Sweden throws in the towel. Who's next?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
on the home-front, I.E. TEXAS .. DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS.

Muslims move near Texas pig farmer's ranch. ask him to move. he tells them to GO TO HELL!

I don't blame the European governments for trying to help those that they thought needed help. But, even the muslims receiving aid from others, abide by religious rules that the rest of the world sees as pure evil. The people are not supporting their government on this one, for good reason. Exactly the same reason we don't here.
Not condoning the actions of the immigrants, however it is the first time they have seen a woman in a mini skirt, conducting themselves as only hookers do in their homeland.
Not condoning the actions of the immigrants, however it is the first time they have seen a woman in a mini skirt, conducting themselves as only hookers do in their homeland. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

They should stay in their "homeland"... Do you think? eehhhbuhhrrrr?

Not condoning the actions of the immigrants, however it is the first time they have seen a woman in a mini skirt, conducting themselves as only hookers do in their homeland. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You aren't? Sounds exactly like something Obama would tell Americans. But he lies and is wrong. They know exactly how the women in the rest of the world dress and the rights they have in civilized societies. That is precisely why they rape and kill women that don't follow the teachings of Mohammed or obey Sharia law. It's a fucked up, evil religion, there is no excuse for it.
Not condoning the actions of the immigrants, however it is the first time they have seen a woman in a mini skirt, conducting themselves as only hookers do in their homeland. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

You moozslum loving piece of SHIT... little eeehbuhhhhrrrrr the "Independent" communist...


UK: Somali Muslims living by their own laws

Why shouldn’t they behave with absolute impunity? They know that the British government is cowed, weak, terrified of them, and in thrall to the multiculturalist ethos which makes it “racist” to oppose them in any way. The country is theirs; it’s only a matter of time.

Muslim rape gang

“A private school girl, mothers who excuse gang rape and a terrifying culture clash no one dares talk about: How Somalian men are living by their own laws… and causing devastating repercussions in Britain,” by Paul Bracchi and Liz Hull, Daily Mail, February 5, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

The Victoria Park Hotel is a short walk from the bustling Manchester thoroughfare known locally as the ‘Curry Mile.’ The establishment offers budget accommodation at cheap prices (£45 for a single bed).

Standards at the hotel reflect the bargain-basement rates. Several ground-floor windows are boarded up. Guests have complained of mould in bathrooms, marks on walls and ceilings, and dirty bed linen.

Room 38 is on the first floor. It is also where, just before midday on August 9, 2013, a young girl found herself trapped and about to be subjected to the most degrading and terrifying ordeal imaginable. She was 16, an A-grade student from a middle-class family, who had just completed her GCSEs at a leading private school.

How she came to be in Room 38 of this squalid hotel in Rusholme, on the south side of the city, is not important for now. By the time she emerged 30 minutes later, she had been gang raped at least six times by three different men.

The trio, all aged 20, were jailed for a total of 29 years at Manchester Crown Court this week. But six others were present when she was passed around like a piece of meat. They regarded her as ‘easy prey,’ to quote the judge. Those who did not violate her were spectators. They watched and did nothing to help.

The visceral horror of what happened in Room 38 was conveyed in a single harrowing sentence by the victim — now 19 and a university undergraduate — when the Mail spoke to her exclusively this week. ‘I just stayed quiet because I thought they would kill me if I screamed,’ she said.

There is something else you should know about her attackers. It is this: they were all from Manchester’s Somali community. The harrowing events that unfolded in court were also part of a much wider, and seemingly escalating, Somali crimewave taking place in many cities nationwide.

This is why the ethnic background of the rapists is central to this bigger picture.

Until recently, the culture of political correctness that undermined the investigations into the Asian sex grooming scandals in Rochdale, Rotherham and elsewhere, would have discouraged the reporting of this fact.

Mowled Omar Yussaf was the ring leader. As he was led away from the dock to begin his prison term, he stuck his middle finger up at the parents of his victim, not once but twice.

It was just one hate-filled example of the gauntlet of intimidation and abuse the couple have faced from the families and friends of the convicted men during the two-week trial.

