In the Dark Recesses of the Human Mind

LL, would you agree evangelicals love Israel and will not desert her? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
What does that mean?

Are you relying on the evangelical vote to drag America into a regional conflict if there is one?
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Wow, will wonders never cease? Maybe there truly is hope for mankind because I never thought I'd see the day whey I would agree with and praise both JDB and COG, but here it is. Way to go guys!

It has been my experience that people actually involved don't celebrate that much. Note the reaction of the police in Boston. The others are just spectators and are reacting like they are watching a sporting event rather than real life. It seemed over the top and will probably be used by our enemies to show how low we can go. Yes, they (and you know who they are) go much lower. Note the reactions around the world to 9/11. I would like to see my country celebrate in a much more subdued, less sporting event manner (adult). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes, the celebrations were understandable, but unseemly at the very least. First responders and those who deal with the aftermath of incidents like this and with run of the mill criminals or natural disasters do not normally celebrate like this. Yes, it may be used by those who are against us, but just about anything can be twisted to use against us by those who desire to inflict pain and suffering and thereby gain power. Most of what I feel is sadness at the senselessness of most of it and a good deal of relief at the quick resolution.

While I do not want to offend SOTF, and others on here, if you read this post thoughtfully and slowly, it is quite possibly the most intelligent and courageous statement I've seen posted. When we focus on how we are different from each other, instead of how we are similar to each other, violence is result. Subtle violence, like anger, jealousy and hatred, or more overt violence, like what we see in Boston.

Excellent and thought provoking post, Zabrina! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

COG, I can't help but be a little provocative but I sure wish you would read thoughtfully and slowly more often! Perhaps we should take a clue from you and do that ourselves too? But for grace, or the grace of God, or luck and circumstance, there go we all. You are dead on here COG, we are all far more similar than we are different and anyone who tells you that they could never fall into a trap to do something heinous probably does not understand human nature very well. Violence has been a fact of "civilized" human life and society for over 5 thousand years and life was usually much more violent before that. Instigating violence is almost always wrong (not to mention usually counter productive) and as Gandhi and Martin Luther King have shown and Buddhists and Jain's have practiced for millennia there are other ways.

Only when we know as much of the full story of these Chechan Muslim immigrants will we really be able to judge what brought them to do this. We need that understanding to attempt to avoid similar situations in the future. Unfortunately, the specter of violence and retribution for both real and imagined wrongs will likely always be with us as long as we are human.
Let's take a page out of the Providers' Book and S E L L the war goods to our friends! Maybe even make a profit on the sales until we balance out our accounting. It is still a big favor to provide to them.

just sayin'

Old Dingus
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
I can see how you might feel that way. But 50 million evangelical Christians love us and will not desert us. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
The only reason they "love us" and by "love us" you should mean they love Israel and not Jews, is because they believe you play a part in the end of days and the 2nd coming. That is the main reason and has almost nothing to do with Jews or Israel's inherent qualities or even Jesus' admonition to love thy neighbor. Protestations to the contrary are just a cover up.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Let the evangelicals fund it. They are masters of fundraising. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Either that or we should buy it and rent it back! I like that idea.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-23-2013, 02:01 PM
Let's take a page out of the Providers' Book and S E L L the war goods to our friends! Maybe even make a profit on the sales until we balance out our accounting. It is still a big favor to provide to them.

just sayin'

Old Dingus Originally Posted by Old Dingus

we sell tons of weaponry or "war goods" as you call it to Israel ... after we give them a billion bucks in foreign aid $$

aka as pissing in your pants and not getting your socks wet


Under a Bush-era agreement, U.S. weapons transfers to Israel are scheduled to total $30 billion from 2009-2018, an annual average increase of 25 percent above previous levels. With this 2007 Memorandum of Understanding, the United States solidified Israel’s position as the largest recipient of U.S. military aid this decade. In line with increases proposed under this arrangement, President Obama asked for a record-breaking $3.075 billion of weapons for Israel in his 2012 budget request
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The only reason they "love us" and by "love us" you should mean they love Israel and not Jews, is because they believe you play a part in the end of days and the 2nd coming. That is the main reason and has almost nothing to do with Jews or Israel's inherent qualities or even Jesus' admonition to love thy neighbor. Protestations to the contrary are just a cover up. Originally Posted by austxjr
From John Hagee:

St. Paul recorded in Romans 15:27 "For if the Gentiles have shared in their (the Jews) spiritual things, they are indebted to minister to them also in material things."
Christians owe a debt of eternal gratitude to the Jewish people for their contributions that gave birth to the Christian faith. Jesus Christ, a prominent Rabbi from Nazareth said, "Salvation is of the Jews!" (St. John 4:22) consider what the Jewish people have given to Christianity:
  1. The Sacred Scripture
  2. The Prophets
  3. The Patriarchs
  4. Mary, Joseph, and Jesus Christ of Nazareth
  5. The Twelve Disciples
  6. The Apostles
It is not possible to say, "I am a Christian" and not love the Jewish people. The Bible teaches that love is not what you say, but what you do. (1 John 3:18) "A bell is not a bell until you ring it, a song is not a song until you sing it, love is not love until you share it."

Those of you who want to make a more immediate impact may do so here:

  • 04-23-2013, 02:08 PM
Muoi ba... lol

Let see how effective the dzug is dr.carter

O.K. To clarify, quit giving away our money and things of value and S E L L only.

Clear enough?

Old Dingus
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
What does that mean?

Are you relying on the evangelical vote to drag America into a regional conflict if there is one? Originally Posted by ExNYer
If the regional conflict involves Israel, yes.
LexusLover's Avatar
Well, from your previous reply, I thought you were one of them, not some unpatriotic fucker who buys foreign cars! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You mean like Robert Kennedy, Jr.

Besides, who said I bought "foreign cars"?

Personally, I would think anyone who bought one of those wide tired, jacked up, gas guzzling, hickups .. (aka pickups), made the "good ole USA" with on of those monster engines installed with loud pipes and louder noise coming from the speakers .. would be the more UNPATRIOTIC, because they are contributing to this country's dependency on oil from overses (Middle East?) and according to some wizards on here .. that's making us less safe!

Besides why would driving a "foreign car" made in the USA be ... err ...

.. unpatriotic?

How about hauling a US built car in Israel? Unpatriotic?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You mean like Robert Kennedy, Jr.

Besides, who said I bought "foreign cars"?

Personally, I would think anyone who bought one of those wide tired, jacked up, gas guzzling, hickups .. (aka pickups), made the "good ole USA" with on of those monster engines installed with loud pipes and louder noise coming from the speakers .. would be the more UNPATRIOTIC, because they are contributing to this country's dependency on oil from overses (Middle East?) and according to some wizards on here .. that's making us less safe!

Besides why would driving a "foreign car" made in the USA be ... err ...

.. unpatriotic? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Isn't your Lexus (I know mine is) made in Japan by honorable Japanese Samurai? Or is Lexus the name of some stripper you like?
  • 04-23-2013, 02:38 PM
You mean like Robert Kennedy, Jr.

Besides, who said I bought "foreign cars"?

Personally, I would think anyone who bought one of those wide tired, jacked up, gas guzzling, hickups .. (aka pickups), made the "good ole USA" with on of those monster engines installed with loud pipes and louder noise coming from the speakers .. would be the more UNPATRIOTIC, because they are contributing to this country's dependency on oil from overses (Middle East?) and according to some wizards on here .. that's making us less safe!

Besides why would driving a "foreign car" made in the USA be ... err ...

.. unpatriotic? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Why dont you fuck learn to fix your own fucking problem instead of listening to johnny.... and if you dont like the fucking answer you mother fucker start dzuging or threating ..... Fuck off and stop causing problem in this family....
LexusLover's Avatar
Isn't your Lexus (I know mine is) made in Japan by honorable Japanese Samurai? Or is Lexus the name of some stripper you like? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
See how superficial and shallow you are?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
See how superficial and shallow you are? Originally Posted by LexusLover