Tucker Carlson or the CDC: Who Do You Trust More for Advice About Masks?

at least he got his "meth teeth" fixed first ..


BAHHAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Dam he looks like he's been chewing on bottle caps, lol.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Dam he looks like he's been chewing on bottle caps, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
hunter thinks he's Jaws from the james bond movie.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Hedonist, You're being unusually dense. Which is to say that you're usually not dense. I'll repeat again, word for word, what Carlson said:

Almost four thousand people died after getting the COVID vaccines. The actual number is almost certainly much higher than that — perhaps vastly higher.

What Carlson said? Just like MSNBC, you left out the very next thing Carlson said,

The data we just cited come from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System — VAERS — which is managed by the CDC and the FDA.

He was reporting what a government agency was reporting. I think a person would have to be dense to not understand that.

So how do you square that with his comments that no one knows how many people have died from the vaccine?

Because no one does know and if you do, please inform us of that number. If you can't, then you just proved Tucker right. I'll wait for your number, your exact number.

So what is the real number of people who apparently have been killed or injured by the vaccine? Well, we don’t know that number. Nobody does, and we’re not going to speculate about it.
That is, no one knows if more or less than 4,000 people have died from the vaccine. Do you think he'd truthfully disagree with that statement? Of course not.

He just did. Saying "we don't know the number ( you can read the quote above ), is saying he doesn't know the number

So what he's saying is that many more than four thousand people have died after getting vaccine, not as a result of getting the vaccine.

Good fucking grief! You just admitted he did not say "as a result of the vaccine" which is what you are accusing him of saying.

The logical extension is that every single person who got the vaccine will ultimately die.

Every single person whether they got the vaccine or not will die. Is that or is that not a correct statement?

You, Tucker Carlson and I all should agree on that point, that everyone is eventually going to die.

And he just did, you just don't for what ever reason, want to accept that is what he is saying.

So call it sarcasm if you want to. He's misleading people.

No he isn't. He is making a point you fail to understand for what ever reason. And you still haven't addressed the fact that you mislead all of as with your interpretation of what he said and I proved he did not say. You were misleading people from the start.

Again, hundreds of thousands of people who've taken the vaccine have died afterwards, from causes completely unrelated to the vaccine. So when he says many more or perhaps vastly more than 4,000 have died, he's 100% telling the truth.

Then what the fuck are you arguing? I think if I'm dense, it's because you aren't making any sense and want me to make sense of what you are saying.

As to following the CDC like a sheep, I don't.

But you will take their advice over Tucker, which is what you said.

I haven't followed their advice about traveling.

And Tucker said you shouldn't follow Fauci's and the CDC's advice on traveling so you just blew up your whole response that you would take the CDC's advice over Tucker's.

I was eating in restaurants in Texas as soon as they reopened. I started using an N95 mask in March of last year, when they were telling the public not to do that, because there weren't enough for the medical community. But I sure as hell trust the CDC for medical and public health advice a lot more than I do Tucker Carlson.

Man, you have my head spinning! You trust them and then make a list of the things you don't trust them on. And as it turns out, you did those things that Tucker said to do over what the CDC told you not to do.

I trust Marc Siegel, the physician who appears regularly on Fox, a lot more too, and I'm sure he'd say Tucker's full of shit on this. Originally Posted by Tiny

On what? We have covered multiple topics. The fact is, you put your words in Tuckers mouth, period. The bottom line here is that Tucker never said don't get vaccinated because you will die from being vaccinated. He is saying not the government or anybody else can say with authority, how many people may have died as a direct result of getting the vaccine. To bring up the notion that people have died after getting Covid is an un-necessary thing to say and only adds to confusion. Of course some people will die of multiple illnesses before and after Covid but where is the number who have died as a direct result of being vaccinated. I don't know, tucker doesn't know and I dare say you don't know.

The only that that matters in this discussion IMHO, is that Tucker never said what you said he said, period. And I'll ask you again, where are ten's of millions of people refusing to get vaccinated, getting their information from because it sure as hell isn't from Tucker Carlson which is what you have implied.
HedonistForever's Avatar
OK, if I had this to do all over again, I would simply say that Tucker reported a number from a government agency that appeared to say that 4,000 more or less died after having the vaccine which is a stupid thing to say unless you are saying and the vaccine killed them which is not what Tucker or the CDC is saying. So why the report?

And that you followed Tuckers advice more often than you followed the CDC's by your own words.

Tucker never advised anybody not to get vaccinated. He never said or implied everybody that gets vaccinated will die from being vaccinated. He did advise that travel restrictions were stupid. That wearing masks outside was stupid. He questioned whether anybody already having caught Covid should be vaccinated.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Tucker Carlson is a TV clown. He’s in no position to be giving advice to anybody.

Unless that advice is about stupidity and hatred, since he is clearly an expert in both.
  • Tiny
  • 05-07-2021, 07:03 AM
OK Hedonist, I'm too dense to know when Carlson is being sarcastic. You're too dense to know when I'm being sarcastic. The difference is I'm posting on a hooker board. And Carlson has an audience of millions, many of whom also don't know when Carlson is being sarcastic.