That most of the guilty men’s entourage, who crowded round the court house steps to declare their support for the rapists, were women in traditional Somali dress was yet another sickening twist.

Before passing sentence, the judge told them: ‘You just assumed that you each could do with her as you chose . . . there is a lack of acknowledgment that what you did to this girl was wrong. There’s no remorse expressed by any of you.’

Nor, shockingly, by their own families, who held banners aloft outside the court, proclaiming, ‘No Justice For Somalis.’

The mothers of Mowled Yussaf, and his fellow rapists Muhyadeen Osman and Bilal Ahmed, and Yussaf’s girlfriend showed their support for the trio by attending court. It was, perhaps, one of the most shameful aspects of this story that has devastated not only the life of a young woman — but that of her family, who have bravely decided to break their silence to talk exclusively to the Mail this week.

The victim in this case, who is white and whom we shall call Sarah, lives in Cheshire with her parents — who run a family business — and her brother, who, like her now, is at university. Both attended private school.

Back in 2013, she did not wear make-up and had never even been to a nightclub. A gifted musician, she had little experience of boys. Reserved is probably the best way to describe her, and she remains so today.

But for a twist of fate, Sarah would never have entered the world of Mowled Yussaf and his fellow Somalians.

‘I only had a small group of friends at the time and my best girlfriend was going on holiday for a month so I asked her if she knew anyone I could talk to while she was away,’ she told the Mail this week. ‘I was bored, it was the summer holidays.’

H er friend was happy to oblige. Soon, Sarah began exchanging free Blackberry messages with a boy who had known her best friend for two years. She trusted him. Why wouldn’t she?

On August 8, Sarah was contacted by the boy on her BlackBerry. ‘Did she want to meet up in Manchester the next day?’ he asked.

The next day he messaged her to ask if she was on her way, and Sarah, who was going to see another girlfriend in the city for lunch, agreed to see him (‘for just a few minutes’) en route.

Sarah got off at ‘Curry Mile’ in Rusholme as arranged. The boy was there to meet her. ‘We started walking down the road and three of his mates came round the corner,’ she said. Mowled Yussaf was among them. He told me his name was Alex. He seemed to be the ringleader.

‘They kind of boxed me in, one behind me, one in front, and one to the side. I started to get frightened. I didn’t know how old they were, but I knew they were older than me.’ Moments later, they arrived on the steps of the seedy Victoria Park Hotel.

Yussaf’s group had stayed at the hotel the previous night for Eid celebrations, the religious festival which marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.

‘I felt I had no choice but to go inside,’ Sarah said. She was ushered into a room by Yussaf (Alex). ‘He asked me for sex but I told him, ‘No’, I wasn’t that type of girl. ‘He said he had never been turned down before and I replied, ‘Well, you have now.’ He was very arrogant, the way he held himself. He just expected to get whatever he asked for.’

At that point the manager arrived and ordered the group to leave because they were past their check-out time.

Instead, after the manager had gone, Yussaf and his friends began trying handles of other rooms. Eventually, they did find one which was unlocked. It was Room 38.

There is no need to elaborate on what happened next. ‘They helped themselves’ is how Sarah chillingly described what happened in those 30 minutes she was trapped inside.

S he said: ‘I just closed my eyes I didn’t want to look at them. I couldn’t look at them. I didn’t scream because I thought they might kill me if I did.

‘Any one of them could have had a knife. Nobody else knew I was there. I kept thinking they could kill me and nobody would know.’

When they had finished with her, they stole her phone and £40 from her purse. Eventually, Sarah managed to gather herself together and walk to nearby Manchester Metropolitan University where a security guard called police.

One ordeal had ended, but another was about to begin.

A few months later, Sarah’s mother was in Manchester when a Somalian man, whom she later recognised as an associate of the rapists, called out to her in the street. ‘Curry Mile,’ he said, smirking.

It was the start of what can only be described a campaign of intimidation that continued until Yussaf, Osman and Ahmed were sent down.

At their trial, before Christmas, Sarah’s parents, who are both in their late 40s, had to sit, surrounded by the accused men’s supporters. They were blocked in court corridors and stared at. Outside, photos were taken.

