Kyle Rittenhouse Speaks Out About Deadly Kenosha Shooting

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Kenosha Was a Wake-Up Call for Democratic Leaders across the Country

By Dan O'Donnell September 1, 2020 11:11 AM

For the first time, this summer’s riots have spread beyond far-left megacities to Anytown, USA — and the political risks to Democrats are clear.

After a summer of seemingly unending chaos in America’s cities, Kenosha just may have been the tipping point. For three nights, the city burned in rioting after the officer-involved shooting of Jacob Blake, while Democratic governor Tony Evers refused to deploy a Wisconsin National Guard contingent large enough to quell the violence.

For three days, Evers issued inflammatory statement after inflammatory statement — even going so far as to say that a Kenosha police officer “mercilessly” shot Blake — and refused to either condemn the violence or urge calm. Laughably, the sternest warning he gave rioters was to remind them to “wear your mask and keep social distance as best you can.”

Local leaders and law-enforcement officials in Kenosha begged Evers to deploy the Guard in numbers sufficient to restore order, asking for a total of 750 soldiers. On Monday, Evers sent 150. Kenosha continued to burn.

So adamant was Evers that he rejected the Trump administration’s offer of help.

“We have a National Guard standing by that if the general for the National Guard needs additional help, we’re there to do it,” White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said Tuesday. “But today, that request was denied by the governor.”

Evers upped the deployment to just 250 soldiers the same day, and still, Kenosha burned.

Amid the chaos, a 17-year-old from Illinois shot two men to death and injured a third in what may have been an act of self-defense. This seemed to be the wake-up call that Evers needed, and while he still couldn’t bring himself to condemn the rioting, he finally issued a statement indicating that he was prepared to do something to stop it.

“A senseless tragedy like this cannot happen again,” he said. “We must turn from violence and remember that any single act of injustice against one person is less justice for us all.” In a surprising about-face, he accepted the White House’s offer of more troops and allowed a deployment sufficient to stop the lawlessness.

Unsurprisingly, it worked. Kenosha stopped burning and has remained relatively calm ever since, thereby proving what rational observers have always known: that a show of force is the only thing that will stop the rioting and that Democratic mayors and governors can make such a show any time they choose. They just have to want to, or at least be forced to, as Evers clearly was.

“The rioting has to stop,” CNN anchor Don Lemon gravely intoned Tuesday night before dropping the veneer of objectivity altogether. “It’s showing up in the polling. It’s showing up in focus groups. It is the only thing — it is the only thing right now that is sticking [to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden].”

The following morning, the New York Times used a bold headline to warn that “Kenosha Is Already Swaying Some Voters in Wisconsin.” One of them, Priscilla Gazda, said she’d voted only once in her life — for Barack Obama in 2008 — but would be voting for Trump in November, because “he seems to be more about the American people and what we need.”

Evers apparently took notice of these warning signs. In that sense, he is emblematic of a Democratic Party that has suddenly awakened to just how devastating this summer’s widespread rioting has been. The physical destruction of Democrat-controlled cities was not enough to spur such an awakening — it took political blowback — but it has thankfully happened nonetheless.

While no one should hold their breath that radical Democratic leaders in Portland and Seattle will follow Evers’s lead, his sudden change of heart is a tell that Kenosha just may have changed the politics of this summer’s riots. For the first time since the chaos started, it had spread outside of far-left megacities, reaching Anytown, USA. If it could happen in Kenosha, it could happen anywhere else that Democratic leaders are seen as allowing it to happen. That more than anything is what prompted Evers to act, and what might finally force Democratic leaders across the country to act as well.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Why We’ve Decided to Tell You the Criminal Records of the Men Shot in Kenosha

We’ve decided to tell you the criminal histories of the three men who were shot in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Here’s why.

We think the public is entitled to know all of the context to properly understand what unfolded that night. The Kenosha County District Attorney has charged Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, with first-degree intentional homicide in the shooting death of Anthony M. Huber; with first-degree reckless homicide in the shooting death of Joseph D. Rosenbaum; and with attempted first-degree intentional homicide for wounding Gaige Grosskreutz. Read the criminal complaint here. Rittenhouse’s attorney says he acted in self defense when attacked by what the lawyer called a vicious mob. You can read the lawyer’s statement here.

(Note: See some of our other exclusives here, including video of arson suspects starting a Kenosha business on fire, and an eyewitness who says he saw a man with a walkie talkie directing carloads of people right before the arson fires broke out. We also found shell casings Kenosha police missed at the first Rittenhouse shooting scene.)

Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber & Gaige Grosskreutz Criminal Records Explored

The media have largely sanitized the criminal histories of these three men. Rosenbaum was a registered sex offender who was out on bond for a domestic abuse battery accusation and was caught on video acting aggressively earlier that night. Huber was a felon convicted in a strangulation case who was recently accused of domestic abuse. Grosskreutz was convicted of a crime for use of a firearm while intoxicated and was armed with a handgun when shot. You can read their criminal records in full later in this article.
Here’s a video that shows Rosenbaum acting aggressively shortly before the shooting. He’s in the red shirt.

To be clear, we don’t think the criminal history of everyone shot and killed is relevant in crime stories. We also don’t believe that anyone deserves to be shot because they have a criminal history, and that’s true of these three men. We also acknowledge that human beings are complex, and the men surely had good aspects to their personalities. What makes their criminal histories relevant for the public to at least consider: The three men who were shot had placed themselves in the midst of a scene of violent unrest that, for days, included lawless anarchy (there were arson fires in the area that night too), and the suspect is on video saying earlier that he was there to prevent damage to people and property. All three men were confronting Rittenhouse when shot and two were trying to grab his gun; in the first case, Rittenhouse was running away, and in the second situation, he tried to but fell. That’s from the criminal complaint.

Rosenbaum was also caught on video using a racial slur earlier that night. “Shoot me (n word),” he says in the video.

Multiple eyewitnesses told Wisconsin Right Now at the scene that they believe Rittenhouse was arguing with men who were starting an arson fire before the shootings because he was upset about the fire. Video does show a dumpster fire.

The witnesses believed this ignited the argument between Rittenhouse and the first victim. The complaint does not explain what authorities believe instigated that first argument. It’s certainly consistent with Rittenhouse’s behavior earlier in the night, though, as he was seen cleaning up graffiti, protecting a used car lot (used car lots had already been targets of serious vandalism and arson), and walking around with a medic bag.

“A person with the red shirt was arguing,” Delreno Jackson, one of those witnesses, said in an interview at the scene. Rosenbaum was wearing a red shirt that night. Jackson said that a garbage can was thrown after the shooter was upset that Black Lives Matter protesters were lighting a fire. We observed the garbage can lying toppled over in the street inside the crime scene tape. Video does mention a man in a red shirt being in a confrontation with Rittenhouse in the earlier shooting.

The criminal complaint alleges that Rosenbaum was trailing Rittenhouse, threw a plastic bag at him, initially tried to engage him, advanced toward him, and was trying to grab Rittenhouse’s gun when he was shot. It says that Rittenhouse, 17, was trying to evade Rosenbaum. The New York Times says a gunshot fired by an unknown person was heard right before Rittenhouse fired. Others were also chasing Rittenhouse at the time, video shows.

Some believe Rittenhouse has a self-defense argument, which would make the perceived or real dangerousness of men confronting or trailing him more arguably relevant.

The complaint says Huber was also trying to grab Rittenhouse’s gun and his skateboard made physical contact with Rittenhouse right before Rittenhouse shot him. Rittenhouse fell after being chased down the street, and photos and videos show him being struck with the skateboard as multiple people come toward him.

Huber’s loved ones have called him a hero, a narrative widely circulating online. Was he? Could the truth be complicated? Is it at least possible that Huber thought he was confronting an active shooter (which would certainly be a heroic act) because he didn’t see what happened in the earlier shooting with Rosenbaum, but Rittenhouse thought he was being attacked, first by Rosenbaum and then by Huber and others? Huber’s shooting occurred seconds after another unidentified man jumped at and over Rittenhouse, who fired at him, but missed, the complaint says. “Get his ass,” someone shouted around this time.

Grosskreutz was moving toward Rittenhouse when shot and holding a handgun, the complaint says.

There are certainly questions about why a 17 year old had also injected himself, without parental supervision, into a scene of criminal unrest, carrying a gun he wasn’t old enough to lawfully display. We would print Rittenhouse’s criminal history too, but the only thing that comes up for him in Wisconsin courts is two traffic tickets (and the extradition case in Illinois.) People are spreading the criminal record of another Kyle Rittenhouse around the Internet, but that man is much older and isn’t him.

For all of these reasons, we have decided not to censor the men’s criminal histories. You can decide how relevant you think they are, if at all:

Joseph Don Rosenbaum

Joseph Rosenbaums Facebook profile picture. Joseph Don Rosenbaum lived in Kenosha. He had an open case for misdemeanor bail jumping that was filed on July 30, 2020.

The conditions of bond read: “Not to Possess or Consume Alcohol. *Not To Possess or Consume Controlled Substances w/o a Prescription. No contact including the residence, electronic or 3rd party with: Kariann S, Park Ridge Inn.”

