Georgia Election Problems - Continued...

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Blimey! ... What the Georgia Board of Elections is reviewing
now surely happens to be SEB2023-025. ... That shows 17,852 votes
counted with NO ballot images.... 20,713 original votes from
tabulations created out of thin air... And 3,930 duplicates
counted and inserted via intentional human error or fraud.

Is it any wonder that the Georgia Election Board has voted and
decided by a 5-4 decision that the Board members are entitled to
a "REASONABLE INQUIRY" into election discrepancies BEFORE
Certifying the results of an election.

Which means that the Board WILL review fraud claims and vote
discrepancies BEFORE doing election certification
in the future.

See? ... back in 2020 there Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger
stalled and stonewalled any investigation of voter fraud claims
and what-not - so the state could hurry-on and certify the
state votes BEFORE the facts could be viewed and come out.

Raffensperger and Kemp DID NOT want to take Trump's claims and
EVIDENCE to a Judge - because the Judge might have called for
a hold of the certification or a new election all together.

But the TRUTH is coming out - more each week.

... See, mates? ... Salty KNOWS! ... ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
What you claim makes no sense. Both Kemp and Raffensperger were solid Republicans who continually supported Trump. Over 50 cases were brought before judges contesting the election results and I would guess that some of them were filed in Georgia. All were dismissed by judges appointed by Bush, Obama, AND TRUMP. They had no merit and still do not.

No "truth" has come out and never will because the truth is there was no fraud in the 2020 election. Plain and simple. All of your claims have been debunked.

"Fact Check: Fulton County Did NOT Count 20,713 Votes That Did Not Exist In 2020 Election"

"Fact Check: Georgia Gov. Kemp Lawyers Did NOT Notify Sec. of State Raffensperger '17,852 Invalid 2020 Votes' Counted In Fulton County"

One lie after another.
... Let me understand this - yer "fact check" lead storys
know more about the Georgia Voter Fraud then me-self and
the Georgia Board of Elections?? ... You keep mentioning
cases brought to Judges that the Judges wicked-away, so NOT
to delay the Certification. ... NOT because of lack of standing
or lack of evidence.

The Judge didn't wick-away the Georgia "show the Fulton County
ballots" case - that one went to the Georgia Supreme Court
- who stated "we" the people have the right to see 'em. ...

So, you're WRONG about yer thought of all the cases being dismissed.
It's Voter Fraud NOT showing the ballots.

Though YOU are correct on one point - it was NOT Brian Kemp's
barristers who told Raffensperger about the 17,000 some votes
being counted - and the claims of Joe Rossi --- It was Kemp
who told Raffensperger, himself.

.. And come to mention - me Political "Insider" mates are sayin' that
- publicly - Brian Kemp is telling anyone who'll listen that he's
completely behind Trump re-election - and surely wants to see
Trump Win Georgia and the Presidency. ...

Of course Kemp will state that publicly - seeing as a Federal
Investigation next year may bury Raffensperger.

... YOU can feel free to believe what you wish there, mate.
Me-own claims have NOT been debunked - as YOU are the one
who is sadly mis-informed. ... You forget the so-called
"counting errors" by Fulton County... And the tabulation
"errors" that has led to the NEW decisions voted on by
the Georgia Elections Board. ... So are those "Lies"??

#### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
What you claim makes no sense. Both Kemp and Raffensperger were solid Republicans who continually supported Trump. Over 50 cases were brought before judges contesting the election results and I would guess that some of them were filed in Georgia. All were dismissed by judges appointed by Bush, Obama, AND TRUMP. They had no merit and still do not.

No "truth" has come out and never will because the truth is there was no fraud in the 2020 election. Plain and simple. All of your claims have been debunked.

"Fact Check: Fulton County Did NOT Count 20,713 Votes That Did Not Exist In 2020 Election"

"Fact Check: Georgia Gov. Kemp Lawyers Did NOT Notify Sec. of State Raffensperger '17,852 Invalid 2020 Votes' Counted In Fulton County"

One lie after another. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You're correct but you are wasting your time. The best thing to do is let the guy talk to himself with this way too late and irrelevant at this point in time silly nonsense... there is absolutely nothing you can post in this thread that he will consider factual unless it is 100% pro Trump and supports his false claims.
TechPapi's Avatar
You're correct but you are wasting your time. The best thing to do is let the guy talk to himself with this way too late and irrelevant at this point in time silly nonsense... there is absolutely nothing you can post in this thread that he will consider factual unless it is 100% pro Trump and supports his false claims. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You are absolutely correct. The GA claims have been disproven long ago, and it's difficult to tell if the OP is trolling for attention or just loves bathing in the rabbit hole of bullshit.

