlike you and WTF, I've kept an open mind. The events of Jan. 6 made it much harder to figure out what actually happened. Evidence comes before conclusions, not vice versa. Originally Posted by lustylad
It seems you’re more like Poofter than I am. You can’t believe your own eyes. Or refuse to explore other sources. Just like him.
bambino's Avatar
81 million votes?


I guess there are millions of suckers born everyday.
bambino's Avatar
Michigan Police Seize Voting Machine During Investigation Into Possible Election Breaches
bambino's Avatar
For those of you who cannot seem to find the good in anything, and refuse to see how 2000 Mules is highly impactful, this is for you. Think about this entire situation from the perspective of the mules.

The mules are SURELY going to catch wind of this documentary. Given their felonies are being broadcast for the world to see, they are probably terrified.

Think about how the majority of them will be hesitant to do this again. The people who carried out these deeds were mostly poor people who needed to make money. They aren’t political activists. They just wanted cash.

Now they know that they are being watched and tracked. A significant majority of the network of mules just got depleted.

Sure there will still be a few crazy blue haired psychopaths willing to risk going to jail for countless felonies, but the majority aren’t going to do this again, knowing they are under the spotlight and their entire plan known to the public. The ability for the Dems to traffic ballots just got hindered significantly.

So for all of those crying “boo hoo, none of this matters until someone’s arrested!”, not only are you incredibly annoying, you’re also just flat out wrong.

The US MIL knows all this went down. But any sized element in the US MIL doesn’t engage in any skirmish of any size, without a significant advantage and near certainty of victory.
Public acceptance comes first. Arrests come afterwards. It’s that simple.

EDIT: I see people still being pessimistic trying to nullify the impact of this. Let me address all of your weak arguments.

1: “The mules just won’t bring phones next time so they can’t get tracked!”

-You expect these people to navigate to 100+ drop boxes in a night in highly congested liberal cities without GPS? You think they are using a paper map? 99% of people today couldn’t use a map if their lives depended on it. Also, they have to take pictures of their drops to get credit to get their money. Are they going to use a Polaroid or disposable camera?

2: “They will find replacements and Soros has unlimited money! We are doomed!”

-You fail to realize that it’s not just the Mules that are now under surveillance and the spotlight, the organizational locations that are supplying the ballots, their locations are known. Their entire network and scheme is exposed. They have to change the entire way they operate because their last method is known.

3: “They will just use burner phones!”

-And the burner phones also are able to be tracked, still show the path of the ballot boxes and organizational buildings they are picking up the ballots from. And the organizational buildings are the real target anyways. We don’t care about locking up the individual mules, we want the organization and the higher ups orchestrating the entire operation.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Ok, thanks. I am aware of Politifact's ownership and bias ratings.

Here is their fact-check of D'Souza's movie claims:


Politifact notes that some form of ballot harvesting (e.g. by family members/close relatives) is legal in 31 states, while Dinesh says paying mules to deliver harvested ballots is illegal in all states. They could both be correct. Did any of those Zuck Bucks go to ballot harvesters? If so, how much were they paid? If it's a crime to be PAID to collect and drop off ballots, why hasn't anyone been prosecuted for it? Originally Posted by lustylad
mostly LE is not aware of it. in some case, the AGs maybe in on this and is ignoring it.
lustylad's Avatar
The mules are SURELY going to catch wind of this documentary. Given their felonies are being broadcast for the world to see, they are probably terrified. Originally Posted by bambino
This is where you lose me. The more people who are involved in any conspiracy, the harder it becomes to hide it and the more likely it is that at least some of the co-conspirators will come clean about it.

What felonies did they commit? The ballot harvesting laws appear to differ from state to state. If felonies were committed by thousands of mules, why haven't at least a sprinkling been sniffed out and prosecuted? Even if the felonies were concentrated in Democrat-controlled counties where idiot Soros-elected DAs are calling the shots, I would expect some politically ambitious independent prosecutors at the State and/or Federal levels would sniff them out.

If thousands of mules are indeed "terrified" of being caught, why haven't any of them stepped forward and copped deals - spilling the beans in return for immunity from prosecution?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dun dun dunnnnnn.
bambino's Avatar
This is where you lose me. The more people who are involved in any conspiracy, the harder it becomes to hide it and the more likely it is that at least some of the co-conspirators will come clean about it.

What felonies did they commit? The ballot harvesting laws appear to differ from state to state. If felonies were committed by thousands of mules, why haven't at least a sprinkling been sniffed out and prosecuted? Even if the felonies were concentrated in Democrat-controlled counties where idiot Soros-elected DAs are calling the shots, I would expect some politically ambitious independent prosecutors at the State and/or Federal levels would sniff them out.

If thousands of mules are indeed "terrified" of being caught, why haven't any of them stepped forward and copped deals - spilling the beans in return for immunity from prosecution? Originally Posted by lustylad
I just threw that out there. Those aren’t my words. It’s certainly a crime to get paid to stuff a ballot box.


Who said crime doesn’t pay



Here’s where I lose you. There are thousands of people that witnessed voter fraud from day one. And signed affidavits under oath.

States illegally changed their voting laws prior to the 2020 elections. They bypassed state legislatures using Covid for an excuse. Pa is a prime example. That alone is reason enough to decertify in those states

AZ performed a forensic audit proving determinative evidence of voter fraud.

A Wisconsin special council, a former State Supreme Court Justice found enough evidence to recommend to decertify the 2020 Wisconsin election.

And now, 2000 mules. Have you taken the time to watch it? It’s free. Or are you taking Politifacs word for it? That’s the lazy Libtard way out. Like Professor Poofter and his ilk.

These are just a few examples. But you’re still on the fence tho. Nothing to see here.