Rosenbaum also had open misdemeanor cases for battery (domestic abuse) and disorderly conduct (domestic abuse).

Joseph D. Rosenbaum inmate photo from Arizona News articles say Joseph “Jojo” Rosenbaum was the father of a 2 year old girl. He was 36-years-old. No Joseph Rosenbaum is found on the Wisconsin sex offender registry right now, but he may have been removed because he’s deceased. Screenshots and city databases show that he was on that registry for a sexual contact with a minor case out of Arizona.

We asked Wisconsin Department of Corrections if they had a Joseph Rosenbaum on the registry before and they said yes and they were notified he’s now deceased. See their response to us here:

The conviction date was 2002. It gives his nickname as JoJo.
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We contacted the Arizona Department of Corrections, and they confirmed that the middle name and date of birth for the Arizona offender is the same as those of the Joseph Rosenbaum with the Kenosha address in Wisconsin court records. And the Facebook page of the Joseph Rosenbaum who was shot by Rittenhouse indicates he’s engaged to Kariann, confirming the CCAP entries. The Wisconsin and Arizona initial offense dates are also the same.
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Wisconsin court record The Arizona inmate page for Rosenbaum through the Department of Corrections there shows multiple violations for things like assaulting staff, throwing substances, assault by weapon, disobeying orders, and so on.
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Arisona prison history for Joseph D. Rosenbaum. His Facebook page confirms ties to Arizona and says he’s from Waco, Texas.

The complaint says that Rosenbaum did “initially try to engage the defendant. McGinnis (an eyewitness) stated that as the defendant was walking Rosenbaum was trying to get closer to the defendant. When Rosenbaum advanced, the defendant did a ‘juke’ move and started running,” according to the complaint. “McGinnis said that the unarmed guy (Rosenbaum) was trying to get the defendant’s gun. McGinnis demonstrated by extending both of his hands in a quick grabbing motion and did that as a visual on how Rosenbaum tried to reach for the defendant’s gun…McGinnis said that he definitely made a motion that he was trying to grab the barrel of the gun. McGinnis stated that the defendant pulled it away and then raised it.”

Gaige Paul Grosskreutz

Gaige Paul Grosskreutz has a forfeiture case for not showing obedience to officers, as well as one for loud noises.

He was convicted of a criminal misdemeanor in 2016 for going armed with a firearm while intoxicated. He gave a West Allis address.

People on social media are alleging that Grosskreutz is a Wisconsin felon. However, he has no felony convictions in the Wisconsin court system. This old archived web page alleges he was arrested on burglary charges, but nothing comes up in the court website for that case

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Online records show he’s affiliated with The People’s Revolution, the Milwaukee-area protest group that has been protesting at Mayfair Mall and elsewhere. The man accused of attacking and shooting at Wauwatosa Police Officer Joseph Mensah was also affiliated with that group.

Anthony M. Huber

Anthony Huber Facebook picture Huber had a disorderly conduct conviction from 2018 as a domestic abuse repeater, which is a misdemeanor. He gave a Kenosha address. Here are the charges in that case.

940.19(1) Battery Misd. A Dismissed on Prosecutor’s Motion
Modifier: 939.62(1)(a) Repeater
Modifier: 968.075(1)(a) Domestic Abuse
2 947.01(1) Disorderly Conduct Misd. B Guilty Due to Guilty Plea
Modifier: 968.075(1)(a) Domestic Abuse
Modifier: 939.62(1)(a) Repeater
He also had a forfeiture case for possessing drug paraphernalia.
Huber mugshot in past case He also had a case from 2012 with these charges:

1 941.30(2) 2nd-Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety Felony G Charge Dismissed but Read In
Modifier: 939.63(1)(c) Use of a Dangerous Weapon
Modifier: 968.075(1)(a) Domestic Abuse
2 940.235(1) Strangulation and Suffocation Felony H Guilty Due to Guilty Plea
Modifier: 968.075(1)(a) Domestic Abuse
3 940.30 False Imprisonment Felony H Guilty Due to Guilty Plea
Modifier: 968.075(1)(a) Domestic Abuse
Modifier: 939.63(1)(b) Use of a Dangerous Weapon
4 940.19(1) Battery Misd. A Charge Dismissed but Read In
Modifier: 968.075(1)(a) Domestic Abuse
Modifier: 939.63(1)(a) Use of a Dangerous Weapon
5 947.01(1) Disorderly Conduct Misd. B Charge Dismissed but Read In
Modifier: 968.075(1)(a) Domestic Abuse
Modifier: 939.63(1)(a) Use of a Dangerous Weapon
6 947.01(1) Disorderly Conduct Misd. B Charge Dismissed but Read In
Modifier: 968.075(1)(a) Domestic Abuse