I think a strategy of starving these types of threads are better. Just let it sit there like the silly turd it is...baking in the sun.
... Please point out WHAT was "disproven".

#### Salty
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Let me understand this - yer "fact check" lead storys
know more about the Georgia Voter Fraud then me-self and
the Georgia Board of Elections?? ... You keep mentioning
cases brought to Judges that the Judges wicked-away, so NOT
to delay the Certification. ... NOT because of lack of standing
or lack of evidence.

The Judge didn't wick-away the Georgia "show the Fulton County
ballots" case - that one went to the Georgia Supreme Court
- who stated "we" the people have the right to see 'em. ...

So, you're WRONG about yer thought of all the cases being dismissed.
It's Voter Fraud NOT showing the ballots.

Though YOU are correct on one point - it was NOT Brian Kemp's
barristers who told Raffensperger about the 17,000 some votes
being counted - and the claims of Joe Rossi --- It was Kemp
who told Raffensperger, himself.

.. And come to mention - me Political "Insider" mates are sayin' that
- publicly - Brian Kemp is telling anyone who'll listen that he's
completely behind Trump re-election - and surely wants to see
Trump Win Georgia and the Presidency. ...

Of course Kemp will state that publicly - seeing as a Federal
Investigation next year may bury Raffensperger.

... YOU can feel free to believe what you wish there, mate.
Me-own claims have NOT been debunked - as YOU are the one
who is sadly mis-informed. ... You forget the so-called
"counting errors" by Fulton County... And the tabulation
"errors" that has led to the NEW decisions voted on by
the Georgia Elections Board. ... So are those "Lies"??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
They are currently unsubstantiated claims made by you. Let's put them in the "just wait" category along with most of your other claims.
... No, let's NOT.

... The Georgia State Board of Elections HAS substantiated
some of me claims there, mate.

But do you really think Brian Kemp and Sec. of State Raffensperger
want to admit to everybody that they were made aware of voting
problems and potential FRAUD - that they just ignored the
complaints and went ahead with the Certification anyway??

It's going to take a Federal Investigation to do that.

... So, as you say, mate - we may have to "Just Wait"...

#### Salty
TechPapi's Avatar
They are currently unsubstantiated claims made by you. Let's put them in the "just wait" category along with most of your other claims. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
... No, let's NOT.

... The Georgia State Board of Elections HAS substantiated
some of me claims there, mate.

But do you really think Brian Kemp and Sec. of State Raffensperger
want to admit to everybody that they were made aware of voting
problems and potential FRAUD - that they just ignored the
complaints and went ahead with the Certification anyway??

It's going to take a Federal Investigation to do that.

... So, as you say, mate - we may have to "Just Wait"...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again


SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... No, let's NOT.

... The Georgia State Board of Elections HAS substantiated
some of me claims there, mate.

But do you really think Brian Kemp and Sec. of State Raffensperger
want to admit to everybody that they were made aware of voting
problems and potential FRAUD - that they just ignored the
complaints and went ahead with the Certification anyway??

It's going to take a Federal Investigation to do that.

... So, as you say, mate - we may have to "Just Wait"...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I'd like to see PROOF via legitimate articles that state that Kemp and Raffensberger were aware of voting problems and potential fraud prior to the certification.

And I'd like to see legitimate articles that state the Georgia State Board of Elections investigating the 2 claims you made that I refuted with fact checks.
Precious_b's Avatar
Salty, why do you always ask us to wait so long for things that are never going to happen? Can't you be more considerate and just give us actual announcement dates for these comical things that will never happen? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

... Let me understand this... Originally Posted by Salty Again
Seeing what people have clearly, concisely, precisely have already posted here, I don't think you can.

... Please point out WHAT was "disproven".

... Originally Posted by Salty Again
After you, sir.
Park the trolling at the door first, please.

... No, let's NOT.