‘I felt we were being goaded all the time, but the police told us not to react,’ Sarah’s mother told the Mail.

As Yussaf passed them in court, he would make threatening comments out of earshot of court officials. ‘What are you f****** looking at?’, he asked Sarah’s father on one occasion, and ‘Have you got a problem, mate?’ on another.

On the day of the demonstration, Sarah’s parents were advised to come into court through a rear entrance.

Bilal Ahmed sarcastically blew a kiss at the couple shortly before sentence was delivered (he got nine years while Yussaf and Osman each got ten).

As they were led away, someone in the public gallery shouted: ‘Hope your daughter enjoys the money.’ It was an apparent reference to criminal compensation victims of crime are entitled to.

‘Can they not understand what my daughter and ourselves have gone through?’ Sarah’s mother asked, her eyes welling up.

‘By supporting them in this way, they are condoning what happened. No wonder so many people are too scared to go to court in rape cases if this is what you have to go through.’

Sarah is now receiving counselling.

‘I’ve not told anyone at university what happened to me, she said. ‘I was hoping to make a fresh start but I feel like I can’t leave it behind. I keep trying to put it to the back of my mind, but it’s always there. If I go home, I hardly ever go out. I don’t like to think some of them are still out there. I’m frightened. I’ve even dyed my hair so no-one will recognise me.’

The ongoing terror for Sarah and her family cannot be understated. Yet it is Bilal Ahmed who sees himself and his friends as the real victims.

In the pre-sentence report on Ahmed, a student who lived with his mother and three brothers in a housing association property, he described his victim as a . . . ‘slut . . .up for anything . . sexually promiscuous and available to be dominated’ [all lies, for the record].

It wasn’t clear, said his barrister, if the reason for his views was ‘immaturity or cultural.’

We can only assume — from their unquestioning support outside the court house this week — that their mothers were happy to accept that narrative, too.

Their very public support for their sons — which the victim’s parents, rightly, viewed as intimidating — is particularly difficult to comprehend because they were born in Somalia, where sexual violence is pervasive.

The title of a report by the Human Rights Watch organisation in 2014 sums up the reality of life for many women in the failed African state: ‘Here, Rape Is Normal.’

In Britain, gang rape is not recorded as a separate crime category. But in 2009, a Channel 4 Dispatches documentary, Rape In The City, investigated 29 cases in London, from January 2006 to March 2009, in which a total of 92 young people were convicted of involvement in gang rape.

Of those convicted, 66 were black or mixed race, 13 were white and the remainder were from other countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

Yet police insist it is not a race issue — but that most gang rapes take place in the most deprived boroughs, which have disproportionately high ethnic populations.

However, documentary-maker, Sorious Samura, himself black, was deeply alarmed by the figures. ‘Clearly this is not a crime exclusive to black communities,’ he said, ‘but I found it impossible to ignore the fact that such a high proportion were committed by black and mixed-race young men.’

No statistics were given for the racial profile of victims in the programme. But figures obtained from Scotland Yard by this newspaper in 2008 for gang rapes in that year, and 2006-7, revealed that the majority — 60 per cent — were white and 28 per cent were black.

The overwhelming majority of Somalians living in this country will be as appalled as everyone else by what happened to Sarah in a back-street hotel in Manchester.

News stories always assert such things. But they don’t really know that.

But with an ever-growing Somali population — the most recent census in 2011 identified 101,370 people in England and Wales who were born in the East African country, making them Britain’s largest refugee population at the time — an increase in crime rates in this demographic is, perhaps, inevitable.

That figure does not include second-generation Somalis, like the predators recently sent down for the gang rape, or Somalis who may live here illegally.

The migration began in the Nineties, when the territory was plunged into civil war. Where other immigrants have flourished, Somalis have traditionally been among the poorest, worst-educated and least-employed in Britain.

In this latest case, all the gang rape thugs were known to police.

Mowled Omar Yussaf had 12 previous convictions for 17 offences, mainly for violence, including an assault on a police officer for which he served time in a young offenders’ institution.

M uhyadeen Osman was only 17 when he was a member of a gang that savagely mugged a man in an alleyway, leaving the victim needing 16 stitches to his head. Bilal Ahmed, meanwhile, had a caution for theft.