Since you watch and record Carlson religiously, you should know that last night he fessed up, as to the reason he brought up VAERS in the first place. He said it's because the total number of cases reported to VAERS shot up after Biden became president, and the Biden administration did nothing about it or to explain it. In the process Carlson has discouraged people from getting vaccinated. He's like an arsonist who starts a fire in a movie theater and then bitches about the theater not having clearly marked exits. In fact, he set the fire to highlight that the exits weren't well marked, because he doesn't like the theater's management. Nobody knew what the fuck VAERS was until this week. Now you've got people worried about getting vaccinated because Carlson is telling them, sarcastically or not, that the 4,000 deaths are potentially from the vaccine and that 4,000 is potentially the tip of the iceberg.

Now would the number on VAERS have shot up this year if Trump were still president? Yes, of course. President Trump, who wisely authorized and encouraged Operation Warp Speed and who recently questioned why we temporarily stopped using the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, would have continued to roll out vaccines just as aggressively as Biden. I'd question whether we'd be as far along in terms of vaccine development and getting the stuff in peoples' arms if Biden were president in 2020. That's not to knock Biden, but rather to note that we're ahead of Europe and most of the rest of the world with vaccines and that likely wouldn't have happened without Operation Warp Speed.

So Carlson is kind of like Kamala Harris, when she questioned whether she'd take a vaccine developed while Trump was president. Only a lot more people listen to Carlson than listen to Harris. Harris does it to further her political ends. Carlson does it to sell commercials.
bambino's Avatar
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ NO he's said every possible thing about the vaccine / covid from the start . Pfizer posted a 4.9 BILLION profit in Q -1 many from the guberment so why do you think the panic porn over the vaccine and covid is being pushed just saying
  • Tiny
  • 05-07-2021, 08:15 AM
^^^ NO he's said every possible thing about the vaccine / covid from the start . Pfizer posted a 4.9 BILLION profit in Q -1 many from the guberment so why do you think the panic porn over the vaccine and covid is being pushed just saying Originally Posted by rexdutchman
That's a drop in the bucket compared to the $6 trillion or so in new spending that have come down the pike over the last year because of COVID. If the Pfizer vaccine helps end the politicians' excuse to bankrupt the country, and if Pfizer make 5 billion a quarter profit, then more power to them.
  • Tiny
  • 05-07-2021, 09:09 AM
"FACT: Every single person who ever died blinked before they died. The vast majority — like 99% — blinked mere seconds before death. And yet, no one talks about this silent killer."

This was written by Jonah Goldberg, conservative, editor of the National Review, and Fox News commentator. He's writing about Tucker Carlson's VAERS monologue on Wednesday evening.

Looks like his interpretation of what Carlson said is pretty much spot on with mine, huh Hedonist?

Now, Goldberg and I are not Tucker Carlson or Donald Trump fans. We don't follow and analyze everything Carlson says, the totality of the Great Man's works, like good Muslims would study the Koran for the true meaning of the writings of the Prophet Mohamed. So, yes, maybe we missed something.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I don't see anything wrong with what Tucker said. When I watched the link you posted, I got the impression that he was conveying to people that no one is sure as of yet how dangerous the vaccine is. I guess you can go through the transcripts and create your own interpretation of it. I don't care, and I also don't regularly watch Tucker Carlsen. So, I'm not defending him out of being a fan.
HedonistForever's Avatar
OK Hedonist, I'm too dense to know when Carlson is being sarcastic. You're too dense to know when I'm being sarcastic.

I clearly asked you if you were being sarcastic and you didn't admit it till now and I think your "admission" is disingenuous at best. You seem to have doubled down on assuming the worst about what Carlson "didn't say". That would lead me to believe you were not being sarcastic.

The difference is I'm posting on a hooker board. And Carlson has an audience of millions, many of whom also don't know when Carlson is being sarcastic.

Which again, I acknowledged and admitted I wish he would stop because his delivery can and does lead to misinterpretation which you have demonstrated in spades.

Since you watch and record Carlson religiously, you should know that last night he fessed up, as to the reason he brought up VAERS in the first place. He said it's because the total number of cases reported to VAERS shot up after Biden became president, and the Biden administration did nothing about it or to explain it.

So again, you just admitted that Carlson was NOT bringing up the numbers to discourage being vaccinated but to question the Biden administration and it took you this long to figure it out.

In the process Carlson has discouraged people from getting vaccinated.

That's your opinion. I can quote words from Carlson in the article you posted that suggest otherwise. He has constantly said that the most vulnerable, should absolutely consider being vaccinated because the rewards will likely out way the risk. Does that sound like somebody trying to discourage the most vulnerable? In my opinion, you are hearing what you want to hear because you don't like the guy.

He's like an arsonist who starts a fire in a movie theater and then bitches about the theater not having clearly marked exits. In fact, he set the fire to highlight that the exits weren't well marked, because he doesn't like the theater's management. Nobody knew what the fuck VAERS was until this week.

