Mississippi’s flag

I think the Magnolia Flag is pretty cool...
It’s better than a damn pelican, for God’s sake ... wtf?
A Mississippi yellow fly definitely isn’t going anywhere, either... you are going to have to kill his ass ����
Just my opinion for an alternative...
Welp I'm glad we're changing it. Tired of seeing big events go to Birmingham, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, Montgomery, and Mobile.

We can start hosting some conferences, sporting events, etc etc.

Our warm mild winters and springs are our meal ticket to cash in on.
Sir Wonderful, with all due respect, their drinking water is something most people can’t smell or taste. Only the devil himself would build a Mecca in a cesspool, the flag isn’t the only problem on the coast .
That negative mindset is whats killing our economy.

Mississippians are so willing to pour their hard earned cash in other southern cities like Dallas, New Orleans, Houston, Memphis, Mobile, and the Redneck Riviera in the Florida panhandle.

That's self defeating, we get no return on investment by doing that. Florida, Texas, Louisiana, Tennessee - will gladly take your money. Then in turn talk sh*t about Mississippi so their residents won't come spend money here.

Yeah we got problems here, but they are fixable and other places encounter the same issues we do.

Mississippi is only what we make it. Gotta get rid of that negative mindset.
This was a great discussion, thanks guys, I still enjoy reading it periodically, well done.
greyghost48's Avatar
It’s somewhat funny how fast the new flag has been produced seeing that we so recently voted on it.
Money talks, what would be impressive is if they were all made in Mississippi...
Money talks, what would be impressive is if they were all made in Mississippi... Originally Posted by Steel Wheels
Oh, that would be nice.

Since that ain't happening, Thank Goodness the flags ain't made in Alabama.
So, should I assume you prefer the Chinese made variety?
It didn’t copy, but it was a ‘Bama flag, lol, Roll Tide Roll, good luck to anyone who wants to mess with a Florida Gator, that game gave me nightmares... I know people will probably say that they enjoy that kind of game, but I don’t ...
tuckahoe's Avatar
Nice to see a few posters know their history!
I hate to see the MS flag changed; some in AR are now wanting to change ours.
I have a video called "That Rebel Forrest". Much of it is about a black man called the Black Confederate. Don't remember his real name now, but he promoted the St. Andrews Cross. His great grandfather fought at Shiloh for the Confederates and was also a Chaplain. All at the age of 14.
Levi Carnine was another great black man who risked his life to carry money and letters to the soldiers families. He had to act like he was an escaping slave to get through Union lines. He accomplished his mission and was loved forever more.
Look at how Turchin's troops treated black ladies at Athens, AL. Even other Yankee Generals were outraged; had him court martialed. He was relieved of duty. Soon Lincoln re-hired him with a promotion.
Don’t even get me started on Nazi Germany, but I guess it was a matter of pride. The Germans felt insulted by the Treaty of Versailles , as they may should have been, they were ruined by the agreement. The Deutsch Mark wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on. Germany agreed on account of the Spanish Flu and the arrival of fresh American troops, Americans were pissed off by the German sinking of the Lusitania… I guess that the people fighting it did it for pride… I remember the bumper stickers with a Reb holding the stars and bars saying “Forget, Hell”. Anyway, I think that fueled the rise of the Nazi party and WW II…