Somali gangs are now major players in the heroin and crack cocaine trade in London, Birmingham, Sheffield and on the South Coast, often replacing the established underworld order by being prepared to resort to the most extreme levels of violence.

In November, a Somalian gangster was locked up for 36 years for the ‘cold-blooded’ execution of a rival who was shot twice in the chest through the window of his 4×4 when his vehicle pulled up at traffic lights in Sheffield.

Earlier, in June, 15 members of a Somalian ‘crew’ from London were given 70 years for a conspiracy to supply controlled drugs in Devon.

The heart of the Somali community in Manchester itself is Moss Side and Greenheys, not far from the Victoria Park Hotel in Rusholme.

Two gun-toting Somali gangs, ‘Dem Crazy Somalis’ and ‘Somalian Mandem’ operate in south Manchester. Violent, degrading group sex, if not gang rape, is often a rite of passage for members or ‘soldiers’ as they style themselves.

The opposite sex is almost always treated as sexual prey.

Yussaf and his associates displayed the same mentality inside ‘Room 38’ of the Victoria Park Hotel.

And, as this case demonstrates, there is still a significant minority living by the ‘laws’ of Somalia, not Britain. The repercussions, for Sarah and who knows how many others, are devastating.

Not of Somalia, but of Sharia, which allows for the sexual enslavement of Infidel girls.
0zombie King strikes again... http://www.jihadwatch.org/2016/02/dh...th-terror-ties

DHS ordered agent to scrub records of 100s of Muslims with terror ties

What could possibly have been Obama’s motive to do this? What possible effect could it have had other than to allow for more jihad terror attacks?

Philip Haney

“DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties,” by Philip Haney, The Hill, February 5, 2016 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

Amid the chaos of the 2009 holiday travel season, jihadists planned to slaughter 290 innocent travelers on a Christmas Day flight from the Netherlands to Detroit, Michigan. Twenty-three-year old Nigerian Muslim Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab intended to detonate Northwest Airlines Flight 253, but the explosives in his underwear malfunctioned and brave passengers subdued him until he could be arrested. The graphic and traumatic defeat they planned for the United States failed, that time.

Following the attempted attack, President Obama threw the intelligence community under the bus for its failure to “connect the dots.” He said, “this was not a failure to collect intelligence, it was a failure to integrate and understand the intelligence that we already had.”

Most Americans were unaware of the enormous damage to morale at the Department of Homeland Security, where I worked, his condemnation caused. His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had been engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material—the actual intelligence we had collected for years, and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration was ordering they be wiped away.

After leaving my 15 year career at DHS, I can no longer be silent about the dangerous state of America’s counter-terror strategy, our leaders’ willingness to compromise the security of citizens for the ideological rigidity of political correctness—and, consequently, our vulnerability to devastating, mass-casualty attack.

Just before that Christmas Day attack, in early November 2009, I was ordered by my superiors at the Department of Homeland Security to delete or modify several hundred records of individuals tied to designated Islamist terror groups like Hamas from the important federal database, the Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS). These types of records are the basis for any ability to “connect dots.” Every day, DHS Customs and Border Protection officers watch entering and exiting many individuals associated with known terrorist affiliations, then look for patterns. Enforcing a political scrubbing of records of Muslims greatly affected our ability to do that. Even worse, going forward, my colleagues and I were prohibited from entering pertinent information into the database.

A few weeks later, in my office at the Port of Atlanta, the television hummed with the inevitable Congressional hearings that follow any terrorist attack. While members of Congress grilled Obama administration officials, demanding why their subordinates were still failing to understand the intelligence they had gathered, I was being forced to delete and scrub the records. And I was well aware that, as a result, it was going to be vastly more difficult to “connect the dots” in the future—especially beforean [sic] attack occurs.

