Nashville Sucks

Introuble's Avatar
Ms. London.......I give......Your right...I'm wrong
Nashville is a wonderful place as I grew up there
Texas has a bunch of cheap bastards wanting cheap pussy

But did you watch the you tube video? You can't tell me that's not good! It's TEXAS Music, not that top 40 country crap coming out of Nashville these days!!!

The E.F. Hutton commercials line was "When E.F. Hutton speaks, people listen". I'm trying to listen, really, but the justifications you make for your tirade is so all over the board it's hard to keep up. Obviously, on your end Ms. London, there isn't no listening going on cause you're nalming me for things I did not do. I didn't bash Tn. I was defending Texas. Ms. London you need to keep track of your lies. You DID call me names. You ARE the only one bashing Texas. To prove you don't listen you acuse me of bein cheap but totally ignored the fact that I said I didn't care what a girl charges. I'd paid you're $400 but you demonstrated that you aren't the kind of woman I want to spend time with. I doubt that you can keep your mouth shut even when someone is paying you to do so.

The undeniable truth here is the only difference between a $200 girl and a $400 girl is two hundred dollars. You might hold your self image as if you're some kind of high-dollar-hottie, but trust me, without even meeting you I can tell you're not. I've spent time with the best and no one I can think of, even those wonderful ladies from Texas that only charge two bills, can hold a candle to your attitude. Holly of Houston vs. London Rayne? No comparison! I could take Holly to a family function and introduce her to my Mom and she'd love her. You? I'd be afraid you'd be ripping off everyones head that looked at you wrong!

One things for sure, even though we hide behind handles and anonymity on places like this forum, charachter leaks through no matter. Mine too of course, but I did no wrong other than speak up for my fine homeland in a tongue in cheek fashion, far undeserving of this kind of beratement.

I NEVER said Tn sucked. Introuble did. It's not my first rodeo Ms london. You might have understood that if youd READ what I wrote instead of going off on me. I HAVE met ladies in Nashville and they were fun. I will do it again but it won't be YOU! You don't get any of my MONEY because simply put, you're a snob! Yes that's right. Take a few steps back from yourself and read what you've been writing and try to read it from someone else's perspective. You come across like an arrogant SNOB! I'd use the B-word but I really go out of my way to try not to insult anyone. I'm not trying to be ugly now but up till now, I INSULTED NO ONE! I insulted no ones home. I offered good sound advice. Yet, somehow I'm the problem?

Next semester take a logic course Ms. London and as Ms. Babee said earlier, thanks for proving my point.

You're so full of yourself there's no reaching you so I agree with Introuble.. Lock it.
London Rayne's Avatar
Good lord guy does the term PSYCHO ring any bells? Nuff said ya big I called you a name lmao. Go away....your DRAMA is not wanted here, and I would be very careful using other providers as your line of defense. I am quite sure they don't care to be involved in your tirades, and stalkerish behavior.

I have taken all the logic courses I need, as well as Critical Thinking and ABNORMAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY lol. All the degrees in the world will not get you your wish....I will never kiss your azz because you don't deserve it. I don't take kindly to THREATS like you sent via pm and I still have a copy of it.....yea you were saying? No I did not bother watching your stupid video either...sorry.

Why anyone would give you a reference with a clear conscience is beyond me....she must have to stock extra tissues for all your CRYING and POOR ME episodes. I am not a snob...I just refuse to kiss your azz. Deal with it, and your clear insecurity issues.

Keep your money because you could not pay me enough to even deal with someone as whiney as you, even for an hour. As for your taking someone home comparison LMAO! Thanks but I have already been married lol. I am not sitting in a hotel room offering up half hours and waiting for my phone to ring honey, so get your facts straight. I guess that's the benefit of not having to see anyone just to get by lol....thank goodness!

I do more dinner dates and overnights than anything else, and mature men don't have to worry about this kind of brutal asked for it. My EVERY review over almost 3 years contradicts every possible bs statement you can make, so again na na na boo boo! Your nonsense is actually getting me more business because the MEN are laughing at you back channel lol.

In the REAL world where guys like you exist I just avoid them like the plague, but since YOU injerjected your stupidity HERE either put up or shut up because you are acting like some wounded war victim. If you are looking for sympathy keep looking, because I don't feel sorry for your kind. Man where is Eva Knevil for this guy lol.

I care for those you actually need help, not insecure GROWN MEN needing assurance....go CRY like a 5 yr. old, about London the snob somewhere else. I have not been disrespectful to anyone on this board other than you and your little buddy, and even that's reaching.

You are just annoyed that you can't pay me enough to even pretend to like you, like so many others do lmao...yea I said it PRETEND TO LIKE YOU!! Go put a bandage on your wounded ego and come back and see us when you are all better lol.
AH, For the public record, I did not in any way "threaten" this woman.

I have a copy also and here is what I sent her, unedited. If anyone can show me a "threat" in this please do.

<Are you serious? It's not up to YOU to decide if you've offended someone or not. Your arrogance is amazing and it only leaves me to believe not pursuing a meeting with you was the absolutely right thing to do. In two and a half decades of hobbying I've never heard of such an attitude from any lady, ever! When you offend someone you don't just continue to offend them like you just did. I'm surprised you have any success at all in this business with the poor people skills you exhibit. You obviosly haven't learned the basic rule of knowing your audience before you go off on someone. Trust me, Texas won't miss you and I for one am glad I got go see you reveal your true nature before I invested anything more. Good luck young lady, you're going to need it...>

That's it. That's all I said yet it's being interpreted as a "threat"?

Congratulations Ms. Rayne, in 25 years of being in the Hobby, you're the first person I put on an ignore list....
Lea Madisson's Avatar
I am just wondering if this thread has run its course. Nashville sucks... Texas sucks... I suck, though I think my meaning of suck is quite different from what this thread's definition on "suck" is.... LOL

Anyway, I think points are being rehashed and I would hate to see the discussion become name-calling and such...

Probably time to close this one!


Closed per OP's request, sorry I didn't see it sooner.