And you are blaming him for quoting a Biden administration statistic. Seems as if you are saying that a journalist should not bring up a fact because it could confuse some people when in fact, he is bringing up this statistic to point out the fact that the administration isn't doing a very good job reporting on Covid. That to me is a responsible position to take.

Now you've got people worried about getting vaccinated because Carlson is telling them, sarcastically or not, that the 4,000 deaths are potentially from the vaccine and that 4,000 is potentially the tip of the iceberg.

So this journalist should never have mentioned a published government finding. Got it. And you still haven't addressed my question as to why the ten's of millions of people who do not watch Tucker Carlson are also worried about getting vaccinated. Why is somebody that doesn't watch Tucker worried? Have you considered that?

Now would the number on VAERS have shot up this year if Trump were still president? Yes, of course.

And I take it, you would be against reporting that government statistic as well because it might confuse some people. Maybe those "confused" people should do a little more research to find out what those numbers mean instead of assuming something that they do not mean. Maybe they should all contact you so that you could explain it to them.

President Trump, who wisely authorized and encouraged Operation Warp Speed and who recently questioned why we temporarily stopped using the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, would have continued to roll out vaccines just as aggressively as Biden. I'd question whether we'd be as far along in terms of vaccine development and getting the stuff in peoples' arms if Biden were president in 2020. That's not to knock Biden, but rather to note that we're ahead of Europe and most of the rest of the world with vaccines and that likely wouldn't have happened without Operation Warp Speed.

So Carlson is kind of like Kamala Harris, when she questioned whether she'd take a vaccine developed while Trump was president.She didn't question it, she flat out said she wouldn't. How many lives did that potentially cost? Only a lot more people listen to Carlson than listen to Harris. Harris does it to further her political ends. Carlson does it to sell commercials. Originally Posted by Tiny

Excuse me? Tucker has 3 million viewers at best. That leaves what, 100 million people that watch and listen to MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN reporting everything Harris says, including that she will not take the vaccine if it was developed during the Trump administration which you just praised? So how many of those hundred million or so, believed Harris and perhaps died because they wouldn't take a vaccine that she wouldn't take as opposed to what Tucker said, which was that the most vulnerable people should absolutely take the vaccine and the rest of us should consider it because vaccines have been proven in the past to be effective. Those are the exact words Carlson used, you can find those words in the article you posted.

What I can't stop thinking about is you saying that you would take the advice of the CDC over the advice Tucker was giving and then you tell us you didn't listen to the CDC about travel restrictions and you did take Carlson's advice to travel if you felt like it. You contradicted yourself which you don't usually do. You did a lot of things on "this topic" that you don't usually do and I was perplexed by it.

What advice was Tucker giving? You say it was don't get vaccinated because the vaccine might at best not work or at worst, kill you when in fact he was inquiring as to what those numbers actually mean that the government was publishing.

In short, Tuckers advice was "if you are in the vulnerable category, get the vaccine, the reward will likely outweigh the risk, and all others should consider your age, your health and whether you have already had Covid, have the antibodies in your system and decide whether or not you need to get vaccinated, a topic neither the CDC or the Biden administration has been willing to address. Biden says "everybody" no exceptions, should be vaccinated. What if we find out in the coming months that was bad advice? Do we blame Tucker for that too?


Trust Fauci!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Don't trust anyone who is featured on the Main Stream Media. It's all a big dam farce. Fauci has been featured on the big news outlets trying to give advice on Masks, Social Distancing and now Vaccines. His advice is total bullshit. All the Main Stream News outlets like Fox,CNN, MSNBC all basically junk. I would be very Leary of any information coming from these sources.
HedonistForever's Avatar
"FACT: Every single person who ever died blinked before they died. The vast majority — like 99% — blinked mere seconds before death. And yet, no one talks about this silent killer."

This was written by Jonah Goldberg, conservative, editor of the National Review, and Fox News commentator. He's writing about Tucker Carlson's VAERS monologue on Wednesday evening.

Looks like his interpretation of what Carlson said is pretty much spot on with mine, huh Hedonist?

He misinterpreted it to and failed to consider everything else that Carlson was trying to say. The VAER's numbers were confusing. That is what Tucker IMHO, was trying to point out. We all agree that every dody dies at some point, so why would Tucker be disputing that? He was highlighting the fact that the CDC and the Biden administration were doing a poor job at being honest with the American people IMHO. I could also be wrong.

Now, Goldberg and I are not Tucker Carlson or Donald Trump fans. We don't follow and analyze everything Carlson says, the totality of the Great Man's works, like good Muslims would study the Koran for the true meaning of the writings of the Prophet Mohamed. So, yes, maybe we missed something. Originally Posted by Tiny

Think of all the words and time we could have both saved had you admitted that after my first reply to you.

I'm sorry if this caused any hard feelings. You are one of only a very few on this board willing to engage in actual debate and I sincerely appreciate that fact.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Dam he looks like he's been chewing on bottle caps, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Looks like a Pittsburgh provider.