Beautiful But Crazy - How Do You Deal With It?

winn dixie's Avatar
Yes please lets not make this about SC...SC thinks 10 steps ahead...but if you truly believe I'm a broke liar then let no one dissuade you from that belief as I surely won't

And stop being envious of beautiful black IG models. Geez what gives? Lmao

And no you dont SC and have never met him and NEVER will. Your ideas of SC being some Austin loser is all in your mind. And quite hilarious to me...but if it entertains you then wallow in that entertainment.

And Lucas I adore you. I love your effort. Its sweet. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
lol Ten steps ahead? Why do you trip yourself up so often?
Good boy explain the threat you made to me.

In case you forgot what it's in red in my signature line.

To answer your question about mods in your pocket....I don't really give a rat's fuck if you have mods in your pocket or not.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Read the first part of rule 7 again and do yourself a favor and stop whining. It's so unbecoming.
It's ok sc

It's not a crime to be stupid so you are safe
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Surely you dont think your insults qualify as legit bait material do you? you'd have to try like 1000 more times to get a notable mention.
Not at all....I don't need bait. I'm not the one that has the meltdowns.
When you are ready you will meltdown from within. You don't need external help. You simply can't control yourself. That's why you look so stupid here. You are like a high-strung bitch that gets her panties all wadded up if things don't go her way. I don't believe I have ever seen any one on the boards as proud of themselves as you. Know how most people think of that?
It makes you look like a loser and no matter how smart you think you are still a loser and always will be a loser. You know this....that's why you constantly look for attention here....but you know in your heart that I am right.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So says the guy paying for pussy.

But is it 1865 I being given a speech after being set free. Sounds alot like something said to my ancestors. I guess you dont have an opinion on BSC crazy chics. Just SC 24/7 huh? consume way too much of me.

boardman's Avatar

But is it 1865 I being given a speech after being set free. Sounds alot like something said to my ancestors. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Good, Good. Let the hate flow through you...and expose your vulnerabilities...

He can't help it BM. He's his own enemy. He's always full of hate. He will never be happy with anyone until he can be happy with himself. I don't see that happening. Like I said....He will cause his own meltdown because he is his own enemy. He's totally insecure about himself. Kind of like a child.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-25-2019, 10:10 PM
tbone i've been following how you've been trolling SC for a while now. tbh, i see a Supreme Directive in your future. if you would have been doing that crap to me, it would have happened long ago. ijs.

your signature line is also a rule violation imo. it will be coming down shortly imo.
Good boy explain the threat you made to me.

In case you forgot what it's in red in my signature line.

To answer your question about mods in your pocket....I don't really give a rat's fuck if you have mods in your pocket or not. Originally Posted by tbone2u
You call sc a boy and you call me a foooking boy. Please stop doing that. We are men. Calling a black person a boy is extremely offensive and you probably know that. Where I come from that's extremely offensive but I had to give you a pass because where I come from we don't buy pussy, chicks do shit for us. So I'm in violation. #MOD TIES. Familia. My foooking clique. #get you sum. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez....
  • pxmcc
  • 03-25-2019, 10:34 PM
^^ya i'd like to see him call SC boy to his face. or you. or me, for that matter. it's not as bad calling a white person boy, but it would not fly with me in 1000 years..

i predict tbone is about to eat some points shortly. there's nothing funny about his conduct-including cyberstalking SC-and i for one am not amused in the least.
^^ya i'd like to see him call SC boy to his face. or you. or me, for that matter. it's not as bad calling a white person boy, but it would not fly with me in 1000 years..

i predict tbone is about to eat some points shortly. there's nothing funny about his conduct-including cyberstalking SC-and i for one am not amused in the least. Originally Posted by pxmcc
I said Boy also... BOY BYE ! Now, the word BOY is a flag on the play Yes, the meltdown has officially kicked off.. Aww hell. It's Tuesday. Last week the trio made it to Wednesday !!
So, it's a bad word.. but not as much of a bad word for white people Now, that sir is a contradiction that simple amuses me...
YOUR views on censorship and who should get points.. well, Im still here aren't I !! btw im still at ground 0 over here !! So much for the "Pocket Mods " and the rest of the crap you all have been posting all over co-ed.

Not only that, your post appears to be antagonizing some type of confrontation.. Can you please explain what you mean by:

"^^ya i'd like to see him call SC boy to his face. or you. or me, for that matter."
I will just leave that there like there rest of the mess you and your boy's-man bud's-homies-alter ego's whatever have started & haven't finished here..

Quick question does your phn/comp have spell check? Your punctuation hurts my eyes ! O wait, that's part of your disguise LOL from your other handles... Oh Hell. Never mind !

DarthMaul's Avatar
If this is true, leave her ass I can start pointing people??
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
If this is true, leave her ass I can start pointing people?? Originally Posted by DarthMaul
That would be nice sir. Lol

As long as it ain't me.