As the number of successful and attempted Islamic terrorist attacks on America increased, the type of information that the Obama administration ordered removed from travel and national security databases was the kind of information that, if properly assessed, could have prevented subsequent domestic Islamist attacks like the ones committed by Faisal Shahzad (May 2010), Detroit “honor killing” perpetrator Rahim A. Alfetlawi (2011); Amine El Khalifi, who plotted to blow up the U.S. Capitol (2012); Dzhokhar or Tamerlan Tsarnaev who conducted the Boston Marathon bombing (2013); Oklahoma beheading suspect Alton Nolen (2014); or Muhammed Yusuf Abdulazeez, who opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee (2015)….
They should stay in their "homeland"... Do you think? eehhhbuhhrrrr?

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You aren't? Sounds exactly like something Obama would tell Americans. But he lies and is wrong. They know exactly how the women in the rest of the world dress and the rights they have in civilized societies. That is precisely why they rape and kill women that don't follow the teachings of Mohammed or obey Sharia law. It's a fucked up, evil religion, there is no excuse for it. Originally Posted by nwarounder
0zombie King strikes again... http://www.jihadwatch.org/2016/02/dh...th-terror-ties

DHS ordered agent to scrub records of 100s of Muslims with terror ties

What could possibly have been Obama’s motive to do this? What possible effect could it have had other than to allow for more jihad terror attacks?

Philip Haney

“DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties,” by Philip Haney, The Hill, February 5, 2016 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

Amid the chaos of the 2009 holiday travel season, jihadists planned to slaughter 290 innocent travelers on a Christmas Day flight from the Netherlands to Detroit, Michigan. Twenty-three-year old Nigerian Muslim Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab intended to detonate Northwest Airlines Flight 253, but the explosives in his underwear malfunctioned and brave passengers subdued him until he could be arrested. The graphic and traumatic defeat they planned for the United States failed, that time.

Following the attempted attack, President Obama threw the intelligence community under the bus for its failure to “connect the dots.” He said, “this was not a failure to collect intelligence, it was a failure to integrate and understand the intelligence that we already had.”

Most Americans were unaware of the enormous damage to morale at the Department of Homeland Security, where I worked, his condemnation caused. His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had been engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material—the actual intelligence we had collected for years, and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration was ordering they be wiped away.

After leaving my 15 year career at DHS, I can no longer be silent about the dangerous state of America’s counter-terror strategy, our leaders’ willingness to compromise the security of citizens for the ideological rigidity of political correctness—and, consequently, our vulnerability to devastating, mass-casualty attack.

Just before that Christmas Day attack, in early November 2009, I was ordered by my superiors at the Department of Homeland Security to delete or modify several hundred records of individuals tied to designated Islamist terror groups like Hamas from the important federal database, the Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS). These types of records are the basis for any ability to “connect dots.” Every day, DHS Customs and Border Protection officers watch entering and exiting many individuals associated with known terrorist affiliations, then look for patterns. Enforcing a political scrubbing of records of Muslims greatly affected our ability to do that. Even worse, going forward, my colleagues and I were prohibited from entering pertinent information into the database.

A few weeks later, in my office at the Port of Atlanta, the television hummed with the inevitable Congressional hearings that follow any terrorist attack. While members of Congress grilled Obama administration officials, demanding why their subordinates were still failing to understand the intelligence they had gathered, I was being forced to delete and scrub the records. And I was well aware that, as a result, it was going to be vastly more difficult to “connect the dots” in the future—especially beforean [sic] attack occurs.

As the number of successful and attempted Islamic terrorist attacks on America increased, the type of information that the Obama administration ordered removed from travel and national security databases was the kind of information that, if properly assessed, could have prevented subsequent domestic Islamist attacks like the ones committed by Faisal Shahzad (May 2010), Detroit “honor killing” perpetrator Rahim A. Alfetlawi (2011); Amine El Khalifi, who plotted to blow up the U.S. Capitol (2012); Dzhokhar or Tamerlan Tsarnaev who conducted the Boston Marathon bombing (2013); Oklahoma beheading suspect Alton Nolen (2014); or Muhammed Yusuf Abdulazeez, who opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee (2015)….
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
http://www.theguardian.com/world/gal...s-jacob-simkin Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Go down and get your's cut out, good and deep... eehhhbuuhrrrrr the "Independent" communist...

