ISIS beheads American journalist, Obama goes back on vacation

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  • 08-22-2014, 10:40 AM
From a military standpoint those attacks showed how safe we actually are. Your chances are better that you will be hit by lightning than die in a terrorist attack .

Yet alarmists like yourself willingly send 4500 American soldiers to their death because of your misguided fear. Plus you are to cheap to pay for the god damn war you wanted.

How many folks died in Boston last look up how many folks died of snake bites...Black Jesus is ashamed of your wasting other people's money and lives while you cower behind a key board.
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  • 08-22-2014, 10:40 AM
From a military standpoint those attacks showed how safe we actually are. Your chances are better that you will be hit by lightning than die in a terrorist attack .

Yet alarmists like yourself willingly send 4500 American soldiers to their death because of your misguided fear. Plus you are to cheap to pay for the god damn war you wanted.

How many folks died in Boston last look up how many folks died of snake bites...Black Jesus is ashamed of your wasting other people's money and lives while you cower behind a key board.
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  • 08-22-2014, 10:46 AM
Do you deny that honor killings and attempts at establishing Sharia law in the US are real? Originally Posted by boardman
I deny they are a threat to our way of life. Snake bite deaths are real but they are no more a threat than your bs. But hey if you want to donate your hard earned money to fight that perception. ...donate away. Just keep your paws outta folks pockets who are not concerened.

Ten years ago folks like you were trying to convince me Saddam was a threat to our way of life....turns out Christians were better off in Iraq than after we invaded.
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We didn't think the Japanese would attack us either.
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  • 08-22-2014, 11:29 AM

Will it happen in our lifetime? Probably not but kicking the can down the road for the next generation to deal with and ignoring the possible consequences we are placing on them is just as irresponsible as kicking the fiscal can down the road.

. Originally Posted by boardman
What if we were talking about Global Warming. .... would you be so fast to get on board? Think of it like that. Folks believe Muslim will be over here in the future cutting off our heads like you believe Al Gore when he says your head will be under water.
BigLouie's Avatar
If those fuckers show up in Houston dressed head to toe in black the heat will kill them all for us
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  • 08-22-2014, 11:36 AM

We didn't think the Japanese would attack us either. Originally Posted by boardman
If you knew the history, you'd know they had no other choice.

Besides comparing these terrorist to a nation state is naive. They do not have the means to invade us....much like a much much stronger Japan did not. Your chances of dying are greater by lightning than terrorist. you want to attack thunderstorms? You have an unrational fear of Muslims attacking this country. wtf can I say other than that
boardman's Avatar
If you knew the history, you'd know they had no other choice.

Besides comparing these terrorist to a nation state is naive. They do not have the means to invade us....much like a much much stronger Japan did not. Your chances of dying are greater by lightning than terrorist. you want to attack thunderstorms? You have an unrational fear of Muslims attacking this country. wtf can I say other than that Originally Posted by WTF
I'm not comparing Isis to Japan other than to say that we didn't think it would happen.

Isis has better organization, better funding and has better support mechanisms in place than Al - Qaeda ever hoped for. They have a stronger determination to break our will.
They fucking believe their leader is a direct descendant from Mohammed.

In just a few months they have gone from being a thorn in the side with no home to an organization controlling large areas of land that Chuck Hagel is calling " as sophisticated and well-funded as any group that we have seen," Hagel said. "They're beyond just a terrorist group. They marry ideology, a sophistication of strategic and tactical military prowess. They are tremendously well-funded. Oh, this is beyond anything that we've seen. So we must prepare for everything."

With the kind of funding they have weapons of mass destruction and the capability to deliver them are not out of their reach and they have the motivation to do it.
When the last caliphate ended it created the divide between Sunni's and Shia's.
LexusLover's Avatar
What if we were talking about Global Warming. .... Originally Posted by WTF
What if you had wings ..... you'd be a gnat.

But you don't, so just stay on the bench Little Boy.
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  • 08-22-2014, 12:45 PM
What if you had wings ..... you'd be

But you don't, so just stay on the bench Little Boy. Originally Posted by LexusLover
What if you wanted to actually fight/pay for a war you wanted to start....

there'd be no talk of war by your chickenhawk ass. As it ia you want others to fight and pay for your cowardice.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
What if you wanted to actually fight/pay for a war you wanted to start....

there'd be no talk of war by your chickenhawk ass. As it ia you want others to fight and pay for your cowardice. Originally Posted by WTF
Suppose I'd like to fight a war on liberals - where do I pay for that?
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Incorrect. Originally Posted by Stanfeld
I'll stand corrected. I'm not an expert on Islamic history.

Please explain.
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  • 08-22-2014, 12:53 PM

With the kind of funding they have weapons of mass destruction and the capability to deliver them are not out of their reach and they have the motivation to do it. Originally Posted by boardman
So call for an all out war and for LL to give up his Medicare and you yours and raise taxes and lets all sacrifice. See how far that kind of commitment you have. While you're at it cure GW'ing. You'll be a hero to both the left and right.
Division between Shiite, Sunnis was after Mohammed died.