You know you're a provider when...

guest063011's Avatar
Any gentleman that comes to see me are "worth getting", as you say. No guy that has come to see me have ever been douches, even the one that was going through my drawers.

I may not speak or act how some may want me to, but I am always frank, honest, and fair. Brooke set the example for me on that. Real recognizes real. Once you start socializing and meeting some of the people here, you start to care, not just about their $$ but about their Wellbeing. Sue me, perhaps I started to care a little too much. That's my only vice that I can see that I've shown here, any other is ancillary.

Grow up. Don't you have a review to write on one of the coin op girls? Originally Posted by luxury daphne
too funny!! lol

Just curious....What is a coin op girl? Where would one find a coin op girl? other thing...Where would one find coin-op girl reviews???
Do your research baby. You'll find em.
Raphael's Avatar

Just curious....What is a coin op girl? Where would one find a coin op girl? other thing...Where would one find coin-op girl reviews??? Originally Posted by ambernhouston
"coin-op girls" & "blue-water agency:" endearing nick-names coined on this board for an agency (that may or may not still exist) that is hated by a handful of "ladies" and "gentlemen," because it is/was located in an upscale part of town and because the fee is/was a tad higher than the going rate at AMP's

(Some ladies know they are providers when they devote more time to knocking the other providers down, than to attracting clients)
boardman's Avatar
"coin-op girls" & "blue-water agency:" endearing nick-names coined on this board for an agency (that may or may not still exist) that is or was hated by a handful of "ladies" and "gentlemen," because it is/was located in an upscale part of town and because the fee is/was a tad higher than the going rate at AMP's

(Some ladies know they are providers when they devote more time to knocking the other providers down, than to attracting clients) Originally Posted by Raphael

I don't thinck everyone hates her/them.
Their WK's? Maybe......

It's hard to hate something that has been so entertaining for so long.

So Raphael, you are saying it is/was an agency and not a co-op. I find it humorous that you chose to use the AMPS comparison.

Coin-op was a play on words with "Co-op" which the establishment referred to above proclaimed itself to be.

Blue water has many meanings.
Raphael's Avatar
You need to brush up on your reading skills, buddy. A contrast is not the same thing as a comparison
When your all dolled up in 6 inch heels to drop your kid off at school, because you have a early 9 o'clock appointment.
boardman's Avatar
My reading skills are fine, However, I must admit that my comprehension of fucktard statements may be somewhat lacking.
The way I read it you chose once again to WK the coin-op by comparing its rates to that of an AMP thereby suggesting that simply because the rate charged was higher that the quality of girls/services were automatically worth the premium.
Killersalt's Avatar
too funny!! lol

Just curious....What is a coin op girl? Where would one find a coin op girl? other thing...Where would one find coin-op girl reviews??? Originally Posted by ambernhouston
It's a girl under the claws of a particular "madame pimp/agency" surrounded by a combination of a train wreck, never ending drama, incoherent posts, floods of blue water, a particular WK, pictures with floating couches, ridiculous screening, threAD's to advertise, fake handles and a general hornet's nest. It's best to stay away and watch the train wreck from a distance, although sometimes it's really hard. The madame/pimp was banned due to her lack of intelligence, but her legacy, minions and activities still live on...

If you say the madame pimp's name out loud three times in front of any blue water, the water will turn into a giant monster madame that will screen you to death and kill you....kind of like a retarded unattractive overweight lockness monster.

It does make for a good read and good entertainment. If you search it, there are many threads about it.

Raphael's Avatar

If you say the madame pimp's name out loud three times in front of any blue water, the water will turn into a giant monster madame that will screen you to death and kill you....

Originally Posted by Killersalt
The poor baby doesn't like getting turned down...
This is a good thread...chill with the hijacking please....