Bernie says that incarcerated felons should be able to vote.

  • Tiny
  • 04-26-2019, 04:08 PM
I didn't see it, but I'd bet she actually said formerly. Not formally. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
That's possible, I could have misheard. For sure, when Don Lemon asked whether she, like Bernie Sanders, would allow murderers, rapists, etc. to vote while they're incarcerated, she hemmed and hawed and wouldn't answer the question.
That's possible, I could have misheard. For sure, when Don Lemon asked whether she, like Bernie Sanders, would allow murderers, rapists, etc. to vote while they're incarcerated, she hemmed and hawed and wouldn't answer the question. Originally Posted by Tiny
Yeah, she did use "formally", but sort of in the context of "formerly", so she might have just mis-spoke. But I agree she was certainly dancing around taking a stance as far left as Bernie for on those actually incarcerated.

And I'm still waiting for any of these "prison gerrymandering" obsessed people to actually give a reasonable solution to properly defining an inmates census address?
rexdutchman's Avatar
The dim-wit need all the help they can get
  • oeb11
  • 04-27-2019, 10:27 AM
PussySnob's Avatar
I’m thinking this prick {staff edit- CK} will die very soon. That’s going to be so
Funny. Piss on his grave.
  • oeb11
  • 04-27-2019, 10:37 AM
PS - I vehemently differ with Bernie Sanders Politics
"Jew-Bag_ is racist and inappropriate.

Don't join the Other side with the Anti-semitic racism
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like they are chasing the black vote...
  • Tiny
  • 04-27-2019, 02:28 PM
Yeah, she did use "formally", but sort of in the context of "formerly", so she might have just mis-spoke. But I agree she was certainly dancing around taking a stance as far left as Bernie for on those actually incarcerated. Originally Posted by eccielover
My impression from the town hall was that she hasn't figured out what she needs to say to increase her chances of winning the nomination, on this and other issues. So she dances around. Sanders is more principled. The only problem is many of his principles are stupid.
themystic's Avatar
My impression from the town hall was that she hasn't figured out what she needs to say to increase her chances of winning the nomination, on this and other issues. So she dances around. Sanders is more principled. The only problem is many of his principles are stupid. Originally Posted by Tiny
Tiny she's going to be Biden's VP. Trump is scardy cat big time
  • Tiny
  • 04-27-2019, 08:02 PM
Tiny she's going to be Biden's VP. Trump is scardy cat big time Originally Posted by themystic
Mystic, That might indeed be the dream ticket for Democrats whose primary goal is to beat Trump. Being female and arguably black, she'd bring out the base of the Democratic Party, while Biden would pick up a lot of independents who voted for Trump in 2016. And Biden polls better against Trump than the rest. They'd definitely do better than Bernie, no matter who his running mate is.
themystic's Avatar
Mystic, That might indeed be the dream ticket for Democrats whose primary goal is to beat Trump. Being female and arguably black, she'd bring out the base of the Democratic Party, while Biden would pick up a lot of independents who voted for Trump in 2016. And Biden polls better against Trump than the rest. Originally Posted by Tiny
Trump can talk a lot of shit but a Biden / Harris ticket takes all that Socialist talk OFF the table. People are sick of Trump but would vote for him over any Socialist. Biden doesn't need any agenda. Beat Trump is the agenda. What was it Trump ran on? Oh build a wall and Mexico was paying for it and repeal and replace Obamacare
Tiny she's going to be Biden's VP. Trump is scardy cat big time Originally Posted by themystic
Yeah Biden would pick a female VP. I can see it now, he's sniffing her hair and basically annoying the shit out of her. Next thing ya know Biden is getting the #MeToo treatment from his VP pick, lol.
  • oeb11
  • 04-28-2019, 10:13 AM
SomeOne does not understand that old White males do not pass muster in the new Progressive-Socialist DPST Party.
Warren and Harris will be the -"Give away Free stuff to all who vote for Us" DPST ticket.

Tax the rich, then tax the middle calss, then tax the poor until DPST Venezuela in the US occurs.

Right up SomeOne's Back-door alley.
themystic's Avatar
SomeOne does not understand that old White males do not pass muster in the new Progressive-Socialist DPST Party.
Warren and Harris will be the -"Give away Free stuff to all who vote for Us" DPST ticket.

Tax the rich, then tax the middle calss, then tax the poor until DPST Venezuela in the US occurs.

Right up SomeOne's Back-door alley. Originally Posted by oeb11
Sad to say that your hypothetical assessment is not based on any kind of facts. Here's some facts for you The facts are Joe Biden has entered the race and is leading every single poll. Biden also has 80% of the Jewish vote! Love it baby! Shalom Brother. Except the olive branch while there is yet still time

Trump is petrified. Scardy cat. Lmao
  • oeb11
  • 04-28-2019, 11:54 AM
And what has that to do with incarcerated criminals voting?
That kind of platform nonsense makes it easy to campaign constructively !
Yucckko-OhNo Rules the DPST's

Bernie is digging himself into a voting hole- it is flagrant pandering to offer votes to prisoners.
Not gonna happen