To All the Undercutting Cunt Blocking Whore, Cheap Deal Taking Tricks, & Desperate "Only For You" Sluts. I say

Its ok. Most will guess by looking at review history, but that's not very good business practice if said whore is reading this right now.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
They'd guess incorrectly, many guys, including myself, don't review most of the girls we see.

I appreciated her being forthright with me and I found it more humorous than anything but I see it from your perspective as well.
If Lolli chimed in and told, would that also be forthright? I for one think so.

Ladies please please don't do that, that's one of the reasons some girls refuse to give references.. This type of drama. Then you get mad when no one replies to your reference requests.

I've even considered stopping giving references at all because it seems some hookers don't understand their purpose and function, how to ask for one, and how to respond afterwards, hence part is the reason for this thread.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Sure, if Lolli chimed in she could explain why she gave me a bad reference solely because I gave her a NO review. We had a successful session, I was respectful and on time, I didn't short her, hell I even gave her tips on protecting her privacy better. Seems to me that regardless of my opinion about the session, which by the way was mostly positive but honest, giving me a bad reference was just low class. And like I said, I found it more humorous and puzzling than anything given the session we'd had.

Why are you glossing over that little detail?
What am I glossing over?

You give a girl a no review, then use her as a reference to see someone else, and expect for her to have something positive outlook on that. Its a no review, she can't read ros, how would she know it was positive yet honest as you put it.

You have lifetime membership, had enough reviews by then, and pretty sure you have p411. Even you admitted using her as a ref after that was a bad idea, because she sent you a nasty text before you did it. Her feelings were probably hurt. Tough titty for her, but they probably were. Then you add insult to injury by using her as a reference.

I think you did it to be spiteful, or to "show" that whore something, but of course that is my snap assessment and you will deny it. Its either that or you *may be* dense.

Have I missed anything so far?

What I'm saying is that regardless, the other provider should not have told what was said about you in a reference check, period. You confirmed that by confronting her about it.

Bad review + 2 confrontations + hurt feelings + gossip and pillowtalk = a volatile situation.

Did you really need me to explain that to you?

This is that passive aggressive behavior and tomfuckery that "gentle whoring folk: do that annoys the shit out of me. I would rather a 100 wakeups on the board, then 5 of these types of situations in RL. I like to call it... Sideline hating.

dearhunter's Avatar
The part about the potty mouths
SpiceItUp's Avatar
What am I glossing over?

You give a girl a no review, then use her as a reference to see someone else, and expect for her to have something positive outlook on that. Its a no review, she can't read ros, how would she know it was positive yet honest as you put it.

You have lifetime membership, had enough reviews by then, and pretty sure you have p411. Even you admitted using her as a ref after that was a bad idea, because she sent you a nasty text before you did it. Her feelings were probably hurt. Tough titty for her, but they probably were. Then you add insult to injury by using her as a reference.

I think you did it to be spiteful, or to "show" that whore something, but of course that is my snap assessment and you will deny it. Its either that or you *may be* dense.

Have I missed anything so far?

What I'm saying is that regardless, the other provider should not have told what was said about you in a reference check, period. You confirmed that by confronting her about it.

Bad review + 2 confrontations + hurt feelings + gossip and pillowtalk = a volatile situation.

Did you really need me to explain that to you?

This is that passive aggressive behavior and tomfuckery that "gentle whoring folk: do that annoys the shit out of me. I would rather a 100 wakeups on the board, then 5 of these types of situations in RL. I like to call it... Sideline hating.

ijs. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
lol I'm not passive aggressive nor spiteful. I had a successful session with someone, was respectful, showed up on time, paid in full, and am not LE.

I mistakenly thought those things were what were most important when giving/seeking a reference.

If anyone was being spiteful it was her for giving me a bad reference solely based upon my opinion of the session, which she admitted to. I said I thought in retrospect it was a bad idea and should have known that she would be spiteful after receiving her nasty text.

I think you did it to be spiteful, or to "show" that whore something, but of course that is my snap assessment and you will deny it. Its either that or you *may be* dense.
What about any of my posts on this board would give you that opinion? Do I really seem like the type to "show that whore something"? Perhaps you're not as perceptive as you first appear.

Quite honestly the reason I used her as a reference was that I had just seen her a few days prior and her texts were still readily available in my phone.

I already admitted to being dense in this scenario lol what else can I say?

The only reason I even mentioned it now (like 3 months later by the way) was because it came up during this conversation. Your point would perhaps have been justified or I could at least understand your thinking if this were last week or something ...but an offhand mention in an unrelated post 3 months later makes me spiteful and passive aggressive really?

As to the other provider telling me about it, well I already told you that I appreciated her honesty but could also see it from your perspective.

I see your point about providers keeping things between themselves when it comes to sharing references. Particularly because no one wants to get dragged into any potential drama that may ensue. I was simply saring my perspective as well.

Each of us can only speak from our own experience...
Yes Sir, and thank you for clarifying. There may have been no malice in using her as a reference, and did it out of sheer convenience thinking that other than the no review, there were no other issues that would make her refrain from giving you a reference.

Most girls ask for and share more information about a hobbyist in a reference request than just a yes or no.

That's why I simplify mine and just ask 'is he legit or not' basically. I don't want to know what he looks like, or anything about his demeanor or any of that, just a simple 'yes' or 'no'. I also only give simple 'yes' or 'no'. It cuts down on all of the craziness that ensues from factoring 'opinion' in a reference request.

Thanks again SIU.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
LOL.. I'd rather grudge fuck it out, you'll love me after.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
now there's an idea I can get behind...literally!
A Happy Ending...

That's what happens when people discuss like adults and keep an open mind.

SpicyPants, I understand your point, but stick to asking for references from your YES or No Comment ladies. Since we can't see the ROS, she didn't know if you were a total lying ass or not...

Of course, she should have said, "He's an Ass, but legit."

Now back to the grudge fucking...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Thread drifter!!
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
I believe in karma. What goes around, comes around. If I don't want another lady to do it to me, I won't do it to her, period. Honesty with references and good customer service sometimes means referring customers elsewhere if they want a little variety. I find that the more open I am with my guys about them going to enjoy some variety, the more likely they are to return to me again and again. A caged bird will always try to escape. But if the door is always open, he knows he can, and WILL come back home. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Beautiful YM..

I agree 100% with your post... This is s world of seductive pleasure and just as I love variety so do my men. .. You give GREAT references and I try to as well...

Even if my gentleman suitor moves on to a different pasture it doesn't take away from the time he had with me. .. it really isn't personal...

Here is to GOOD HOING!! LOL

Your friendly slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
LOL.. I'd rather grudge fuck it out, you'll love me after. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne

LD does GRUDGE FUCKING include BENDING me over and FUCKING THE HELL out of ME?

If so...SIGN ME UP!!

Your provocative slave,