200 million women have undergone genital mutilation — 70 million more than previously thought

“The 30 countries” in which female genital mutilation is prevalent are “mainly in Africa, the Middle East and Asia.” Hmmm. What could they possibly have in common? Why is this so widespread? The answer is that FGM is sanctioned by Islamic law: “Circumcision is obligatory (for every male and female) (by cutting off the piece of skin on the glans of the penis of the male, but circumcision of the female is by cutting out the bazr ‘clitoris’ [this is called khufaadh ‘female circumcision’]).” — ‘Umdat al-Salik e4.3, translated by Mark Durie, The Third Choice, p. 64

According to Reza Aslan, female genital mutilation is “not an Islamic problem. It’s an African problem….It’s a Central African problem. Eritrea has almost 90 percent female genital mutilation. It’s a Christian country. Ethiopia has 75 percent female genital mutilation. It’s a Christian country. Nowhere else in the Muslim, Muslim-majority states is female genital mutilation an issue.” Aside from his idiotic view that Eritrea and Ethiopia are in Central Africa, Aslan is wrong in claiming that “nowhere else in the Muslim, Muslim-majority states is female genital mutilation an issue.” Does he think Indonesia is in Central Africa as well?


“Almost 70m more women than previously thought are estimated to have undergone FGM,” Telegraph, February 5, 2016 (thanks to all who sent this in):

At least 200 million girls and women in 30 countries are estimated to have undergone female circumcision – half of them in Egypt, Ethiopia and Indonesia, the U.N. children’s agency said in a report released on Thursday night.

The UNICEF statistical report said the global figure includes nearly 70 million more girls and women than it estimated in 2014. It said this is due to population growth in some countries and new data from Indonesia.

The U.N. General Assembly unanimously approved a resolution in December 2012 calling for a global ban on female genital mutilation, a centuries-old practice stemming from the belief that circumcising girls controls women’s sexuality and enhances fertility. One of the targets in the new U.N. goals adopted last September calls for the practice to be eliminated by 2030.

UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Geeta Rao Gupta said in a statement coinciding with the new report that “determining the magnitude of female genital mutilation is essential to eliminating the practice.”

While there has been an overall decline in the prevalence of female genital mutilation over the last three decades, UNICEF said it isn’t enough to keep up with increasing population growth. If current trends continue, it warned that the number of girls and women undergoing FGM “will rise significantly over the next 15 years.”

UNICEF statistical expert Claudia Cappa, lead author of the report, said the estimate of 200 million circumcisions comes from household surveys on the prevalence of female genital mutilation, and statistical modelling.

The 30 countries, mainly in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, “have large-scale representative data,” she told AP. “We still think this is a conservative estimate because we know there are many more countries where the practice exists, but we couldn’t report on it with the same level of care because we don’t have available data.”

Cappa said the practice exists in other countries not in the study, where large-scale data was not available, like India, Malaysia, Oman, Saudia [sic] Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, as well as in pockets in Australia, North America and Europe where immigrants from countries with a large number of female circumcisions live.

In the 30 countries, UNICEF said the majority of girls were circumcised before reaching their fifth birthdays. “In Yemen, 85 per cent of girls experienced the practice within their first week of life,” the agency said.

According to the data, girls under the age of 14 represent an estimated 44 million of those who have been cut, with the highest prevalence in this age group in Gambia at 56 per cent, Mauritania at 54 per cent and Indonesia where about half of girls aged 11 or under have undergone the practice.

Countries with the highest prevalence among girls and women aged 15 to 49 are Somalia at 98 per cent, Guinea at 97 per cent and Djibouti at 93 per cent, UNICEF said.
Go down and get your's cut out, good and deep... eehhhbuuhrrrrr the "Independent" communist... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Originally Posted by i'va biggen

0zombie Lover...

http://www.theguardian.com/world/gal...s-jacob-simkin Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Well yea, all those people think about is killing and war, and of course enslaving women. What was your point?
0zombie Lover...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
got mine sorry you missed yours,whiiffy

Well yea, all those people think about is killing and war, and of course enslaving women. What was your point? Originally Posted by nwarounder
Being bombed by three sides.
Philip Haney is a true patriot hero...
