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Gurney Halleck FTW...
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  • zme
  • 04-26-2013, 06:55 AM
Gurney Halleck FTW... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Oooh, I remember Gurney Halleck, master of the kinjal, teacher of the Kwisatz Haderach.
The one book series that I don't think there has ever been a satisfactory screen adaptation for.
jbravo_123's Avatar


I actually have a lot of nostalgia for the old David Lynch version. I really liked the feel and ambiance of that one much more than the Sci-Fi miniseries (although Children of Dune was really good).
klutz's Avatar
  • klutz
  • 04-26-2013, 09:03 AM
I watch Firefly on repeat....
Wakeup's Avatar
And we all know who played Gurney in the original film...
boardman's Avatar


I actually have a lot of nostalgia for the old David Lynch version. I really liked the feel and ambiance of that one much more than the Sci-Fi miniseries (although Children of Dune was really good). Originally Posted by jbravo_123
Phucking Phenomenal!
Raptorcg's Avatar
^^ agreed
And we all know who played Gurney in the original film... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I see what you did there....
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sexxytexxan's Avatar
I watch Firefly on repeat.... Originally Posted by klutz
As well you should

I see what you did there.... Originally Posted by theCFE
side note: that was the funniest part of that whole movie
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
There appear to be sub classes of nerds? I'm a sci fi nerd and perked up with Dune. Just can't get into the superhero/spandex set... Though old supermen and recent batmen are cool...
There appear to be sub classes of nerds? I'm a sci fi nerd and perked up with Dune. Just can't get into the superhero/spandex set... Though old supermen and recent batmen are cool... Originally Posted by BatteriesNotIncluded
I think we can co-exist. I span a wide range of geekdom, for example, but I can be elitist in my favored sectors. For example, although I was weaned on Marvel comics, I typically lean more towards Indy noir titles rather than supes. For example: Dawn, Sandman, Preacher, Hellblazer, and my newest panty-wetter, Locke & Key.

I'm a Dune fan, and enjoyed the first book, but although I purchased the whole series in a fit of pique, I got distracted by something shiny, and I think they got carted off to Half Price Books before I could devour them.

I watched the Star Trek cartoon when I was a kid, but have remained pure as the driven snow as far as the live action series goes.

I've played D&D, AD&D, LARP in three different settings, Shadowrun, Star Wars tabletop, but yet I CANNOT bring myself to fling myself into the Warhammer 40k vortex.

I'm all about PC/Mac gaming, but consoles lost their charm when the sprites went the way of the buffalo in exchange for three dimensional toons.

And the thought of meeting Helo and Caprica Six *seriously* makes me wet, but I could not care less about the actors from the original series.

I'll take my nerd lashes from a kneeling position, please.
boardman's Avatar
Holy Tebow! Beyond Star Wars and Star Trek I don't have a fucking clue about any of this shit. Oh and Batman.
I finally feel like one of the cool kids.
zme's Avatar
  • zme
  • 04-26-2013, 10:14 PM
I used to be a huge fan of Marvel as well as DC comics as well as SciFi. I somewhat outgrew the comics but never outgrew SciFi (and never will). I have read every one of the Dune books cover to cover till the point where if I hear of one more Duncan Idaho clone I might shoot myself. Did not really like the way the the Kwisatz Haderachs legacy panned out but I probably can't say why in case someone here is also going to read all the way through to the end.
Even started on some the the Dune prequels written by Brian Herbert describing the mechs and early Butlerian Jihad but have not made my way through them. I have the audiobooks and dream of someday working my way through them.
Obviously went through the mandatory Star Trek phase and still like it. Don't know if it possible to outgrow that.

Personally I can't really say I liked the David Lynch version (except for the coolness of watching Sting of Feyd Rautha). I did not think it captured the sense of the spice intoxication and the development of the Kwisatz Haderach who sees all possible futures through the mountains and valleys of time.
And while I kind of liked the 3 part miniseries I did not like the fact that it was told from the perspective of princess Irulan when she and House Carino were somewhat incidental to the book. But I guess it was a useful storytelling device.
The challenge with showing Dune on a screen is that so much of the development of the story happens inside peoples heads and is not visual. It is really hard to figure out how to make that visual. Would take a genius of a director.
Pan-nerdism is all good. It is kinda funny how some nerds try to out-cool the others with various references and whatnot. I guess that happens in all subcultures...

Anyhow. I have determined that there shall be no more Star Wars movies. Instead, all past movies and future ones from books will be animated in the Gennedy Taratkovsky style from Clone Wars.

That would be so, so bad ass.
Also - the Dune miniseries were beautiful and atmospheric.

I love David Lynch, but the film is just too 'hard' if you will. Not sure how else to say it...