... Originally Posted by Salty Again


Originally Posted by TechPapi
I'd like to see PROOF via legitimate articles that state that Kemp and Raffensberger were aware of voting problems and potential fraud prior to the certification.

And I'd like to see legitimate articles that state the Georgia State Board of Elections investigating the 2 claims you made that I refuted with fact checks. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Let's see....
Tallying up the totals, we see that NaCl-y has ZERO supporting evidence in the form of vetted, highly factual, near centered links.

While those who haven't drank the orange koolaid are a practical cornucopia of wealth in the unadulturated truth.

Keep trolling salty. We know the clicks get ad revenue
... It's oddly interesting that you lads ask me for links and
sources for things - and when I give them to you and tell
you where to look - you either don't fancy the site or source
- if it's not CNN, MSNBC or Huffington Post - or you fellows
run away and WON'T look.

I have two or three previous GA Election threads - with facts,
truth and sources there - and yet you fellows keep saying
that they all are lies.

The Georgia Election Board surely don't believe they are lies,
as they saw PROOF of the votes being mis-counted and the
way the machines can be manipulated. ... And it's now to the
point that Georgia no longer wants to use machine.

Bring back Paper Ballots! ...

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
... It's oddly interesting that you lads ask me for links and
sources for things - and when I give them to you and tell
you where to look - you either don't fancy the site or source
You unerringly use sources that are heavily biased and low factual content when run through a vetting site. Those that have said ill of such vetting site have not stepped up and volunteered a better site.

- if it's not CNN, MSNBC or Huffington Post - or you fellows
run away and WON'T look.

*I* don't pay any attention to any of those site. Don't even bother to vet them.

I have two or three previous GA Election threads - with facts,
truth and sources there - and yet you fellows keep saying
that they all are lies.

And see what happened to them. Take heed of my first posting in this reply and proceed accordingly.
Otherwise this is just another troll thread for click bait.

The Georgia Election Board surely don't believe they are lies,
as they saw PROOF of the votes being mis-counted and the
way the machines can be manipulated. ... And it's now to the
point that Georgia no longer wants to use machine.

Bring back Paper Ballots! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Again, you have yet to supply proof of such that meets the metric of my first response on this reply.
... Oh, a vetting site...

Hee Hee! ... They're accurate...

... See? ... I have the Georgia Board of Elections on me side.
They didn't listen to what Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger
wanted - they ruled the very way that I wanted, with their
recent decision on viewing election information and challenges
BEFORE vote certification. ...

#### Salty
... And - wait - there's More!

... NEW Rules by the GA Board of Elections - which will require
Voting Precincts to COMPARE ballots with Voter IDs - to ensure
that the counts are correct - BEFORE certification.

And Countys there will need to withhold vote certification
until any election Fraud claims are addressed.

... Rather obvious that the GA Elections Board has seen too many
instances of vote counting "mistakes", significant odd errors,
procedure violations, and flat-out disregard for seeking the truth
about the 2020 election.

... Just as I've been tellin' you lads for over a year now.

#### Salty
... And - wait - there's More!

... NEW Rules by the GA Board of Elections - which will require
Voting Precincts to COMPARE ballots with Voter IDs - to ensure
that the counts are correct - BEFORE certification.

And Countys there will need to withhold vote certification
until any election Fraud claims are addressed.

... Rather obvious that the GA Elections Board has seen too many
instances of vote counting "mistakes", significant odd errors,
procedure violations, and flat-out disregard for seeking the truth
about the 2020 election.

... Just as I've been tellin' you lads for over a year now.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Here's what you haven't been telling us: that the the GA State Board of Elections has been taken over by Far Right deniers and biased hacks. They are an unelected body, put into power through an orchestrated takeover by the Georgia Republican Party. They are supposed to be apolitical, yet they have been corrupted.

These "rules" you are so keen on are nothing but them following the script of a bunch of right-wing activitst who have continued to drive the lies that the 2020 election was stolen.

You speak of them like they are some type of higher power that is going to bring truth with their "investigations" and prevent future fraud. Nothing is further from the truth. They are setting the stage in Georgia to suppress votes and establish the means to delay certification in the upcoming election if things don't go the way they want.

You have misrepresented them and their actions. This is not a fair, unbiased, apolitical group of officials looking to ensure fair elections. They now exist to follow the will of the Trump supporters and election deniers in the state GOP. This is not going to be good.