Everyone who is replying to this or PM me is going straight to the ignore list.
Save it for someone who gives a damn!
Good luck paying your rent to all the ladies who didn't respond to my PMs earlier tonight.
I am not the one scrounging on the 4th or 5th of each month trying to pay housing bills or the car payment and racking up $100s in late fees every month.
I don't have that problem. My bills are paid every month on time or many times 3-6 months at a time ahead of time before they are even due and I am paying for more than one place in more than one city in more than one state.
Guess y'all prefer a hobbyist who is seeing 4-5 girls a day, being catholic, posting provider reviews faster than selling cupcakes, risking health issues by not playing it safe than a hobbyist who only has 2 provider reviews, who plays safe, who doesn't care for catholic girls, who doesn't treat his providers reviews post count like a contest and a daily quota.
Half of the hobbyists y'all are seeing are old and shriveled and over weight and you won't even think of ever seeing them or even saying hi to them if they weren't giving you roses. So if you want to cherry pick and pick those types of guys, go ahead. Originally Posted by CG2014