No reviews? ... you must be gay

This from the dumb fuck who thought he was in the Philly forums. And get this. He tried to bust my balls about spelling. He suggested that I get spell chick. True story. Biggie, go back to KC, if you know where that's located. You're too stupid to qualify as a jagoff. Originally Posted by bambino

Thanks for verifying in front of your buds, It is spell check because you can't spell. You are like a broken tool in the box.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thanks for verifying in front of your buds, It is spell check because you can't spell. You are like a broken tool in the box. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I have a cousin who used to practice medicine in PGH. Maybe he knows a good urologist there who can fix a BROKEN TOOL on a BAD MAN!