A great deal of you will be very happy

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-19-2010, 04:38 AM
Please note that Sofia's P411 account was revoked a few weeks ago due to extremely alarming behavior on her part, and I STRONGLY recommend that P411 members do not give her their Client Ids.

I have a very bad feeling about all things related to her. So please be careful.... while it's kind of fun to toy with her (like rubber necking at an accident), I think she is a very dangerous individual.

IMO, smart people will stay FAR away from this train wreck. Myself, I'm running away as you read this.

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
See there you have it. If Gina said believe it. Good riddance Sofia finally.You can only blame yourself for this.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I called P411 once. They tried to get personal information, my name and work place. Drivers licence even if I recall. They were insistant.

Before any one of you give in to their pressure ponder this:

How many politicians fell and how many athletes and celebrities were exposed and embarassed because they gave personal information to hookers?

How many were blackmailed?

You know which head to think with. Right?

Doh! Originally Posted by The One and Only
It's called screening, pal. It's something 9 out of every 10 reliable providers will do. Now, here's the rub: you can either give this information to all 9 out of every 10... OR you can give it to P411 and let your membership there accomplish the same thing. If you don't have provider references, this is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get your foot in the door.

As an earlier poster pointed out, you can do the same thing with provider references, but there is an inherent contradiction in this method. If she won't see you unless you have provider references, this means you've got to go out and see (usually) two providers who will vouch for you. How exactly do you do that when most of the reliable providers require screening?!?! There are a few newbie friendly providers out there, but by and large this usually means that you wind up trolling BP/CL for months hooking up with skanks and hoping against hope that they'll actually give a reference. Most of them won't bother.

P411 helped me get my hobbying feet underneath me and have been very discrete and professional in every aspect of my relationship with them. This is something I can't say about a certain co-op manager who has (hopefully) left the building. I've never partaken of the aforementioned manager's services because something never quite seemed right with her. Having observed (and taunted) her for the past year or so, I think I made the right call.

I think Diabolo is right on the mark. She has hurt the girls who work with her much more than she's ever helped them. Her board persona has been a huge red flag to me and I don't think I'm alone in that.

And Raphael, I don't think this is a lynching. Its more like a witch-hunt that she organized and led herself. She built the fire and handed us the kerosene and matches and then started wailing about how unfair it all is. Good riddance to unwanted drama, I say.
notanewbie's Avatar
This is something I can't say about a certain co-op manager who has (hopefully) left the building. I've never partaken of the aforementioned manager's services because something never quite seemed right with her. Having observed (and taunted) her for the past year or so, I think I made the right call.

I think Diabolo is right on the mark. She has hurt the girls who work with her much more than she's ever helped them. Her board persona has been a huge red flag to me and I don't think I'm alone in that.

And Raphael, I don't think this is a lynching. Its more like a witch-hunt that she organized and led herself. She built the fire and handed us the kerosene and matches and then started wailing about how unfair it all is. Good riddance to unwanted drama, I say. Originally Posted by enderwiggin

And I am the dumb ass that really wanted to give her the benefit of doubt and sent a couple references over to see Alex. Waste of time and bothered my references for no reason. I hope her gals find a safe and sane home. They deserve it.
I remember reading something about her scamming clients to post fake reviews.
Guest091710's Avatar
If I do get one. How do I know which one it is from?

There are so many voices...............

subcilla, just keep your head buried in my lap. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Well then i guess we will both be arrested on our Flight Sir, lol They always say a good friend will bail You out a best friend will be sitting next to You.
boardman's Avatar
Wow, Joe Stack's goodbye note was 7 pages long. We're getting close.....................

And Cilla, Get your head out of DH's lap please. I thought you were with me.
Guest091710's Avatar
Sir, i was but i was going to the bathroom and i got distracted along the way, give me a moment to clean up and ill be right back, provided i dont make any more stops along the way.
Guest091710's Avatar
Sir, i was trying but then WW tripped me and i landed face first in his lap, coincidentally his cock was out, im going to be a little late.
I for one will not trust a service who tries to pressure me into givin personal information.

No point wasting money on P411. P411 girls advertise all over the place. Heck, when they advertise backpage they don't require screening. You can give your references straight to the girls and use the money you save on more hobby fun.
Guest091710's Avatar
i love p411 it makes it so much easier to verify, im not newbie friendly and turn down as much as i take if not more bc they dont have references. How can they get references if no one will see them, its a catch 22 issue.
Bluntman's Avatar
I for one will not trust a service who tries to pressure me into givin personal information.

No point wasting money on P411. P411 girls advertise all over the place. Heck, when they advertise backpage they don't require screening. You can give your references straight to the girls and use the money you save on more hobby fun. Originally Posted by The One and Only
I signed up for P411 and didnt give personal information since I had been on ASPD for a long time and I had providers willing to give me oks so I could sign up. you dont have to give them your employer and other info if you are able to get a certain number of providers to give you an ok. I have found p411 is very helpful in getting appointments with girls I havent seen since they can just look up my oks rather than having to give out references every time.
auknowho's Avatar
I signed up for P411 and didnt give personal information since I had been on ASPD for a long time and I had providers willing to give me oks so I could sign up. you dont have to give them your employer and other info if you are able to get a certain number of providers to give you an ok. I have found p411 is very helpful in getting appointments with girls I havent seen since they can just look up my oks rather than having to give out references every time. Originally Posted by Bluntman
That's what I tired to explain to this One and only!
I guess some people don't want know, just complain on the board.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Sofia's board weirdness don't bother me, but I agree she's holding her girls down. For damn sure I would have re-hooked with Layla, whom I knew in her previous engagement, were it not for Sofia's TCB weirdness scaring my timid ass off.

LAYLA!!! If you're reading this, PM me. (I would never have said sucha thing if you were still with P1).

Wayward's Avatar
It's simple, give your personal info out once to someone trusted or over and over again for years. Both can be seen as a risk, one very small, the other extremely large.