Massive Voter Fraud Discovered in North Carolina’s 2012 Election

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-06-2014, 09:28 AM
Actually, WikiPostingFraud, you can't extrapolate any of that from my question. You are doing one of your famous "make shit up then knock it down" tricks. Didn't work. I'm actually in favor of extended voting times. I just want to make sure that everyone who votes is eligible to votes. Here's what I think would be fair. Make Election Day a three day weekend with a Monday holiday. But I'd be flexible on that. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Actually , I could extrapolate it . But you have made a nice recovery.

I would like all these phoney ID Tea Clowns to address this issue of cutting days to vote.

They can not because that is where it shows their utter contempt for folks other than their side to vote.
Budman's Avatar
Last time I wanted to travel overseas, you know what happened? I was forced to get this fuckin highfallutin thingie they call a "passport"! Obamaman made me fork over my birth certificate and photographs and pay hunnerts of dollars for it, too. What's wrong with those fuckin Dimocrats? Why are they so hell-bent on suppressing my right to travel??? Originally Posted by lustylad
Why are you so hell bent on making it harder to vote for a certain segment of society? Originally Posted by WTF
That is one of the biggest lies ever. How in the hell would showing an ID make it harder for anyone to vote? The left has spread that BS forever. Maybe what you mean is it makes it harder for the dead to vote or for the scumbags to vote multiple times. If that is what you mean then you're right. Originally Posted by Budman
You have a hard time understanding wtf you read budman? Reread the part in bold and tell me wtf that has to do with voter ID laws. The voter ID is a ruse , they really want to go back to Jim Crow southern days of limiting who can vote as evident by these other laws.

>>>>Republicans leaders immediately touted the preliminary report as evidence they were justified in approving sweeping elections changes last year that include requiring voters to present photo ID at the polls, cutting days from the period for early voting and ending a popular civics program that encouraged high school students to pre-register to vote in advance of their 18th birthdays.<<<<< Originally Posted by WTF
I know this may be difficult for you but try and follow the progression of the conversation. Lustylad references passports, ie ID's. You make a statement about that making harder for a certain segment to vote. I make the comment that that is a lie put out by the left. Do you see the progression of the conversation or are you just to stupid to comprehend anything that doesn't fall into your narrow beliefs?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-06-2014, 12:10 PM
its not difficult to follow Voter fraud... there are very few documented cases
lustylad's Avatar
You're a fucking moron. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
yeah, apparently Obama invented the passport Originally Posted by CJ7
Passports have been around for years. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Obviously, satire is wasted on libtards...

I'll give it another shot. Yinz need to think of it as an opportunity. Stop requiring passports and it will be easier to import busloads of illegals around election time so they can cast extra ballots in races where libtard Dimocrats need help.

I'll give it another shot. Yinz need to think of it as an opportunity. Originally Posted by lustylad
Yinz? WTF is that all about?

What part of y'all do you not understand?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
WTF must have a brain injury again. He complains that voted ID laws will disenfranchise poor and minorities despite research that says otherwise and then he compares it to a totally democratic invention; JIM CROW laws.

Don't go to bed without someone looking in on you. Concussions are tricky things. You feel fine until you don't.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
its not difficult to follow Voter fraud... there are very few documented cases Originally Posted by CJ7
Go tell that to LBJ's wealthy heirs.....I'm sure they would believe you
[QUOTE=lustylad;1055170553]Obviously, satire is wasted on libtards...

Like facts on conservatives..
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-07-2014, 08:21 AM
I know this may be difficult for you but try and follow the progression of the conversation. Lustylad references passports, ie ID's. You make a statement about that making harder for a certain segment to vote. I make the comment that that is a lie put out by the left. Do you see the progression of the conversation or are you just to stupid to comprehend anything that doesn't fall into your narrow beliefs? Originally Posted by Budman
I see you are lying and to stupid to even realize it. ''Seven states shortened early voting time frames, even though over 30 percent of all votes cast in the 2008 general election were cast before Election Day'' What part of that this do you not understand?

Three additional states passed laws to require documentary proof of citizenship in order to register to vote, though as many as 7 percent of American citizens do not have such proof. Seven states shortened early voting time frames, even though over 30 percent of all votes cast in the 2008 general election were cast before Election Day. Two state legislatures voted to repeal Election Day registration laws, though Election Day registration increases voter turnout by 10-12 percent. Finally, two states passed legislation making it much more difficult for third-party organizations to register voters – so difficult, in fact, that some voter registration organizations are leaving the states altogether
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I see you are lying and to stupid to even realize it. ''Seven states shortened early voting time frames, even though over 30 percent of all votes cast in the 2008 general election were cast before Election Day'' What part of that this do you not understand?

Three additional states passed laws to require documentary proof of citizenship in order to register to vote, though as many as 7 percent of American citizens do not have such proof. Seven states shortened early voting time frames, even though over 30 percent of all votes cast in the 2008 general election were cast before Election Day. Two state legislatures voted to repeal Election Day registration laws, though Election Day registration increases voter turnout by 10-12 percent. Finally, two states passed legislation making it much more difficult for third-party organizations to register voters – so difficult, in fact, that some voter registration organizations are leaving the states altogether Originally Posted by WTF
I guess that you don't believe "these United States, are and of right and ought to be, free and independent states?"
Those states get to set there own rules, and if 3 people per hour go vote in early voting, maybe it is just prudent to shorten the times. Do you pay people to sit around and do nothing?
Budman's Avatar
WTF, you are a complete fucking idiot. Try to follow the conversation. We were talking about ID's. Jesus fucking Christ, talking to you is like talking to a 2 year old.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-07-2014, 08:38 AM
Do you pay people to sit around and do nothing?

not unless they're congressmen
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-07-2014, 08:39 AM
WTF, you are a complete fucking idiot. Try to follow the conversation. We were talking about ID's. Jesus fucking Christ, talking to you is like talking to a 2 year old. Originally Posted by Budman

how in the hell did this country exist for centuries without voter ID's?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-07-2014, 08:52 AM
WTF, you are a complete fucking idiot. Try to follow the conversation. We were talking about ID's. Jesus fucking Christ, talking to you is like talking to a 2 year old. Originally Posted by Budman
What about you following the conversation. If it is just voter ID , then why are they doing those other things?

Maybe because the GOP has selectively chosen to go after voting patterns in which Democrats vote. That has nothing to do with voter ID laws.

God Damn Budman , wtf would your ignorant ass be saying if there was a push for voter ID laws on purchasing a gun and an accomping law that stated you could only purchase guns on Sunday from noon 'till noon thirty.

You be a fool not to discuss the noon to noon thirty law.
Budman's Avatar
how in the hell did this country exist for centuries without voter ID's? Originally Posted by CJ7
How the fuck did we survive without obamacare?

How the fuck did we survive without early voting?

How the fuck did we survive without an income tax?

You are such a fool. Laws are passed to answer a specific issue. Sometimes the law makes the problem worse as in the obamacare case. Voter ID would address the voter fraud issue. It would in no way stop anyone from voting and to claim it would is a complete fabrication spread by the left because they believe that most voter fraud is in the favor.