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This is Huber’s incarceration history from the Wisconsin Department of Corrections.
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There are no contact orders in those cases and he was ordered not to possess weapons.
Recommended For You Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

It's ridiculous that at this late date that there are some stupid fucks out there that still deny that these Marxist vandals had criminal records.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The right's culture war is no longer a sideshow to our politics – it is our politics
He says, as left-wing mobs burn cities to the ground.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I never said the plastic bag was empty--- what I said was it wasn't a molotov cocktail-- as earlier claims stated. I'm sure it had to have had something in it-- its near impossible to "throw" an empty plastic bag at someone effectively.

There are also special conditions to the rule about 16 and 17 year olds being allowed to carry weapons when with adults-- and I'm pretty sure walking the streets doesn't fit. But-- it will all come out in the courts.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I never said the plastic bag was empty--- what I said was it wasn't a molotov cocktail-- as earlier claims stated. I'm sure it had to have had something in it-- its near impossible to "throw" an empty plastic bag at someone effectively.

There are also special conditions to the rule about 16 and 17 year olds being allowed to carry weapons when with adults-- and I'm pretty sure walking the streets doesn't fit. But-- it will all come out in the courts. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Then quit saying that Pedo Jo-Jo threw a "plastic bag", because he damn well threw something MORE than a plastic bag.

No. The law stipulates that individuals under the age of 18 have adult supervision. There's nothing in the law that imposes the limitation you imagine.
HoeHummer's Avatar
The WSND response? Rittenhouse did nothing wrong.

Killed two people on the streets of a town that wasn’t his.

Deluded WSNDs, steadfast in their denials or decency and justice.

That’s why they will lose in November and I can cross the border again for twice priced prescription drugs, eh?

sportfisherman's Avatar
Uneducated high school drop out - check

White - check

Male - check

Trump supporter - check

This is classic Trump supporter !! A freaky murderous teen gleefully murdering people in the street.

The first guy murdered was chasing him because he was pointing his gun at people in a threatening manner.The next two guys murdered were chasing him because they knew he murdered the first guy.

What if someone deemed you to be a less than stellar citizen and felt you to be deserving of being hunted down in the street and murdered ?

None of those red neck gun nuts had any business being out there.They are not LE.They are not National Guard.They have no training.They have no legal standing.

Somewhat of a contradiction that a Law and Order president and his supporters would rationalize that Vigilante Justice is law and order.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Uneducated high school drop out - check

White - check

Male - check

Trump supporter - check

This is classic Trump supporter !! A freaky murderous teen gleefully murdering people in the street.

The first guy murdered was chasing him because he was pointing his gun at people in a threatening manner.The next two guys murdered were chasing him because they knew he murdered the first guy.

What if someone deemed you to be a less than stellar citizen and felt you to be deserving of being hunted down in the street and murdered ?

None of those red neck gun nuts had any business being out there.They are not LE.They are not National Guard.They have no training.They have no legal standing.

Somewhat of a contradiction that a Law and Order president and his supporters would rationalize that Vigilante Justice is law and order.
Originally Posted by sportfisherman

That arrogant Marxist prick, Rosenbaum the convicted pedophile, was chasing Rittenhouse because Rittenhouse and others attempted to put out fires Rosenbaum, et al, ignited to destroy legitimate Kenosha businesses.

You might want to read Marx's Communist Manifesto. It calls for the violent overthrow of of capitalist states: that includes the U.S. That means the dumbasses in these Marxist movements are following Marx's dictate to hunt down and murder those who don't believe in a Marxist utopia. Marx's long-since published dictums render you're feeble attempt at shifting the blame null and void.

Furthermore, the ones with no legitimate standing were the Marxists with criminal records committing additional felonious crimes.

The WSND response? Rittenhouse did nothing wrong.

Killed two people on the streets of a town that wasn’t his.

Deluded WSNDs, steadfast in their denials or decency and justice.

That’s why they will lose in November and I can cross the border again for twice priced prescription drugs, eh?

Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Says the counterfeit canuck who ain't from Canada. Rittenbaum's job was in Kenosha. That's a helluva a lot more than you have in Canada.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Rittenhouse is no protectors of America. He’s a fucking dumbass twithead kid who thinks Trump is the tooth fairy.

WSNDs operates under the false illusion they are protecting the streets.... of other towns and cities.

Keep making excuses for the racist viola de of the WSNDs Hanksy. Put it in queue right behind your justification for your beloved Confederacy.

