Dishonest abe. community please read. ALERT

As I said in an earlier post here, lots of accusations get thrown about on Eccie. Usually, the accusatory post is done as a baiting tactic to get the accused to respond, and hopefully to the accuser, you post something that violates Eccie guidelines so they can RTM your post.

In all honesty, to ask for proof of the validity of these accusations from those who have an agenda always falls on deaf ears, which in turn, should speak volumes about the credibility of those accusations and the accuser. Problem is, too many people on this site get told what to think and even blindly carry the water for the trolls, becoming one themselves. Pathetic!! Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Dude. You need a freaking hug. Doom and gloom. You aren't happy here. Why stay? Just to piss and moan. Jesus and baby tebow.
CG2014's Avatar
Give Wile a break. He is still trying to get over Relax going away.

The poor man is in mourning.

motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 05-12-2019, 08:03 PM
Dude. You need a freaking hug. Doom and gloom. You aren't happy here. Why stay? Just to piss and moan. Jesus and baby tebow. Originally Posted by texrider

This is what Wile does
Let's try to stay on topic. Whatever that was...
Cumflywithme42's Avatar
Lol we have a old saying in the south a hit dog will always holler I never even sad your name but here you come barking up the wrong tree truth hurts but go kick rocks if think I would put people out on a fucking list. foolishness there a easy to find out just like I did
Lol we have a old saying in the south a hit dog will always holler I never even sad your name but here you come barking up the wrong tree truth hurts but go kick rocks if think I would put people out on a fucking list. foolishness there a easy to find out just like I did Originally Posted by Cumflywithme42
well, this thread is about me smart guy.. and you did make that accusation under my post on this thread..

i knew you didn't have any proof, so go crawl back under your rock and hide..

ps - thanks for your valuable contributions on this board.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
well, this thread is about me smart guy.. and you did make that accusation under my post on this thread..

i knew you didn't have any proof, so go crawl back under your rock and hide..

ps - thanks for your valuable contributions on this board. Originally Posted by honest_abe
I agree with you abe.

On this board, proof is not needed as perception is the greater part of reality. If one posts his lies often enough, not only does he start believing they are true, but others who are highly susceptible to getting told what to think believe and even spread the lies as well.

On Eccie, it would appear that members who posts their agendas and accusations seem to be a more valuable contributor/member than guys who post reviews on this particular review board.
yep.. anyone can post anything and the trolls will run with it..
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
As a former Texas Rangers manager said about baseball, "That's how Eccie go".