  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2020, 08:06 AM
Uneducated high school drop out - check

White - check

Male - check

Trump supporter - check

This is classic Trump supporter !! A freaky murderous teen gleefully murdering people in the street.

The first guy murdered was chasing him because he was pointing his gun at people in a threatening manner.The next two guys murdered were chasing him because they knew he murdered the first guy.

What if someone deemed you to be a less than stellar citizen and felt you to be deserving of being hunted down in the street and murdered ?

None of those red neck gun nuts had any business being out there.They are not LE.They are not National Guard.They have no training.They have no legal standing.

Somewhat of a contradiction that a Law and Order president and his supporters would rationalize that Vigilante Justice is law and order. Originally Posted by sportfisherman

SF - You are parroting the DPST terrorist line. In which the terrorist rioters get off scot -free - assault those who oppose violence in the street - and those who protect themselves from assault are arrested and jailed - by hypocritical racist , marxist violent terrorist supporting Democrat DPST mayors and governors.
TWK and IBH are correct - the DPST party is enabling, condoning, supporting, and financing the terrorist rioters.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Rittenhouse is no protectors of America. He’s a fucking dumbass twithead kid who thinks Trump is the tooth fairy.

WSNDs operates under the false illusion they are protecting the streets.... of other towns and cities.

Keep making excuses for the racist viola de of the WSNDs Hanksy. Put it in queue right behind your justification for your beloved Confederacy.

Originally Posted by HoeHummer

The New York Times published an article on Rittenhouse wherein they reported NO indications that Rittenhouse was a racist or a member of any white supremacist movement. Ergo, your bullshit claims are bogus and nonsubstantive. Working in Kenosha forty hours a week legitimized Rittenhouse's presence in Kenosha a helluva a lot more than the Marxist thug from Waco, TX, and the Marxist thug from West Allis, WI.
sportfisherman's Avatar
That kid went there hoping to shoot somebody.

He was jazzed.Pumped up.Trigger happy.

I don't need a news paper article to confirm for me he is a racist and a white supremacist.

All those so called "militias" have racist and white supremacy leanings.It's very thinly veiled.They front like they are some kind of patriotic protectors.They are right wing fascists.Nazi thugs.
I B Hankering's Avatar
That kid went there hoping to shoot somebody.

He was jazzed.Pumped up.Trigger happy.

I don't need a news paper article to confirm for me he is a racist and a white supremacist.

All those so called "militias" have racist and white supremacy leanings.It's very thinly veiled.They front like they are some kind of patriotic protectors.They are right wing fascists.Nazi thugs.
Originally Posted by sportfisherman
You determined he was "trigger happy" because he had a scrub brush and bottle of spray detergent with a trigger as he scrubbed obscene graffiti off the walls of a public high school building ... vile and obscene graffiti left here by your buds? How insightful of you that you can ascertain so much from a common squirt bottle.

BTW, the racist would be your Marxist pedophile bud shouting racial epithets that he obviously meant to be insulting and hurtful. Further, Marx was a racist; ergo, any who subscribe to his theories are also racist, and those who defend such are by association racist -- that would include you.

Here are your Fascist agitators seeking to subdue their political opposites with violence and intimidation. The Marxist Antifa thugs are merely this lot's Brown Shirts doing their bidding:
  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2020, 08:45 AM
SF - 'They' are Facing Left wing Racists, marxist DPST thugs armed with molotov cocktails - rifles and pistols - and a long history of committing violence against innocent people in the towns they assault- enabled and promoted by DPST mayors and Governors - as in Seattle/Portland/chicago - and other cities .
people have a Second amendment right to defend themselves against the terrorists freely roaming the streets.

When marxist government officials prevent Police officers from performing their duty to protect the citizens - it is up to the citizens to protect themselves - and bring the Marxist racist DPST's who foment and promote the terrorism in these cities to justice for Trial of their Crimes!!

Unless You have already caved to the marxist revolution and burning down of America the DPST terrorists seek!
Budman's Avatar
That kid went there hoping to shoot somebody.

He was jazzed.Pumped up.Trigger happy.

I don't need a news paper article to confirm for me he is a racist and a white supremacist.

All those so called "militias" have racist and white supremacy leanings.It's very thinly veiled.They front like they are some kind of patriotic protectors.They are right wing fascists.Nazi thugs. Originally Posted by sportfisherman

That is such a crock of shit. You know this how? Even if you are correct which I don't believe for one second he shot 3 fucking racist rioters that needed killing. So you want to shed a tear for these 3 criminals that got what they deserved. I am sick of hearing how these are "peaceful protest". Fuck you and all those that think like you. I personally don't give a shit how many of these rioters get shot.